Which BIG CAT Are You?

When you have a free night, how do you spend it?
I spend the night in by myself, I love my "me" time!
I go out. I'm a night owl for sure.
My nights are for sleeping! I don't miss a chance to catch some Z's.
If you could live in any of these places, where would you go?
If you were to have kids...how many would you want?
Just one, thanks!
Two is perfect.
Three would be the best.
More than three for sure...maybe even six! I love big families.
When it comes to being social, how would you describe yourself?
I operate alone.
I prefer when I'm by myself, but I can hang out with friends every once in a while.
I like to keep a balance between being alone and seeing my friends and family.
I love being around other people! I prefer constant interaction.
Everyone's favorite topic: food. Your favorite food is...
Give me a good burger, steak, hot dog...I love it all.
I'm not a picky eater, I'll eat anything. Meat, veggies, fruit...
How tall would you say you are?
Extremely tall. I'm always the biggest person in the room.
I'm on the taller side.
I'm average.
I'm on the smaller side.
You could say someone forgot to give me a growth hormone...I'm always the shortest person in the room.
Exercise. We all have to (or should) do it. When you exercise, you prefer...
I love running. I can sprint the fastest out of all my friends. Cardio is my favorite.
I workout, but I don't go overboard. I enjoy my important "laying around" time too.
I'm more of a strength person...my legs are the strongest part of my body.
Working out? Not for me. I bet my jaw is strong though because I do love food!
What's your favorite pattern?
Neither - I don't like to wear anything too crazy.
{"name":"Which BIG CAT Are You?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"When you have a free night, how do you spend it?, If you could live in any of these places, where would you go?, If you were to have kids...how many would you want?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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