Firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values: _________
The word integrity evolved from the Latin adjective integer, meaning ________ or ________
Integrity is defined as ‘an ________ or _______________’, or ‘a state of being complete or whole’.
When used to describe a person, it refers to the concept of living by one’s ______ and _________
In this sense, ‘completeness’ is a comprehensive framework of beliefs, moral principles, ethics and standards - a worldview - which guides every _______ and _______.
Living with integrity means being _____ and ______ to our code of beliefs or worldview.
It means that others can rely on us to act _________ and ____________, in accordance with this code
To live with integrity requires us to have a clear understanding of what we __________, and what we ______________
All of us are prone to act in the moment and to maximize short term benefits, to make choices based on __________ rather than ________________, to ignore little concerns when the overall proposition is attractive.
€�If you live for external achievement, years pass and the deepest parts of you go _________ and _________. By new york time writer _________
Integrity requires?
Integrity is keeping a _________ even after __________ have changed
Without a __________, the human mind will justify anything.
It is the fact of someone or something not succeeding
Failure is just simply the ________ to begin again, this time more _________.
Failure can be an ________ and ________ experience.
3rd step to cope with failure.
1st step to cope with failure.
4th step to cope with failure.
2nd step to cope with failure.
First, try to identify and ______ the emotion. Then, allow yourself time to _______ it.
_____________ is an important step in taking care of yourself when you're coping with failure.
This approach is far more effective as humans are innately flawed and will inevitably make mistakes from time to time.
By practicing _____________, you are accepting your __________ and the ________ that things do not often go the way we would like
This allows self-compassionate people to be more resilient to try again when they don't meet their goals.
Precticing self compasion This allows self-compassionate people to be more __________ to try again when they don't meet their goals.
Although painful, we can learn and grow from our past failures.
Asking yourself, 'What can I learn from this experience?', or 'What useful information can I gain from this experience to take forward?' may prepare you better for the next challenge, and __________ in the face of stress and hardship
A ____________ is when you believe that your qualities and skills are fixed, and therefore, cannot change no matter what you do
A growth mindset is when you believe that your qualities and skills can develop and improve with time and experience
Dwelling on past failures for longer than necessary will keep you stuck. Once you have given yourself sufficient time to feel the emotions associated with the failure, shown yourself kindness and care in the midst of it, and reflected on the learnings from the experience and identified areas for improvement
At this stage, it is important to consider if your goal is_______ and ________.
€�It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so _________ that you might as well not have lived at all, in which case you have failed by _________.” — J.K. Rowling
Failure lesson 1
Failure lesson 2
Failure lesson 3
Integrity is choosing _______ over ________; choosing what is ___________ over what is _________, ________, or _________. Choosing to ________ our values rather than simple ________ them.
Failure lesson 4
Failure lesson 5
Life is designed for us to _______ and ________
Ignore those people. Ignore the ___________.
Failure is an _______, never a person
A _____________ is a place to write down your daily reflection entries. It can be something good or bad that has happened to you that you can self-reflect on and learn from past experiences.
According to ________, there are two (2) types of reflection, one ______ and one _______ an activity or event.
When you are thinking about or reflecting while you are in an activity, you are using?
Some reflection include:
What is the meaning of DIEP
What did you see, hear, do, read or see? Be as brief and objective as possible.
What new insights have you gained? How does this experience connect with other things you’ve learned or experienced before? How did the experience make you feel?
How useful was this experience for you? What is your opinion? Why do you think this might be?
Comment on how this experience might inform your future thoughts or actions. How could you apply what you’ve learned from the experience in the future? How might the experience relate to your degree or future professional life?
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