Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in cond-mat on Fri, 24 Dec 21
[2112.12161] Shankar Balasubramanian, Victor Galitski, Ashvin Vishwanath: Classical vertex model dualities in a family of 2D frustrated quantum antiferromagnets
[2112.12167] Konstantin Shapovalov, Massimiliano Stengel: Tilt-driven antiferroelectricity in PbZrO$_3$
[2112.12188] Zhaohe Dai, Dominic Vella: Droplets on Lubricant Infused Surfaces: The slow dynamics of skirt formation
[2112.12200] Jonathan Wyrick, Xiqiao Wang, Pradeep Namboodiri et al.: Enhanced Atomic Precision Fabrication by Adsorption of Phosphine into Engineered Dangling Bonds on H-Si Using Scanning Tunneling Micro...
[2112.12203] Varsha Subramanyan, Kay L. Kirkpatrick, Saraswathi Vishveshwara et al.: Microtubules as electron-based topological insulators
[2112.12204] Hannah Amelie Earley: On the performance and programming of reversible molecular computers
[2112.12238] Egecan Cogulu, Hantao Zhang, Nahuel N. Statuto et al.: Quantifying Spin-Orbit Torques in Antiferromagnet/Heavy Metal Heterostructures
[2112.12254] Alaric L. Sanders, Richard A. Mole, Jiatu Liu et al.: Dominant Kitaev interactions in the honeycomb materials Na$_3$Co$_2$SbO$_6$ and Na$_2$Co$_2$TeO$_6$
[2112.12266] Sam Patrick, August Geelmuyden, Sebastian Erne et al.: Quantum vortex instability and black hole superradiance
[2112.12267] Nicholas P. Butch, Sheng Ran, Shanta R. Saha et al.: Symmetry of magnetic correlations in spin-triplet superconductor UTe2
[2112.12271] Robert S. Hoy, Kevin Interiano-Alberto: hdMD: Efficient $d$-dimensional molecular dynamics for studies of the glass-jamming transition
[2112.12285] Xiaomei Yao, Jie Xu, Lei Zhang: Transition pathways in Cylinder-Gyroid interface
[2112.12286] Norio Okabayashi, Thomas Frederiksen, Alexander Liebig et al.: Dynamic friction unraveled using an atomically defined model system
[2112.12287] A. Farutin, M.S. Rizvi, W.F. Hu et al.: Motility and Swimming: Universal Description and Generic Trajectories
[2112.12289] Zhao-Jun Suo, Wen-Hao Liu, Zhi Wang et al.: Photoinduced charge density wave transition like a puppet on a string
[2112.12308] Angshuman Deka, Bivas Rana, Ryo Anami et al.: Electric-field-induced parametric excitation of exchange magnons in a CoFeB/MgO junction
[2112.12324] Cong Chen, Xu-Tao Zeng, Ziyu Chen et al.: Second-Order Real Nodal-Line Semimetal in Three-Dimensional Graphdiyne
[2112.12352] Christopher T. Parzyck, Brendan D. Faeth, Gordon N. Tam et al.: Enhanced Surface Superconductivity in Ba(Fe$_{0.95}$Co$_{0.05}$)$_2$As$_2$
[2112.12357] Yi Bian, Haiyan Li, Fengbo Yan et al.: Hydrogen induced electronic transition within correlated perovskite nickelates with heavy rare-earth composition
[2112.12358] Wei Liu, Xiaoming Zhang, Weizhen Meng et al.: Theoretical realization of hybrid Weyl state and associated high catalytic performance for hydrogen evolution in NiSi
[2112.12361] Koichiro Furutani, Luca Salasnich: Superfluid properties of bright solitons in a ring
[2112.12366] Kunihiko Yamauchi, Hiroyoshi Momida, Tamio Oguchi: First-Principles Study on Cathode Properties of Li2MTiO4 and Na2MTiO4 (M = V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni)
[2112.12370] Hisao Hayakawa, Ville M. M. Paasonen, Ryosuke Yoshii: Geometrical Quantum Chemical Engine
[2112.12372] Dongchang Zheng, Shaoting Lin, Jiahua Ni et al.: Fracture and fatigue of entangled and unentangled polymer networks
