Fuck this

A person between 13 and 18 years of age may have his/her driving privilege ___ for one year if convicted as a habitual truant
When should you use your headlights?
Anytime you have trouble seeing others or being seen
One hour before sunset until one hour after sunrise
Anytime you can't see at least two miles ahead
You are approaching an uncontrolled intersection. You:
Must always stop before driving through the intersection
Must yield the right of way to all other vehicles
Should slow down and be ready to stop
When parked on any hill, you should always set your parking brake and:
Leave your vehicle in neutral
Keep your front wheels parallel to the road
Leave your vehicle in gear or the "park" position
When a traffic signal light is not working at an intersection, you should:
Come to a complete stop, then proceed when it is safe
Stop before entering and let all other traffic go first
Slow down or stop, if necessary
Your wheels should be pointed straight ahead, unless you are:
Waiting to make a left turn at a traffic light
Parked on a hill or sloping driveway
Parked on the side of a level roadway and there is no curb
Two vehicles are approaching an uncontrolled "T" intersection. One vehicle is on the through road and the other is on the road that ends. Who has the right of way at the intersection?
The vehicle on the rhough road
The vehicle on the right
The vehicle that arrives first
You may legally park your car:
At the corner in an intersection
Across a sidwalk if you are partially in a driveway
In a bicycle lane if there is no sign forbidding it
You have had your license for eight months. You may:
Drive between 5 am and 11 om unaccompanied
Transport minors unaccompanied at any time
Transport minors between 11pm and 5am unaccompanied
You are on a road with only one lane in each direction and you want to pass another vehiclem but there is a curve ahead which blocks your view. You must:
Not pass the other vbehicle
Pass on the shoulder of the road
Signal longer than 5 seconds to pass safely
What is the difference between traffic lights with red arrows and those with solid red lights?
Red arrows are only used to stop traffic which is turning left
Red arrows are only used for protected turn lanes
You can never turn against a red arrow, even if you stop first
A traffic light is red, but a peace officer is signalling you to continue driving. What should you do?
Change lanes and drive slowly
Wait for the green light
Do as the officer tells you
You are driving on a one-way street. You may turn left onto another one way street:
Only if a sign permits the turn
If traffic on the street is moving to the righ
If Traffic on the street is moving to the left
You have had your license for 3 months. You may:
Drive between 5am and 5pm unaccompanied
Transport minors unaccompanied at any time
Transport minors between 11pm and 5am unaccompanied
Which of these is recommended when driving at night on a dimly lit street?
Drive slowly enough to stop within the area lighted by your headlights
Briefly look at oncoming headlights so you won't be blinded
Keep instrument lights bright to be more visible to other drivers
Which of these is recommended when driving at night on a dimly lit street?
Drive slowly enough to stop within the area lighted by your headlights?
Briefly look at oncoming headlights so you won't be blinded
Keep instrument lights bright to be more visible to other drivers
Parking is NEVER permiteed:
In a crosshatched (diagonal) patttern sapce
Twenty feet from a railroad track
In a bicycle lane, unless otherwise posted
If 5 or more vehicles are following you on a narrow two lane road:
Move to the right side of your lane and drive slowly
Pull off the road when it is safe and let them pass
Continue driving because you have the right of way
If you are unable to see the road ahead while driving because of heavy rain or fog, and your wipers do not help, you shou9ld:
Slow down and continue driving
Turn on your high beamns and continue driving
Pull off the road and completely until visibility imprives
Allow extra space in front of your vehicle when following a:
Passenger Car
Station wagon
Large tour bus
When a traffic light turns green, should you go immediately?
Yes, but yield to any vehicle or person still in the interscetion
Yes, or you could be given a ticket for causing gridloick
No, because you must first wait five seconds before proceeding
You are approaching an uncontrolled intersection You must:.
Always stop before driving through the intersction
Yield the right of way to all other vehicles
Should slow down and be ready to stop
You are crossing an intersection and an emergency vehicle is appraoching with a siren andd flashing lights. You should:
Stop immediately in the intersection until it passes
Pull to the right in the intersection and stop
Continue through the intersection, pull to the right, and stop
Who has the right of way at an intersection with no crosswalks?
Pedestrians always have the right of way
Vehicles, but they should slow down and be careful
Pedestrians, but only with the green "WALK" signal
A person between 13 and 18 years of age may have his/her driving privilege
A large truck is driving in the middle of three lanes. You want to pass the large truck. It is best to pass:
Quickly on the left and move ahead of it
Very slowly on the left and move ahead of it
Very quickly on the right and move ahead of it
What should you do at an intersection with a flashing red signal light?
Cautiously continue driving through the intersection
Stop before entering, then proceed when sage
Stop before entering. Wait for the green light before proceeding
Turn your front wheels toward the curb when you are parked:
Facing Downhill
Facing Uphill
On a level road
{"name":"Fuck this", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"A person between 13 and 18 years of age may have his\/her driving privilege ___ for one year if convicted as a habitual truant, When should you use your headlights?, You are approaching an uncontrolled intersection. You:","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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