Are you tight-fisted?

Do you lend your friends money if they need it?
Of course, always
Maybe, if I'm sure I'll get it back
If you see a beggar, what do you do?
Give him money
Think "someone should help him" and walk away
Feel annoyed that he's cluttering up the streets
Do you often have money?
No, I always spend it
Yes, I always have some
Yes, I save more than I spend
Have you ever given money to charity?
Are you ever the one paying the rounds?
Yes, often
Not if I can help it
Do you get people expensive presents?
Yes, mostly
Not often
Do you not get presents for certain people so you can both save money?
{"name":"Are you tight-fisted?", "url":"","txt":"Do you lend your friends money if they need it?, If you see a beggar, what do you do?, Do you often have money?","img":""}
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