[2112.12383] M. Wurdack, E. Estrecho, S. Todd et al.: Enhancing ground state population and macroscopic coherence of room-temperature WS$_2$ polaritons through engineered confinement
[2112.12393] A. Arul Anne Elden, M. Ponmurugan: Monte Carlo investigation of phase changes and the order of transition of Ising modeled single-walled Nanotube}
[2112.12396] C. L. Zhang, X. He, C. Liu et al.: Unexpected High Temperature Superconductivity in Titanium
[2112.12403] Yuki Sughiyama, Dimitri Loutchko, Atsushi Kamimura et al.: A Hessian Geometric Structure of Chemical Thermodynamic Systems with Stoichiometric Constraints
[2112.12408] B. J. Mommers, A. Pritchard, T. A. Bell et al.: Husimi-driven many-body systems realised with ultracold Bose gases
[2112.12417] Pierre Lechifflart, Fulvio Paleari, Claudio Attaccalite: Excitons under strain: light absorption and emission in strained hexagonal boron nitride
[2112.12420] Y.O. Solyaev: Self-consistent assessments for the effective properties of two-phase composites within strain gradient elasticity
[2112.12423] Matthias Ruf, Kianoosh Taghizadeh, Holger Steeb: Visualizing particle networks in granular media by in situ X-ray computed tomography
[2112.12429] Hidetsugu Sakaguchi, Fumihide Hirano, Boris A. Malomed: Dragging spin-orbit-coupled solitons by a moving optical lattice
[2112.12437] Jean-François Derivaux, Robert L. Jack, Michael E. Cates: Rectification in a mixture of active and passive particles subject to a ratchet potential
[2112.12456] Julia Lumetzberger, Verena Ney, Anna Zhakarova et al.: Control of site occupancy by variation of the Zn and Al content in NiZnAl ferrite epitaxial films with low magnetic damping
[2112.12461] G. Nicoli, C. Adam, M. P. Röösli et al.: Spin-Selective Equilibration among Integer Quantum Hall Edge Channels
[2112.12467] Kazuki Yamamoto, Masaya Nakagawa, Masaki Tezuka et al.: Universal properties of dissipative Tomonaga-Luttinger liquids: A case study of a non-Hermitian XXZ spin chain
[2112.12473] Mark Gibbons: Extracting mechanical work from a scalar field potential via dissipative structures
[2112.12475] Andreas Haller, Solofo Groenendijk, Alireza Habibi et al.: Quantum Skyrmion Lattices in Heisenberg Ferromagnets
[2112.12486] Marián Ryník, Stefano Leoni, Roman Martoňák: Pressure-induced structural transformation of clathrate Ge$_{136}$ via an ultrafast recrystallization of an amorphous intermediate
[2112.12503] Sergei V. Titov, William J. Dowling, Yuri P. Kalmykov et al.: Nutation spin waves in ferromagnets
[2112.12505] Luca Basta, Aldo Moscardini, Filippo Fabbri et al.: Covalent Organic Functionalization of Graphene Nanosheets and Reduced Graphene Oxide via 1,3-Dipolar Cycloaddition of Azomethine Ylide
[2112.12527] Mouhui Yan, Yichen Jin, Xiaofei Hou et al.: Topological Quasi-2D Semimetal Co$_3$Sn$_2$S$_2$: Insights To Electronic Structure From NEXAFS and Resonant Photoelectron Spectroscopy
[2112.12528] Yong Zhou, Roman Ovcharenko, Beate Paulus et al.: Modification of the magnetic and electronic properties of the graphene-Ni(111) interface via halogens intercalation
[2112.12529] Yichen Jin, Mouhui Yan, Tomislav Kremer et al.: Mott-Hubbard Insulating State for the Layered van der Waals FePX$_3$ (X:S, Se) As Revealed by NEXAFS and Resonant Photoelectron Spectroscopy
[2112.12553] Natalya Sheremetyeva, Drake Niedzielski, Damien Tristant et al.: Low-frequency Raman signature of Ag-intercalated few-layer MoS$_2$
