121. Compare to straight root, what root configuration of a tooth below that has better prognosis as an abutment for bridge:?
σ Curve
σ Short
σ Slim
σ Pointed
122. Vital tooth is a better abutment compared to non-vital tooth because:?
σ Better proprioception
σ Worse proprioception
σ Less sensitive
σ Prone to caries
123. Can we use tooth with grade 1 mobility as an abutment for bridge?
σ Yes
σ No
σ Not relevant
σ Any teeth with any degree of tooth mobility can be used
124. If a patient is missing teeth 13-23, what arch shape has better prognosis regarding to lever force?
σ U-shape
σ V-shape
σ High palatal vault
σ Doesn’t matter what shape it is
125. A three-unit bridge has ……. Times lower deflection than a 5-unit bridge. (choose one correct answer to fill in the gap)?
σ 3
σ 9
σ 18
σ 27
126. Minimum dimension for connector of a PFM bridge:?
σ 1.5x1.5 mm
σ 2x2 mm
σ 2.5x2.5 mm
σ 3x3 mm
127. What pontic is the most difficult to clean?
σ Sanitary
σ Ridge lap
σ Modified ridge lap
σ Ovate
128. Can we use ovate pontic in case with severe vertical and horizontal ridge resorption?
σ Yes
σ No
σ May be
σ Not relevant
129. Apical extension of ovate pontic into the extracted tooth socket should be at least:
σ 1 mm
σ 2 mm
σ 2.5 mm
σ 4 mm
130. Veneering ceramic layer on a PFM restoration should not be thicker than:?
σ 1 mm
σ 1.5 mm
σ 2 mm
σ 3 mm
131. For retainer of a PFM bridge, the transition areas between metal and ceramic must be at least:?
σ 1 mm away from any contact points in the occlusal area
σ 1.5 mm away from any contact points in the occlusal area
σ 2 mm away from any contact points in the occlusal area
σ 2.5 mm away from any contact points in the occlusal area
132. For retainer of a PFM bridge, the transition areas between metal and ceramic must be at least:?
σ 1 mm away from the proximal contact point.
σ 1.5 mm away from the proximal contact point.
σ 2 mm away from the proximal contact point.
σ 2.5 mm away from the proximal contact point.
133. The following treatment is categorized in pre-prosthetic phase of the treatment plan, except:?
σ Full mouth scaling and polishing
σ Provisional restoration
σ Root canal treatment
σ Surgical removal of torus palatinus
134. Veneering ceramics for metal ceramic restoration contain a glassy matrix by volume of:?
σ 55-65%
σ 65-75%
σ 75-85%
σ 85-95%
135. Why do they need to increase the coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) of veneering ceramics to match that of the casting alloy?
σ To avoid compressive stress developing within the veneer when cooled.
σ To avoid flexural stress developing within the veneer when cooled.
σ To avoid tensile stress developing within the veneer when cooled.
σ To avoid shear stress developing within the veneer when cooled.
136. How do porcelain chemically bond to its metal substructure?
σ Metal ceramic
σ Metal inhibited layer
σ Metal oxides
σ Base metal
137. Why do they add chromium into alloy for metal ceramic substructure?
σ For its corrosion resistance property
σ For chemical bonding with porcelain
σ For formation of oxide layer
σ All of the above
138. The following are base metals that are added into gold-based casting alloys to form oxide layer, except:?
σ Iron
σ Tin
σ Indium
σ Magnesium
139. Why do they need sandblasting of the base metal substructure before porcelain veneering?
σ To reduce thick layer of metal oxides for optimum porcelain bonding
σ To increase the thickness of metal oxides for optimum porcelain bonding
σ To create smooth surface on the substructure for optimum porcelain bonding
σ To provoke the failure in porcelain-metal interface.
