World Boston What in the World? Weekly Quiz – Oct 4-10, 2021
{"name":"World Boston What in the World? Weekly Quiz – Oct 4-10, 2021", "url":"","txt":"Twelve million leaked files from 14 financial service companies have exposed 35 current and former world leaders, including Vladimir Putin, King Abdullah of Jordan and Tony Blair, and over 300 public officials in secret financial dealings and corruption in a case called THIS, according to an international consortium of journalists. (#WACquiz), China marked the anniversary of the country’s founding on Friday by flying warplanes inside the air defense zone of THIS island. The two waves of fighters and bombers, a total of 38 aircraft, provoked sorties of fighters and activation of missile batteries in response on this independence-minded island. (#WACquiz), A Nigerian artist from Benin City said THIS renowned museum, residence of the Rosetta Stone, accepted his gift of a bronze plaque but the gesture did not win a positive response to the request to return the priceless Benin Bronzes, looted in 1897 (#WACquiz)","img":""}