Whos heart is set for you? (OC Dating Quiz!!)

a colorful and whimsical illustration of a couple surrounded by various cute animals and books, capturing the essence of love and personality in a playful style

Whos Heart is Set for You?

Are you curious about who might be your perfect match? Take our engaging OC Dating Quiz to discover your ideal partner based on your unique preferences and personality traits.

Join us and find out:

  • Your dating preferences
  • How you express affection
  • What traits you value in a partner
14 Questions4 MinutesCreated by CuriousHeart101
Lets start off easy: Do you have or want a pet?
No, never.
Yes I already have one.
I have many, the more the merrier!
No but I dont mind them.
I dont have one but I love them!
What kind of animals are you okay with a partner having? (3 at most!)
Exotic (small)
Exotic (med)
Exotic (Large)
Whats a good book you think is ideal for a partner to read?
Nonfiction books, I wont date an idiot.
Anything- as long as we can play Mario Cart after
Poetry is nice
Old literature in another language that I might know myself.
I dont mind
Something they are passionate about!
Reading is for nerds.
Books about politics.
Fanfic ;)
Would you let your partner read to you?
Of course not, Im too busy for that,
No? Im not a child.
Id love that actually o///o
A nice bedtime story is always allowed haha
Id rather read to them actually
Sure! I hope I can read to them too
What do you like to wear?
Suits and nothing more. (unless Im home alone)
Whatever I want to that day
Anything with colors that will burn peoples eyes off!! >:D
Casual, maybe a bit outdated, but I still look nice.
Who needs clothes...? Its against my religion
Something flowy and sweet
Anything trending, duh
Something modest but still bold
Something to make the peoples heads turn and mouths water
How do you show affection? (pick 3 at most)
I make my s/o their favorite foods and/or drinks
M-maybe just hold their hand and lean on their shoulder for now...
Hugs and cuddles!
I just tell them how much they mean to me
Ill text them every chance I get
I'll talk to them and ask about their day
Gifts all the way, maybe even something I make
I dont really show affection, but I still do let people know I care about them.
I dont want to show affection.
Whats "affection"?
You come home from a tiring day at work, what could your partner do to make it better?
Leave me alone to work/nap
Hold me and let me sleep in their arms
Make me a nice warm dinner as a surprize
Take me to the bedroom for some fun ;)
They'd let me cuddle them and complain about the stupid people I have to work with
They give me even more affection and attention
They would hold my hand and ask sincerely what is wrong and let me confide in them.
They'd spend time with me- watch a movie and maybe go shopping to cheer me up.
What is something you would leave a partner for having or doing? (you can pick 2)
Any kinds of addictions
A fetish or kink I dont agree with
Being manipulative
Lying and or keeping secrets
Making me do everything
Any physical or verbal violence
Cheating and or being unloyal
Being too childish and irresponsible
Not fixing their destructive flaws
Not taking the fault even when they know something was their fault
Being lazy and unkept
Out of the 7 Deadly Sins, witch one is the worst in your opinion?
What is something your s/o MUST know about you? (pick 3 at most)
I dont often show my emotions
I'm fragile and can be hurt easily
I am over-affectionate
I can be loud or obnoxious
I am brutally honest
I'm afraid of confrontation
I might need to be cared for due to an illness, fear, physical or mental impairment, etc.
I get jumpy when my s/o might try to be intimate
I'm high maintenance and need to know you like me
I like to be alone sometimes
Whats the perfect location for your first date?
A sandy ocean beach
A cafe with baked goods out on display
A night out partying
The local pub
One of your houses
A duck pond with shade and few people
A fancy restaurant
A hike out in the sun
An amusement park
What trait is a must have for your partner?
Does s*x count as an answer?
You find out your partner has a secret, what is it? They-
Dont know what to do when it comes to love
Are rich
Are afraid of something
Have a soft side
Have an unusual talent
Dont have one, we are very open with no secrets. (Impossible....)
Lastly, why did you take this quiz?
Because my s/o made me, please help (Are you being held hostage bro you okay??)
Bored asf what you think?
I'm curious
I want to know if I'd get the p-person I like...
A friend recommended it
None of your business.
I dont actually know
Because I can so I will-
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