Which roommate in unit 11 are you??????

A vibrant illustration of a cozy apartment shared by diverse roommates, showcasing different personalities and activities in a playful and colorful style.

Discover Your Roommate Personality!

Are you curious about which roommate you resemble the most in Unit 11? Take this fun quiz to find out! Answer a series of light-hearted questions about your preferences and personality traits, and see which of your quirky roommates you align with.

  • Favorite colors
  • Stress relief methods
  • Embarrassing moments

Share your results and see if your friends agree!

15 Questions4 MinutesCreated by ChillingCat42
Favorite Color?
I don't know my favorite color
How many potstickers do you eat per week?
Maybe one if I'm lucky
What do you do when you're stressed
Ignore it and listen to EDM and start a new task you won't finish
Create an ambitious agenda and frantically clean
Cry and stare out the window
Favorite color of Mac n cheese
Anything I can get my paws on
Most embarrassing moment in Unit 11
Eating shit while running on the beach while meeting neighbors
Accidentally walking into people's apartments
Getting your underwear handed to you crumpled in a ball by your neighbor
100 gecs??
How do you sit on your bed?
Curled up in a ball
On the side/falling off
On it
What do you do when you're having an existential crisis?
Lay in the dark or go on a drive and blast music
Cry and eat
Lay on the couch all day
Weird childhood hobby
Licking people
Making music videos
Collecting bugs
Favorite ballet?
Romeo and Juliet
Peter and the wolf
Go to cheese-based food
Straight cheese
Mac n cheese
Do you collect plants/animals?
When you're painting do you...
Plan it out
Just go for it
Accidentally step in paint
Were you on SDA swol?
No... I wish
Cat or Dog person
{"name":"Which roommate in unit 11 are you??????", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Are you curious about which roommate you resemble the most in Unit 11? Take this fun quiz to find out! Answer a series of light-hearted questions about your preferences and personality traits, and see which of your quirky roommates you align with.Favorite colorsStress relief methodsEmbarrassing momentsShare your results and see if your friends agree!","img":"https://cdn.poll-maker.com/104-5106148/img-n3r7crrx5eniwzhmszklddf6.jpg"}
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