Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in hep-th on Wed, 6 Jan 21
[2101.01185] A. Ramesh Chandra, Jan de Boer, Mario Flory et al.: Spacetime as a quantum circuit
[2101.01223] Latévi Mohamed Lawson, Ibrahim Nonkané, Komi Sodoga: The damped harmonic oscillator at the classical limit of the Snyder-de Sitter space
[2101.01232] Nikolay Gromov, Julius Julius, Nicolo Primi: Open Fishchain in N=4 Supersymmetric Yang-Mills Theory
[2101.01420] Panupong Cheewaphutthisakun, Hiroaki Kanno: MacMahon KZ equation for Ding-Iohara-Miki algebra
[2101.01437] Thomas Hertog, Rob Tielemans, Thomas Van Riet: Cosmic eggs to relax the cosmological constant
[2101.01490] Nejc Ceplak, David Vegh: Pole-skipping and Rarita-Schwinger fields
[2101.01681] Pietro Longhi: Exact BPS spectrum of 5d SU(2) super-Yang-Mills
[2101.01683] O.A. Gelfond, A.V. Korybut: Manifest Form of the Spin-Local Higher-Spin Vertex $Υ^{ηη}_{ωCCC}$
[2101.01691] D. Bazeia, M.A. Liao, M.A. Marques: Multimagnetic Monopoles
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in hep-th on Wed, 6 Jan 21","img":""}
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