How much do you pay for skate shoes?
FREE! I take whatever I can get
$60 and up!!
How many hours do you skate each week?
One hour
2-5 hours
5-10 hours
15-20 hours
20+ hours
After how many hours of skating does it take for you to get your first hole in your skate shoe?
One hour
2-4 hours
5-10 hours
10-15 hours
15+ hours
How often do you buy skate shoes?
Every week
Every 2-3 weeks
Once a month
Every 2 months
Every 3 to 6 months
How long would your skate shoes last without patches or Shoe Goo?
1 week
2-3 weeks
4-6 weeks
2-3 months
4-6 months
If there was a product that could keep your skate shoes looking brand new after skating for 30 hours..... How much would you pay for this product?
Thanks for taking our Poll!! Be sure to leave your email for a chance to win a free set of trucks, bearings and wheels!! On 04/15/2017... One lucky poll taker will be chosen at random as the winner!
{"name":"SKATE SHOE SHREDDING POLL", "url":"","txt":"How much do you pay for skate shoes?, How many hours do you skate each week?, After how many hours of skating does it take for you to get your first hole in your skate shoe?","img":""}
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