What type of GIVER are you?

What form of giving yields the most joy for you?
Creating for people.
Connecting people.
Investing in people.
Teaching people.
Leading by example.
Motivating people.
What is your favorite compliment to receive?
How knowledgable you are.
How beautiful your work is.
How well regarded you are among your industry.
How generous/charitable you are.
How inspiring you are.
How innovative you are.
When you hear a friend is sad, your first reaction is to...
Treat them to dinner.
Make something for them.
Listen and offer your best advice.
Put them in touch with someone who can relate/help..
Recommend a helpful book.
Help them plan for a new future.
Who inspires you most?
Ellen DeGeneres
Harriet Tubman
Maya Angelou (Poet)
Anne Sullivan (Helen Keller's Teacher)
Barbara Corcoran (Shark Tank)
100 years from now, what do you most want to be remembered for?
The number people you motivated.
The barriers you broke down for people.
The lessons you taught.
Your philanthropic impact.
The relationships you forged/community you build.
Your craft.
{"name":"What type of GIVER are you?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Name:, Email:, What form of giving yields the most joy for you?","img":"https://www.poll-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png?sz=1200-00000000001000005300"}
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