[2112.12556] Congkuan Tian, Feihao Pan, Dehua Ye et al.: DyOCl: a rare-earth based two-dimensional van der Waals material with strong magnetic anisotropy
[2112.12557] Jarek Duda: Diffusion models for atomic scale electron currents in semiconductor, p-n junction
[2112.12603] K. M. Ranjith, F. Landolt, S. Raymond et al.: NMR evidence against spin-nematic nature of the presaturation phase in frustrated magnet SrZnVO(PO4)2
[2112.12613] J.F. Mitchell: A Nickelate Renaissance
[2112.12617] L. Schué, F. A. Goudreault, A. Righi et al.: Visible Out-of-plane Polarized Luminescence and Electronic Resonance from Black Phosphorus
[2112.12624] Gernot Akemann, Adam Mielke, Patricia Päßler: Spacing distribution in the 2D Coulomb gas: Surmise and symmetry classes of non-Hermitian random matrices at non-integer $β$
[2112.12627] Shobhit Saheb Dey, Giuliano Timossi, Luigi Amico et al.: Negative differential thermal conductance by photonic transport in electronic circuits
[2112.12634] E.F. Talantsev: Thermodynamic parameters of atomically thin superconductors derived from the upper critical field
[2112.12657] K. V. Samokhin: On the effective models of spin-orbit coupling in a two-dimensional electron gas
[2112.12669] A.D. Lobanov, A.D. Lobanova, A.M. Pupasov-Maksimov: Two-parameter landscape of transport efficiency in mesoscopic networks: transitions from the Braess to normal regimes without a congestion ...
[2112.12687] Supriyo Datta: Can Negative Capacitance Induce Superconductivity?
[2112.12710] Taiki Matsushita, Takeshi Mizushima, Ilya Vekhter et al.: Anomalous acoustoelectric effect induced by clapping modes in chiral superconductors
[2112.12712] Sifan Xu, Zhicheng Wu, Yuriy Dedkov et al.: Adsorption of water on the pristine and defective semiconducting 2D CrPX$_3$ monolayers (X: S, Se)
[2112.12723] Thudiyangal Mithun, R. Carretero-González, E.G. Charalampidis et al.: Existence, Stability and Dynamics of Monopole and Alice Ring Solutions in Anti-Ferromagnetic Spinor Condensates
[2112.12729] Sk Ashif Akram, Gaurav Kumar, Anirban Sain: Membrane budding driven by intra-cellular ESCRT-III filaments
[2112.12735] Brandon C. Rayhaun, Dominic J. Williamson: Higher-Form Subsystem Symmetry Breaking: Subdimensional Criticality and Fracton Phase Transitions
[2112.12737] Péter Juhász, Milan Krstajić, David Strachan et al.: How to realise a homogeneous dipolar Bose gas in the roton regime
[2112.12747] Dimitrios Ampelogiannis, Benjamin Doyon: Ergodicity and hydrodynamic projections in quantum spin lattices at all frequencies and wavelengths
[2112.12749] S. M. Roccuzzo, A. Recati, S. Stringari: Moment of Inertia and Dynamical Rotational Response of a Supersolid Dipolar Gas
[2112.12760] Suney Toste, David Holcman: Arrival time for the fastest among $N$ switching stochastic particles
[2112.12772] Hantao Zhang, Ran Cheng: Theory of the Harmonic Hall Responses of Spin-Torque Driven Antiferromagnets
[2112.12776] Frank Schindler, Oskar Vafek, B. Andrei Bernevig: Trions in Twisted Bilayer Graphene
[2112.12783] Chandra M. Varma: Quantum-critical resistivity of strange metals in a magnetic field
[2112.12787] Erik Busley, Leon Espert Miranda, Andreas Redmann et al.: Compressibility and the Equation of State of an Optical Quantum Gas in a Box
[2112.12788] Joaquín Minguzzi, Zijie Zhu, Kilian Sandholzer et al.: Topological pumping in a Floquet-Bloch band
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in cond-mat on Fri, 24 Dec 21","img":""}
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