140. The following are reinforced core ceramic systems, except:?
σ Glass-infiltrated high strength ceramic core
σ High density alumina core
σ Lithium disilicate glass ceramic
σ High density zirconia core
141. Y-TZP stands for:?
σ Yttrium tetragonal zirconia polycrystals
σ Yttrium tetrical zirconia polycrystals
σ Ytterbium tetragonal zirconia polycrystals
σ Yohimbine tetragonal zirconia polycrystals
142. The following are the disadvantages of reinforced ceramic core systems, except:?
σ Cannot be etched
σ Insufficient roughness for adequate bonding to resin
σ Risk of chipping of veneering ceramic
σ High opacity
143. What acid is used in etching of glass ceramic restoration before bonding to resin cement?
σ Phosphoric acid
σ Hydrofluoric acid
σ Sulforic acid
σ Hydrochloric acid
144. What acid is used in etching of enamel before bonding to resin cement?
σ Phosphoric acid
σ Hydrofluoric acid
σ Sulforic acid
σ Hydrochloric acid
145. What is the purpose of silane coupling agent in bonding with resin cement?
σ To initiate the chemical reaction of resin cement
σ To bond between etched glass ceramic surface and bonding agent
σ To bond between bonding agent and resin cement layer
σ To clean the etched glass ceramic intaglio surface
146. Choose only one correct sentence below about dental ceramics:?
σ Zirconia can be etched by hydrofluoric acid
σ Pure feldspathic ceramic can be used as core ceramic
σ Alumina particles is used in sandblasting of glass ceramic
σ Glass ceramic cannot be milled in a CAD/CAM milling machine
147. Choose the correct order of resin cement bonding onto glass ceramic: ?
σ HF > H3PO4 > Silane > resin cement > Bonding agent
σ HF > H3PO4 > resin cement > Silane > Bonding agent
σ HF > H3PO4 > Silane > Bonding agent > resin cement
σ H3PO4 > HF > Silane > resin cement > Bonding agent
148. In fiber-reinforced composite resin bridge, the fiber used is:?
σ Polyacryic fiber
σ Polymethylmethacrylic fiber
σ Polyvinyl siloxane fiber
σ Polyethylene fiber
149. The following restoration is called: ?
σ Cantilever bridge
σ Maryland bridge
σ Telescopic bridge
σ Fixed-movable bridge
150. How many grades are there in Miller index of tooth mobility?
σ 2
σ 3
σ 4
σ 5
151. What is a pontic of a fixed partial denture?
σ The part of a FPD that replaces missing natural tooth/teeth
σ The part of a FPD that covers abutment tooth/teeth
σ The part of a FPD that connects retainer to connector
σ The part of a FPD that supports the gum
152. The following are techniques in preserving alveolar ridge for FPD, except:?
σ Ovate pontic
σ Orthodontic extrusion
σ Orthodontic intrusion
σ Root submergence
153. The following are true about “alveolar preservation by ovate pontic”, except:?
σ Atru amtic extraction
σ 2.5 mm apical extension of the ovate pontic into the socket
σ The seated interim restoration should cause slight blanching of interdental papilla
σ Delayed interim FPD with ovate pontic form.
154. The following are the purpose of a surveyed crown, except:?
σ To restore a broken-down tooth to serve as a RPD abutment
σ When a natural tooth crown cannot provide retention for clasps
σ When it is necessary to splint adjacent teeth to provide additional stabilization
σ When the tooth has a favorable occlusal relationship
155. In Kennedy class III and IV, the proximal guiding planes should be:?
σ Straight occlusally
σ Curve occlusally
σ Taper occlusally
σ Divergent occlusally
156. In Kennedy class III and IV, the angle formed by the junction of the occlusal rest and guiding plane should be:?
σ Rounded
σ Sharp
σ Curved
σ Square
157. In Kennedy class III and IV, the proximal guiding planes should be:?
σ Curved mesiodistally
σ Curved buccolingually
σ Straight mesiodistally
σ Straight buccolingually
158. The following are true about occlusal rests in posterior area, except:?
σ Should be broad facially and lingually
σ Should encompass 1/3 to 1/2 of occlusal width
σ Should be round and convex
σ Should adequately clear the opposing dentition to allow at least 1 mm of metal rest thickness
159. When viewing occlusally, the occlusal rest seat of posterior tooth should have the form of:?
σ Square
σ Circle
σ Triangle
σ Oval
{"name":"FixedProthodontics", "url":"","txt":"121. Compare to straight root, what root configuration of a tooth below that has better prognosis as an abutment for bridge:?, 122. Vital tooth is a better abutment compared to non-vital tooth because:?","img":""}
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