Planning and prioritising skills (Aakash students)

Hi there!
We are glad you are here.
As students, all of you have dreams and goals. In fact, there may be so many things you will need to accomplish on a daily basis that make you feel like there isn’t enough time - always.

This quiz will help you learn more about your planning and prioritising skills!


Hi there!
We are glad you are here.
As students, all of you have dreams and goals. In fact, there may be so many things you will need to accomplish on a daily basis that make you feel like there isn’t enough time - always.

This quiz will help you learn more about your planning and prioritising skills!


Read each statment carefully and indicate the degree to which you think the statement describes you. Remember there are no right or wrong answers!
Not very like me
Not like me
Like me
Very like me
Before starting my day, I list down all the activities for the day so I can make an appropriate schedule.
I usually narrow down on important tasks for each day and work on them one by one.
I do the most important activity first thing in the morning.
While planning my day, I take into account any obstacles that may come my way.
I ensure that my plans are flexible so that I can make important changes when needed.
I put consistent efforts into my work instead of waiting for motivation or creative sparks.
{"name":"Planning and prioritising skills (Aakash students)", "url":"","txt":"Hi there!   We are glad you are here. As students, all of you have dreams and goals. In fact, there may be so many things you will need to accomplish on a daily basis that make you feel like there isn’t enough time - always. This quiz will help you learn more about your planning and prioritising skills!, Read each statment carefully and indicate the degree to which you think the statement describes you. Remember there are no right or wrong answers!","img":""}
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