Jewish News Quiz: Jan. 20, 2023

How did a segment of the Orthodox world react after an influencer's livestream was disrupted by a naked man?
Said she "got what you deserve" because of her feminist activism
Organized a crowdsourced investigative campaign that identified the perpetrator
Hired a professional livestream facilitator contractor to help prevent future incidents
Banned livestreaming
Who is the titular character in the new thriller The Man in the Basement?
A refugee from the Nazis in Vichy France
A Nazi SS agent in Vichy France
A rabbi kicked out of his congregation
A Holocaust-denying squatter
The Forward recently interviewed which former member of George Santos' campaign?
A gay, actually Jewish man who says he never questioned Santos' story
A fundraiser who makes paintings of the Holocaust
An anonymous staffer who says Santos refused to answer internal questions about his identity in the final weeks of the campaign
Santos' campaign manager, who says he regrets taking the job
Josh Shapiro plans to have a kosher kitchen at the Pennsylvania governor's mansion. Which U.S. president served kosher latkes as part of the first White House Hanukkah party?
Jimmy Carter
Ronald Reagan
George W. Bush
Barack Obama
What did fans of White Sox ace Dylan Cease learn about him this week?
That he has Jewish roots
That he attended a Jewish day school, even though he is not Jewish
That he ended his friendship with catcher Jake Powell over Powell's antisemitic remarks on talk radio
That he has volunteered at a local synagogue for years, initially as teshuva for antisemitism in his youth
What did Harvard University do this week after an outcry alleging that they denied the former director of Human Rights Watch a fellowship there over his criticism of Israel?
Rehired him and said "it was wrong of us to use his legitimate political stances as a basis of evaluation"
Rehired him but maintained that their initial decision was unrelated to his comments
Gave the fellowship to a staunchly pro-Israel author instead
Unearthed previously unpublished antisemitic remarks he made during a 2011 campus visit
What objection does a synagogue in Woodstock, New York, have to a proposed "glamping" site?
That the deforestation to build it would be violate Jewish law
That its owner has made allegedly antisemitic remarks
That its noise would disrupt Shabbat services
That its waste would dirty a pond used as a mikvah
What did the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy do with a painting of Jesus at sea in a prominent classroom?
Moved it to the dining hall, an even more prominent location
Obscured it with a curtain
Took it down and moved it to their museum
Tried to take it down, accidentally damaging it beyond repair in the process
{"name":"Jewish News Quiz: Jan. 20, 2023", "url":"","txt":"Please enter your email address, How did a segment of the Orthodox world react after an influencer's livestream was disrupted by a naked man?, Who is the titular character in the new thriller The Man in the Basement?","img":""}
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