How to ensure users follow the password policy? (choose all that apply)
A.Document the password policy
B.Train the Users to follow the policy
C.Communicate the policy to the users
A remote logging host is safer than the actual host keeping its own log
Log files must not be encrypted because this interferes with their correct operation.
Which of the following is NOT necessary when identifying the purpose of a computer?
A - Categories of information processed
B - Network services provided by the computer
C-Categories of information stored
D-Processing power of the computer
Which one of the following four is NOT a main security issue related to securing a Desktop workstation
Correct order of actions to configure a computer for file backups. (choose all that apply)
A-Confirm that the scheduled backups are being performed successfully
B-Install file backup tools
C-Test the ability to recover from backups
D-Develop a file backup and restoration plan
E-Configure the backup tools and initiate the scheduled backups
In a case of remote administration the host should authenticate using:
A- IP address (Understood by machine to machine)
B-Non network resolved information
C- DNS name
Protecting computers from viruses and similar programmed threats is a responsibility of:
A-The System Administrator
B-Both the systems administrators and the users
C-The users
D-The people defined in the security policy
Installing preventative measures and instituting user training can significantly reduce your exposure to these ‘threats at a fraction of a cost it would take to recover from them.
. Users may or may not download and execute code from external sites.
A-Depends on the training they have received
D-Depends on the policy set about the circumstances in which they can
What services should a computer provide
A-The ones required from the deployment plan of the computer according to the security policy.
B-. File Transfer, WWW
C-Remote Login, WWW, FTP
D-The ones that are preferred e. DNS,FTP,WWW
F-. As many as possible
A Trojan Horse is:
A- an independent program that reproduces by copying itself from one system to another, usually over a network.
B-an independent program that appears to perform a useful function but that hides
C-a code fragment that reproduces by attaching to another program.
. Which of the following scripts contains information that Apache Web Server uses to locate the final installation paths of files during compilation?
A. configure
B. GuessOS
C. config.status
D. Config.layout
Which of the following directives should have the same value specified for all name-based virtual hosts configured for an Apache Web server?
A. DocumentRoot
B. ServerName
C. ErrorLog
In Apache, if you want the root of your virtual host to be in /client/htdoc/website1, you would type the following:
A. DocumentRoot /client/htdoc/website1
B.DocumentRoot /client/htdoc/website2
C.DocumentRoot /client/htdoc/website4
. What is usually contained within a certificate?
A. The owner’s public key
B. The owner’s distinguished name
C. The owner’s distinguished name
D. The issuer
Which of the following lines is in Common Logfile Format?
a. [14/Nov/2009:21:54:30 +0000] "GET /index.html HTTP/1.1"
B. - - [14/Nov/2009:21:54:30 +0000] "GET /index.html HTTP/1.1" 200 233
C. index.html 401 576 GET [14/Nov/2009:21:54:30 +0000]
19. Which of the following is not a type of DNS server?
A. reversing
B forwarding
Which of the following are the features of digest authentication? (choose all that apply)
A. A few browsers don't support digest authentication.
B. A nonce is generated in digest authentication.
C. The Web server sends resources to the client in encrypted form.
D. Credentials of the user are sent in encrypted format.
Which of the following are the features of IP-based virtual hosts? (Choose all that apply.)
A. More than one virtual host can be configured on a single IP address.
B. Are used for Web sites that use SSL connections.
C. Every virtual host should have a unique IP address.
D. Are not supported by HTTP /1.1compliant browsers.
22. Select the advantages of using Apache modules. (Choose all that ap
A. Low memory usage
B. Flexibility
C. Extensibility
D. High performance during the first-time loading of modules
E. Easy to manage
Which of the following are related to identification factors used for authentication? (choose all that apply)
A. possession
B. knowledge
C. attribute
D. secret
Your organization is running out of static IP address and need to create multiple web sites on a single IP address. Which of these options is the most correct one?
A. Use single IP address with multiple web site headers.
B. Use single IP address with multiple HTTP 1.1 headers.
C. Assign different port numbers to different Web Sites,
D. Use multiple Web sites with the same header.
25. Which of the following response headers must be included in 401 response messages?
A. WWW-authorization
B. WWW-authenticate
C. Authorization
D. Authenticate
26. All dead links can be found using log files
A. True
B. False
Which of the following values is the most important one for a production web server?
B. Stability
C. Reliability
E. Scalability
9. Relationship of users and virus prevention
A.Users should be trained and educated to have an informed attitude towards security threats to the computers and the network
B.Users should have no responsibility whatsoever about the well being of the workstation or the network. This should be the responsibility of the administrators.
{"name":"NETWORK OPERATIONS ANDMANAGEMENT EXAMSTUDY MATERIAL", "url":"","txt":"How to ensure users follow the password policy? (choose all that apply), .A remote logging host is safer than the actual host keeping its own log, Log files must not be encrypted because this interferes with their correct operation.","img":""}
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