A Exploration Quiz On China

What is another name for the Chinese new year?
Spring Festival
Night of Sevens
Dragon Festival
Mid Autumn Festival
What was the name of the monster that the village sacared off at the first Chinese new year?
The Lantern Festival started with the lighting of lanterns in honor of this religious figure?
Jesus Christ
Lao Tzu
How long does the new year lasts in China?
2 days
7 days
What is the special about the day of the Winter Solstice Festival?
Its First day of the new year
Its the shortest day of the year
Its 7th day on 7th month
Who is the lady in the moon?
Chang Er
Chang Ar
Chang O
What is another name for the Qingming Jie Festival?
Clear and beautiful festival
Cool and refreshing Festival
Clear and bright festival
Why did the Chinese throw rice dumpling into the river?
To feed the fish
To feed the poet
To scare the fish
Why are fireworks lit on Lunar New Year?
To scare away evil spirits
To say thank you to the Lunar God
To keep away bad luck
In which festival are the elderly excused from celebrating?
Dai Water Splashing Festival
Tibetan Bathing Festival
Labor Day
The city which was once called ‘the Forbidden City’ –
In 1949, in the last stages of the Chinese Civil War, Mao Zedong announced the creation of the People’s Republic of China, in which newly named capital of the Republic?
What is the national game of China?
Ping Pong
Biggest deserts in China?
Taklamakan Desert
Badain Jaran Desert
Singing Sand Dunes
One of the first actions taken in China’s ”Great Leap Forward” was a campaign initiated by Mao Zedong, the first President, to eliminate what birds?
Under which dynasty did the construction of the Great Wall of China start?
The national flower of China is ?
Middlemist Red
Where is the Temple of Confucius?
The Gobi desert is located in ?
China was also known as?
Chung hua
Wang Chong
At which Olympic Games did the People’s Republic of China participate for the first time?
1984, Los Angeles
1988, Seoul
1952, Helsinki
India and China’s border is called?
McMohan Line
Siegfried Line
Radcliffe Line
The founder of the Chinese Republic was ?
Zhang Heng
Liu Xiang
San Yat Sen
China launched its first cargo spacecraft?
China liberalized its economy in?
Early 1970s
Late 1970s
Early 1990s
Which sea is located between mainland China and the Korean Peninsula?
East Sea
Sea of Okhotsk
Yellow sea
Gulf of Tonkin is located between which two nations?
North korea and China
Vietnam and china
Thailand and cambodia
Which of the following is NOT a Chinese invention?
Fountain Pen
What is the official currency of China?
What is the largest ethnic group in China and also accounts for up to 18 per cent of the world’s population?
Han Chinese
Imagine you are going to have a meeting with some Chinese business partners. What is the proper way to greet them?
Nod and bow to everyone, starting from the most senior people
Give a hug to everyone, starting from the most senior people
Shake hands with everyone, starting from the most senior people
At dinner table in China, which of the following considered to be rude?
Slurping a soup
Pouring tea yourself before pouring for others
Putting elbow on the table
You have been engaging in a business negotiations with your Chinese counterparts for a while now and there seems to be no sign of striking any sort of deal soon?
Assuming that's it not going to workout and give yourself a deadline of another month before giving up.
Plan another trip to China with additional days either side of the formal meetings to allow for any social events that may come up
Wait for long as it takes for the Chinese side to make their decisions
You ask your Chinese team if they can meet a tight deadline and the response you receive is "we can try".How do you interpret this?
They will do everything they can to make sure that they meet deadline
They most likely to meet the deadline
They are unlikely to meet the deadline
You are managing a team in China and you notice that one of your team member is not hitting the sales targets.You need to approach this person about their poor performance and help them think of new strategies to improve.What you should do?
You feel there is nothing to hide in your team so you can pull up a chair near to the team member in the office and give feedback
Take them into your office and have one-one meeting
Take them out for a coffee or tea and slowly ease into delivering the feedback
Which of the following is a common performance evaluation metric used in Chinese companies?
Individual productivity
Number of sick days taken
Seniority basis
What role does the "hukou" system play in the Performance Management System in China?
It determines an employee's salary.
It affects an employee's access to social services and benefits.
It is irrelevant to performance management
In China, what is the significance of the "guanxi" network in the context of performance management?
It indicates the employee's social connections and relationships.
It refers to the employee's professional qualifications.
It determines an employee's job responsibilities
What is the "996" work culture in China?
A work schedule that requires employees to work 9 hours a day, 9 days a week.
A common work schedule of 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., six days a week.
A flexible work schedule with no fixed hours.
Which of the following is an essential element of the Chinese "danwei" system?
A system for measuring employee's physical fitness
A system of work units where employees are assigned based on their occupation
A system for ranking employees based on height
What role does the "housing fund" play in Compensation Management in China?
It is a bonus provided to employees for purchasing homes.
It is a government-mandated fund that both employees and employers contribute to, used for housing-related expenses.
A Loan provided to buy homes
What is the purpose of the "13th-month salary" in Chinese companies?
It is a reward for achieving 13 performance targets.
It is a bonus given to employees who have worked for 13 months
It is a guaranteed annual bonus equivalent to one month's salary.
In China, what is the significance of the "dang'an" system in Compensation Management?
It is a confidential file that contains an employee's personal and professional history.
It determines an employee's daily work schedule.
It is a measure of employee's social popularity.
Which of the following is a common challenge in Compensation Management faced by multinational companies operating in China?
A lack of qualified employees
Strict government control over salaries
A surplus of skilled talent
How does the concept of "face" impact Compensation Management in China?
It has no relevance in compensation
It influences how pay and rewards are perceived, often linked to prestige.
It determines employee job titles.
In China, what is the role of the "gaokao" in recruitment?
It is a job fair for recent graduates.
It is a nationwide college entrance exam used as a qualification criterion
It determines employee retirement age
In China, what is the significance of the "guanxi" network in Recruitment and Succession Planning?
It can play a significant role in identifying and connecting with potential candidates and future leaders.
It is used to decide employee vacation schedules
It has no role in these processes.
What is the "iron rice bowl" in the context of Chinese employment?
A term used to describe a stable, lifelong job with guaranteed benefits
A symbol of employee's commitment to work long hours
A requirement for employees to bring their lunch to work
In China, what is the role of "kaizen" in Organization Development?
It is a philosophy of continuous improvement and employee engagement.
It is a government agency responsible for overseeing organizational development.
None of the above
What is the primary purpose of "talent pools" in Organization Development?
To limit the number of employees in the organization
To identify and groom high-potential employees for future leadership roles
All of the above
When considering Compensation Management in China, what is the "talent war," and how does it affect organizations?
The talent war is intense competition among organizations to attract and retain skilled employees, leading to rising labor costs and the need for innovative compensation strategies.
The talent war is a government-imposed restriction on salary increases, preventing organizations from attracting top talent
None of the above
When implementing Organization Development strategies, what are the potential pitfalls related to cultural adaptation?
Organizations should avoid cultural adaptation to maintain consistency in their global practices.
Organizations may misinterpret cultural differences and make assumptions about employee preferences, leading to ineffective strategies and resistance to change.
Cultural adaptation is primarily the responsibility of government agencies
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