A thought-provoking image depicting the themes of modernity, individualization, and social change, featuring elements like urban landscapes, iconic historical representations, and symbols of secularization.

Exploring Modernity and Individualization

Test your knowledge on the intricate dynamics of modernity, secularization, and individualization with our engaging quiz! Dive into questions that challenge your understanding of sociological concepts and the impact of historical figures on society.

  • Learn about the contradictions of modern life.
  • Explore the evolution of individual and collective values.
  • Uncover the intersections of Marxism and socialism.
15 Questions4 MinutesCreated by ReflectiveStone247
91) For a modern neo,
A) We should return to traditional institutions: family, church, homeland ...
B) We should reconcile the individual values ​​with the collective values
C) We should live in the present enjoying it sim complex
92) Of the elective biographies we say that ...
A) They are biographies consisting in that each individual chooses which image he wants to have
B) They are biographies of risk, because of the uncertainty of the elections
C) They are biographies that are based on the same criteria of choice
93) One of the factors that will bring Modernity into crisis is ...
A) The greater perception of the risks inherent in techno-scientific activities
B) The persistence of consumer crises in the capitalist economic system
C) The achievement of mass consumption in Western society
94) One of the main features of secularization is ...
A) The substitution of religion for superstitions
B) The loss of influence of religion in everyday lives
C) The loss of influence of politics in religious institutions
95) Primary specialization supposes ...
A) That the countries of the North specialize in the production of primary goods
B) The specialization in manufactured products by the countries of the South
C) The specialization of the countries of the South in supplying raw materials
96) It is typical of Modernity to aim to develop ...
A) An asocial individualism
B) An egocentric individualism
C) A committed individualism
97) One of the main Lutheran contributions was:
A) The idea of ​​sacralization of vocation and work
B) The doctrine of predestination and seeing earthly success as a sign of salvation
C) The attainment of salvation through prayer and penance
98) One of the consequences of the progress of the process of individualization has been ...
A) The appearance of induced biographies
B) The crisis of collective projects
C) The progressive institutionalization of society
99) The main feature of Modernity found in the Delacroix painting "Freedom guiding the people" is in the fact that ...
A) The figure of a woman appears at the head of a political revolt
B) An appeal is made to the people to free themselves from tyrannies
C) Collective solidarity is combined with individuality in the rebellious mass
100) The re-enchantment of the world supposes ...
A) The recovery of faith and the practice of historical religions, such as Christianity
B) The personalized combination of traits characteristic of exotic religions and / or esoteric beliefs
C) The growth of interest in a new spirituality
101) What phenomenon of postmodernity exemplifies the so-called "Peter Pan Syndrome"?
A) Postmoralist dis-responsibility
B) The cult of the body
C) All the previous ones
102) The bourgeoisie, for Karl Marx ...
A) It has had a negative historical role in all fields.
B) It has advanced the productive forces as never before and has liberated us from the enslaving yoke of nature and feudalism.
C) It has favored economic growth and with it the prosperity of the working class.
103) What value is widely promoted by Marxist socialism?
A) Solidarity
B) The culture of effort.
C) All the previous ones
104) What intellectual of socialist ideas wrote the novel "Rebellion on the farm" to denounce the fraud of Stalinism and the corruption of socialist principles in the Soviet Union?
A) George Orwell
B) Leon Trotski
C) Ernest Hemingway
105) To what socialist thinker is the idea of ​​the phalansteries due?
A) Robert Owen
B) Charles Fourier
C) Friedrich Engels
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