Chapter 12 CCT324 (Decision Making)

A decision made from unconscious processing of a person's many experiences is called
Escalated commitment
Decision making
A group decision-making method in which each individual team member preplans their ideas and solutions for the problem and brings these ideas to the group, is known as
Consistency bias
Nominal group technique
A choice made from alternatives is defined as
A criterion
A decision
An attribution
A problem
A judgement
Allocating weights to the decision criteria is unnecessary if
All criteria are equally relevant.
All criteria are relevant.
There are only two.
A team is not making the decision.
There are three or more criteria.
As a practice, we should assume our most of our decisions are ________, and evaluate them with a critical process.
Compared to group decision-making, individual decision-making outperforms on the criteria of
More complete information
Acceptance of solution
Higher quality decision
Diversity of perspectives
It is important to note that what is considered unethical in one country may not be viewed similarly in another country. This is because
North Americans have homogeneous values.
Cultural differences are extreme in Asia.
Perspective is subjective
Western culture encourages individuality while Eastern culture supports group behaviour.
There are no global ethical standards.
Looking for a solution that is satisfactory and sufficient is called
Seeking an implicit favorite
Of the following, which best characterizes the satisficing decision-making process?
Using the decision confirmation process
Seeking an acceptable solution
One which seeks optimization
Following bounded rationality
Searching for consistency
Rationality assumes
High intelligence
Unlimited power and influence
Unlimitied choices
People who lack a ________ sense are much less likely to make unethical decisions if the organizational environment ignores ethical behaviours.
Strong intuitive
Strong moral
Moderate extroverted
Weak behaviour
Strong judgemental
One shortcut in judgment that may weaken the decision-making process is in a specific situation is
Randomness error
Hindsight bias
The question, "Is the decision fair and equitable?" helps determine which of the following?
Whether the decision is ethical
Whether a product should be introduced or not
Whether to go ahead with the cost investment
How to go about investing in your people
Whether an idea has merit or not
The rational decision-making model would best be described as an exercise in
Establishing goals
Evaluating alternatives.
Evaluating people.
Choosing the option of highest utility.
Focusing on corporate culture.
The tendency for people to base their judgments on information that is readily available but may NOT be accurate is called
Representative bias
Heuristical fallacy
Availability bias
Bounded discretion
Escalation of commitment
Utilitarianism is used in decisions that provide the
Least good for the least number.
Greatest good for the least privileged.
Greatest good for the best performers.
Greatest good for the decision makers.
Greatest good for the greatest number.
What can happen to righteous individuals when the organizational environment permits or encourages unethical practices?
Have less productivity
Allow others to influence them
Change their values
See a new perspective
Become corrupted
When ethical behaviour and consequences vary depending on national culture, this presents
Some concern over group behaviours conflicting.
Challenges to overcome conflict.
Opportunities for domestic decision making.
Problems for those doing business in other countries.
Solutions for changing individual behaviour.
Which of the following are criteria for making ethical choices?
Utilitarianism, care, justice, satisficing
Care, utilitarianism, heuristics, rights
Heuristics, utilitarianism, justice, rights
Satisficing, justice, rights, heuristics
Utilitarianism, justice, rights, care
Which of the following describes the tendency for people to be too optimistic about their abilities?
Overconfidence bias
Bounded discretion
Availability bias
Escalation of commitment
Heuristical fallacy
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