What type of adventurer are you?

A fantastical landscape featuring various adventurers including a wizard, a knight, and a rogue, all engaged in exciting quests, vibrant colors, and magical elements.

Discover Your Inner Adventurer!

Are you ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery? Our quiz will reveal what type of adventurer you truly are! From fearsome warriors to cunning rogues, there's a world of possibilities waiting for you.

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14 Questions4 MinutesCreated by WanderingSoul315
What began your life of adventuring?
I got bored in the small village I was living in.
I wanted to get more money and power.
Well, everyone else was doing it.
I was forced!!! It was awful!!! I've regretted it ever since!!
I wanted to do good, help others, and possibly save the world.
I don't even remember...
It was kind of an accident...
A man with a dagger walks up to you in a dark alleyway. What do you do?
Beat him up. He's not messing with me!
Run away! I can't deal with this weirdo right now!
See what he wants. It could be something interesting.
Steal that nice, expensive looking dagger.
Tell him that joke about the llama and the horseshoe, you know?
Blow him up. Preferably with fire and loud explosions.
Take out my own dagger, lead him to an even darker alleyway, and backstab him!!
So boring. This happens to me all the time.
Don't move. He can't see me if I don't move.
A very short wizard just handed you a potion. What will you do with it?
Give it to someone to drink. I can tell it's an confusion potion, silly, and I can't wait to see their reaction!
It's probably poison. If not, I'll make it one.
Pour it out! I'm not taking any chances.
Make a better potion and give it to the wizard. That'll show him!
Beat the living daylights out of that wizard. He shouldn't have provoked you!
Uhh...sell it? I dunno...
Ask an alchemist to identify it.
Stare at it glumly and regret my life decisions.
Drink it while making a toast to future adventures.
You just killed a dragon! What will you do with your new riches?
Buy some nice armor. Also a sword.
Buy some supplies for our next adventure, and invest in some cool new gear.
That spellscroll looks nice. Also that one. And that one.
Ahhh, my lovely (and very expensive) poisons!!
Give it to the poor. Or anyone. Just so long as I am no longer in possession of it.
I know that lute is 17,000 gold pieces but...
Find another dragon, and make it choke on all those gold pieces!!! Muahahahahaha!!!!
Put it with the other loot, I guess.
Have a party and make lots of friends.
Are you a hero?
Yes. I love people. Also helping them, I guess.
Ehh...Only when it suits my purposes.
Absolutely not. Ew. Gross.
I know some heroes? Is that the same thing?
Shh!!!! Don't say that!!! People might hear!!
I have been called that by some.
Axe or Sword? What is your weapon of choice?
Axe. Sword. Fists. Sounds good.
I have more daggers on my person than I have teeth.
A sword and shield.
I am superior with all weapons.
I use magic for my weapon! Fear me!
Meh, whatever's handy :)
I prefer to not use weapons. People without weapons don't get in as many fights...conkers, anyone?
My trusty warhammer.
This highly dangerous modified crossbow I bought off a trustworthy gnome two days ago.
What is your favorite day of the week?
Wednesdays are for tough people, like me.
Fridays!! Whoohoo!!! Party!!
Monday mornings, I like starting the day off right.
What sort of question is this, exactly?
Thursday. Everyone's bored out of their minds and aren't expecting anything.
Tuesday, it's so non-assuming.
Saturday. A whole day for planning evil schemes? Say no more!
Sunday. A day of rest. Finally.
Who was the first person/monster you killed, and why?
A terrible monster terrorizing my small village! It had to be dealt with!
Haha, funny. Like you expect me to remember one death so many years ago. So many have died since! Live in the present!
I squished a bug once. It was an accident, I swear!
An ugly half-orc brute who was lookin' at me funny.
Oh, some boring carrion crawler for a spell component or something...
A dragon! Just kidding! Or am I?
A local noble with a bounty on his head.
I honestly don't remember.
It WILL be that scary monster with lots of treasure over there.
What is your ultimate goal in life?
Causing death and also drinking. What else?
I will make my family proud.
I want to be skillful, famous, and incredibly good looking.
To die of natural causes.
To gain ultimate power and make all others my minions!!
I stopped thinking about my future long ago. I'm stuck on my current path.
I had so many goals...
Who is your archenemy?
Everyone. They are all out to get me, I promise!
The evil supervillian with a tragic past who wants to destroy the world.
Those pesky heroes. They are so irritating!
No one really notices me. Yet.
What month is it? It has changed so many times...
Nobody even knows I existed.
What is your favorite color?
I like them all!
Who is your sidekick?
A small halfling who helps me make rational decisions
I am the sidekick?
A quirky friend that's mainly comic relief but sometimes helps me learn deep and profound truths about myself.
I have many. Also, it's "minion" not "sidekick."
Why, my animal familiar of course!
I have a creepy lizard, black cat, or something equally terrifying.
I have a pet and a love interest?
I had one, but he died in a battle a few years ago.
I have a pet...millipede? Several, actually.
Who or what do you work for?
Justice for the world, or at least the small portion of it that I am capable of changing.
A very wise sage who I eventually will defeat and take his place.
My employer wishes to remain anonymous.
Whoever will pay me.
Anyone who looks interesting.
The incredibly noble cause of self-preservation
I've worked for just about everyone at one point or another.
That honest-looking guy with fangs and a cloak over there, you know?
What do you dream about?
Ultimate riches
I don't remember
Very scary monsters
My tragic and confusing past that will inevitably come back to haunt me
Fire. Lightning. Power.
That really cool hero that I admire a lot.
The destruction of life as you know it.
Sleep. I dream about sleeping. I do, I swear!
Darkness. I have no dreams.
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