Friday Flash Poll: Will new pension changes improve your retirement?

What is your retirement situation?
Fully retired
Approaching retirement
I don't think I'll ever retire
What is your main form of income?
Fully employed
Part-time/casual employment
Full Age Pension
Part Age Pension
Retired – fully self-funded
Disability Pension
Full Newstart payments
Fully employed
Part-time/casual employment
Please Specify:
Estimate your total annual income
$100,001 or more
I'd rather not say
Which of the following pension changes will help you? (select all that apply)
Increasing and extending the Pension Work Bonus
Expanding the Pension Loans Scheme
Changes to the means test
Proof of life
None of these changes will help me
Do you think the government is doing enough to improve life for age pensioners?
Would the money spent on these ‘initiatives’ be better put towards Age Pension increases?
Which of the following changes would you like to see implemented to improve life for retirees? (please select three)
Pay no tax
Pay no GST
Age Pension increases
Rent Assistance increases
Newstart/disability payments/other welfare increases
Free universal total healthcare
No house rates
Guaranteed seniors’ discounts on energy bills
Guaranteed equal opportunity for older workers
{"name":"Friday Flash Poll: Will new pension changes improve your retirement?", "url":"","txt":"What is your retirement situation?, What is your main form of income?, Estimate your total annual income","img":""}
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