Should you be able to follow dis vent acc doe?

How long have you known Jannesta?
Basically their entire life
Since preschool/kindergarten
Since elementary school (Kings Park)
Since elementary school (Kings Glen)
Since middle school (Lake Braddock)
Since freshman year (Lake Braddock)
Since sophomore year (Lake Braddock)
Since junior year (Lake Braddock)
Since senior year (Lake Braddock)
Since first year of college
Do I consider them a good/close/best friend?
Yes, a good friend
Yes, a close friend
Yes, a best friend
No to any of these.
Do we have a lot of good memories together?
Give a personal example of a good memory with them
Do you think they consider you close/good/best friend?
Yes, close
Yes, good
Yes, best
No to any of these
Have you honestly violated their trust before?
Are you good at keeping secrets?
How do you feel about seeing vent posts/ emotional posts?
{"name":"Should you be able to follow dis vent acc doe?", "url":"","txt":"How long have you known Jannesta?, Do I consider them a good\/close\/best friend?, Do we have a lot of good memories together?","img":""}
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