Are you racist?

a thought-provoking illustration depicting diverse individuals interacting in various social settings, with contemplative expressions and a vibrant community background

Assess Your Attitudes

Have you ever wondered about your subconscious biases? Our quiz invites you to reflect on your thoughts and reactions to different situations in a safe environment.

Take this simple quiz to:

  • Explore your perceptions of others
  • Understand potential biases
  • Engage in meaningful self-reflection
7 Questions2 MinutesCreated by ReflectiveMind87
You just moved into a new neighborhood. There's a knock on the door.
This woman greets you when you open the door.
She says "Hi there! Welcome to the neighborhood! My name is Keisha" ...
What is your first thought?
Oh she seems nice & friendly! What a great neighborhood!
I bet she is just trying to get a look at my stuff so she can rob me later.
You go to visit a friend in another neighborhood and see this man walking down the street...
He walks slow... Looking over his shoulder every couple of steps...
He looks at you and your friend but doesn't say anything or approach you ...
What is your first thought?
Oh I bet he's enjoying his walk around the neighborhood!
Well he's creepy.. Let's stay away from him.
You and your friend decide to go to Walmart. You see these women checking out.
You overhear part of their conversation...
"...And that ho was tryin ta say we owed her money just cause we was there that night, like bitch, we wasn't even drinkin dat stuff you was bringin everybody. You know what I'm sayin?" ...
What is your first thought?
What a nice couple of ladies. I bet that party was fun.
Wow.. They look like trash...
Outside of Walmart, you see these guys sitting on the car next to yours.
They look at you and your friend and say,
"Yo wassup homes. Either of ya got a phone we cou' use for like a second? My nigga here gotta call his baby mama, cause fo' some reason our car ain't workin' no mo." ...
What do you say?
Sure! Here's my iPhone!
Uhm.. No, sorry.. I left it at home.
After leaving your friend, you stop by a gas station on your way home. You see these two walk in.
The man is on his cell phone,
"Yes, absolutely. The papers will be on your desk tomorrow sir. Thank you so much. Ok, buh-bye!"
The woman smiles at you and says,
"Hey, I like your shirt!" ...
What do you say? What do you think?
Oh thank you! (what a nice couple)
Uhh thanks.. (I should avoid them..)
You decide to stop by the community college after you left the gas station to see what classes they offer.
You are greeted by this man in the front office.
He says, "Hello! I'm professor Sawyer. What can I help you with today?" ...
What do you say? What do you think?
I'm new around here. Is there a list of classes that are offered? (What a nice man. I wonder what class he teaches)
No. I was just leaving.. (Hope I don't get him as a teacher)
Whose life matters more?
BOTH lives!
Black guy's life
White cop's life
Neither one matters
{"name":"Are you racist?", "url":"","txt":"Have you ever wondered about your subconscious biases? Our quiz invites you to reflect on your thoughts and reactions to different situations in a safe environment.Take this simple quiz to:Explore your perceptions of othersUnderstand potential biasesEngage in meaningful self-reflection","img":"https:/images/course1.png"}
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