Unreceived Item

At what point the buyer is refunded?
When the item doesn't arrive within 7 days
If it's been less than 4 days since it was shipped
When the buyer auto-cancels the transaction
If the seller did not keep in touch
When would we give a seller credits in case the item doesn't arrive?
When the tracking number is valid
When the tracking number shows that the item has been delivered to the buyer's address
When the tracking number is invalid
When the item is sent back to the seller
When is the buyer able to refuse the item?
If they change their mind
If they have to pay extra postage fees
If the buyer changed their location
If they've already purchased the same thing somewhere else
Buyer contacts us before 7 days have passed to ask for a refund. Which macro we will send them?
Unreceived Item:: Refund Issued
Unreceived Item::Come back in 10 days
Unreceived Item::Contact the Seller
Unreceived Item::Buyer::Too Early
When does the Royal Mail consider an item as lost?
After 15 days from shipping
After 7 days from shipping
After 10 days from shipping
After 20 days from shipping
When is Mercari time frame to consider an item as lost?
Up to 10 days
7 days
5 days
3 days
{"name":"Unreceived Item", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"At what point the buyer is refunded?, When would we give a seller credits in case the item doesn't arrive?, When is the buyer able to refuse the item?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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