Are a you sad or only a semi sad hunk of a human being

A comic-style illustration of a sad but handsome person sitting on a couch surrounded by anime posters, fast food, and funny memes, with a thought bubble that says 'Am I semi-sad?'

Are You a Sad or Semi-Sad Hunk?

Discover your level of sadness with our quirky quiz! Answer a series of lighthearted questions about your preferences, habits, and opinions. Whether you're a casual viewer of comedy shows or an avid anime fan, find out where you stand on the scale of happiness.

  • Engaging questions!
  • A fun way to reflect on yourself!
  • Share your results with friends!
15 Questions4 MinutesCreated by LaughingLion257
What’s your favorite kind of things to watch?
The office
Brooklyn nine nine
How I met your mother
What’s your favorite food?
Nothing I hAVe aN eATiNG dIsOrDEr
Do you find lolly neko girls hOT?
Fuck I ain’t Liam Wilson
No I ain’t a fag
YES tHeY’Re sO hOT
How often do you masturbate?
I do not! I am I child of god
As much as a normal person would
I don’t tbh
EVeRY tIME I sEE a nEkO gIrL
Would you fuck thy jaké?
I wouldn’t *even tho I like him* cuz I’m not into sexual acts
I’d rather suck satan’s cock in hell
For a hypothesis *WINK WONK*
Do you like to hang out with friends?
Yes, I love my friends
Yes, I love my big fags
Obviously! They’re the only thing that can tame my gay
WHaT? nO! I dONt hAVE aNY fRIenDS I’M aNtISocIAL
How often do you shower
Every day
Once every second day if not every day
Every second day
Once a week or twice a week if I’m being fancy
How do you care for your hair
I care for my hair a lot, but it’s unhealthy
I care for it as much as a person regular would. It’s very healthy
Fuck my hair, I bleach that bitch regularly. It’s still clean and semi healthy tho
I have dan
Are your lobes hairy?
No my fucking lobes aren’t hairy
No I don’t have fucking lobe hair
Why do you guys always make fun of me?
How do you start conversations?
With memes
By asking a question
With capital letters and screaming
With “oh hey nice to see you too, it’s been a while. How are you? I’m shitty thanks.” No matter the what the other person said first
Do you shave your pubes?
Once a week
Wait, you can do that?
Do you look Asian even tho you ain’t?
Yes, it’s odd
No, I look like a normal white girl
No, I look like a Dora ass bitch
I wish
Who’s better Iron man or Captain America?
Iron man.
Obviously Iron man
I don’t give a fuck
Captain America
How often do you whine about your social anxiety and depression?
Once a month
I don’t complain about any disorders a haven’t been diagnosed with.
I don’t, I’m fine.
All the time
Do you like hentai?
Absolutely not
Fuck no
Yes all the way I love my anime titty waifu
{"name":"Are a you sad or only a semi sad hunk of a human being", "url":"","txt":"Discover your level of sadness with our quirky quiz! Answer a series of lighthearted questions about your preferences, habits, and opinions. Whether you're a casual viewer of comedy shows or an avid anime fan, find out where you stand on the scale of happiness.Engaging questions!A fun way to reflect on yourself!Share your results with friends!","img":"https:/images/course5.png"}
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