Harry Potter Blood Status

A vibrant illustration of Hogwarts castle with students from different houses interacting, magical elements surrounding them, in an enchanting style.

Discover Your Harry Potter Blood Status

Are you a Gryffindor or a Slytherin at heart? Have you always wondered which blood type you would belong to in the Wizarding World? Take our engaging quiz to find out your Harry Potter blood status!

  • Answer fun and insightful questions.
  • Explore your Hogwarts House, favorite professors, and more!
  • Join fellow Potterheads in a magical journey.
13 Questions3 MinutesCreated by CastingSpell321
What is your Hogwarts House?
How well do you know Harry Potter?
I have read all the books.
I have watched all the movies(in English).
I have read all the books but watched the movies partially.
I have watched all the movies but read the books partially.
I have watched all the books and all the movies.
How long have you known about the Harry Potter Franchise?
A year or less
2-5 years
6-8 years
More than a decade
How were you introduced to the Wizarding World?
I heard it from my friends.
I stumbled across it by chance.
A family member told me.
I don't remember.
Do your parents know about your HP obsession?
They know I am obsessed with Harry Potter.
They know about Harry Potter but not my obsession with it.
They know about my obsession but not Harry Potter.
They have no idea about my obsession or Harry Potter.
Who would be your favorite Professor at Hogwarts?
Who is most likely to be your friend at Hogwarts?
Draco Malfoy
Hermione Granger
Cedric Diggory
Luna Lovegood
Which complementary Muggle subject would you choose?
Spells - English Language
Care of Magical Creatures - Biology
Study of Ancient Runes - History
Potions - Chemistry
Arithmancy - Maths
Defense against Dark Arts - 6th Subject
It's your first year at Hogwarts. You are walking down the corridors of Hogwarts when you notice two of your classmates fighting. What do you do?
Call an authority. Now is not the time to risk anything.
Intervene between them to stop the fight.
Choose sides and start fighting yourself.
Ignore the situation and walk away.
It's your fourth year at Hogwarts. You hear a few second year students conspiring to enter the Triwizard Tournament unlawfully. What do you do?
Immediately inform the authority.
Take action on them yourself.
Get involved in the conspiracy yourself.
Ignore them.
It is your final year at Hogwarts. Your friend has been wrongly accused of something he/she hasn't done, and will not be allowed to write their NEWTs. But you have no proof to prove their innocence. What do you do?
Frame someone else to save your friend.
Get help from a Professor/ Ghost.
Use magic to produce fake evidences.
Try to gather evidences on your own.
How do you treat people who don't know about Harry Potter?
Force them into the fandom by showering them with facts and figures.
Mock them for missing out on an Amazing franchise.
Don't force them, but occasionally annoy them with random HP facts.
Leave them as they are, and move on.
Finally, what do you want your blood-type to be?
Pure-blood as it should be.
Half-blood and proud.
Muggle-born and proud.
I'll proudly accept whatever I get.
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