Chapter 5: The Police Investigation, Arrest, and Going to Trial

1. If police break rules of police conduct they can be...
a) charged under criminal law
b) sued under civil law
c) both a and b
d) neither a nor b
2. An appearance notice gives all but one of the following pieces of information. Which one does it not give?
a) time of court appearance
b) offence with which the accused is charged
c) penalty if convicted
d) place of court appearance
3. The police are permitted to apply force that causes death if...
a) the offender is known to be dangerous
b) it protects others from bodily harm
c) the offender is a terrorist
d) in none of the cases above
4. If an officer seeking a search warrant relies on information from an informer, the officer must outline to the court that the informer
a) is reliable in terms of information
b) does not have a criminal record
c) has no convictions for lying to courts
d) is of good character
5. If a police officer insists on questioning or searching a reluctant individual, that person should do which of the following?
a) demand to see a lawyer
b) write down the officer's badge number
c) refuse to cooperate
d) a and b but not c
e) a and c but not b
6. Someone who is charged with committing a crime has the right to...
a) advise friends and family immediately
b) obtain a lawyer without delay
c) access the Criminal Code promptly
d) a and b but not c
e) b and c but not a
7. After an arrest is recorded, the officer in charge of a lockup or station may release people charged with which of the following?
a) summary conviction offences
b) hybrid offences
c) indictable, five years or less
d) a and b but not c
e) a, b, and c
8. Preceding a jury trial, if the defence shows that the Crown does not have a case, what happens?
a) Police conduct is investigated.
b) The charges are dropped.
c) The jury is told of this fact.
d) The judge is told but not the jury.
9. The police can use a search warrant at a residence on the date indicated between...
a) 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.
b) 12:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m.
c) 9:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m.
d) 6:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m.
10. For suspected offences other than terrorism, the police can get a warrant for electronic surveillance for what length of time?
a) 30 days
b) 60 days
c) 90 days
d) 180 days
{"name":"Chapter 5: The Police Investigation, Arrest, and Going to Trial", "url":"","txt":"1. If police break rules of police conduct they can be..., 2. An appearance notice gives all but one of the following pieces of information. Which one does it not give?, 3. The police are permitted to apply force that causes death if...","img":""}
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