Are you a Growth Hacker?

What is the “Field of Dreams” fallacy?
Build a standout marketing strategy, and customers will be retained
Build a standout product, and the customers will come
Marketing is more important than product
Product is more important than marketing
Which one of the options below is not a core element of the growth hacking process?
The use of qualitative research and quantitative data analysis
The rapid generation and testing of ideas
The long-term strategic planning of experimentations
The creation of a cross-functional team
Which role below is not mandatory for the growth team?
Data Analyst
Product Manager
Software Engineers
Marketing Specialist
What are the steps of “the growth hacking process”?
Analyze, Discuss, Prioritize, Test
Map, Ideate, Prioritize, Test
Analyze, Ideate, Plan, Test
Analyze, Ideate, Prioritize, Test
According to the first question of “the must-have survey,” which is
"How disappointed would you be if this product no longer existed tomorrow?

a) Very disappointed

b) Somewhat disappointed

c) Not disappointed (it really isn't that useful)

d) N/A - I no longer use it",

what has to be the product’s result to achieve must-have status?
40% or more of responses “very disappointed”
40% or more of responses “somewhat disappointed”
25% or more of responses “very disappointed”
25% or more of responses “somewhat disappointed”
Which is the second measure to achieve must-have status?
LTV (Lifetime value) higher than CPA (Cost per acquisition)
NPS (Net promoter score)
Retention rate
Conversion rate
What is the “fundamental growth equation”?
The North Star Equation
The core set of growth levers
All the funnel indicators
The Jaccard index
What is the limit of user data?
Data can’t tell what people are doing
Data can’t tell why people behave the way they do
Data can’t be stored for a long period of time
Data can’t be used to make strategic decisions
How long should the growth hacking process cycle take to be completed?
1 or 2 weeks
2 or 3 weeks
3 or 4 weeks
2 or 4 weeks
Which company offered the MLlib software when the book Hacking Growth was published (2017)?
Apache Storm
Apache Spark
{"name":"Are you a Growth Hacker?", "url":"","txt":"Are you a Growth Hacker? Really? I CHALLENGE YOU!! I’ve made a quiz based on the book “Hacking Growth” by Sean Ellis. I bet what you want that you can’t score 10 in this quiz.","img":""}
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