LIVE SPACEPOD News Quiz: 4/20/18
{"name":"LIVE SPACEPOD News Quiz: 4\/20\/18", "url":"","txt":"What is your name?, 1) The first sex doll brothel in Paris, which charges customers $126 an hour some private time with one of it’s $2,000+ sex dolls is facing critiques and calls for it to close because of this:, 2) Thanks to some newly released Nintendo games, we’ve learned a bit more about their characters than maybe we ever wanted to know. For instance, Mario has nipples. Toadstool is actually wearing a mushroom hat and isn’t a character with a mushroom for a head (wtf) ... and Luigi definitely has a dick. One sharp eyed viewer was even able to calculate exactly how big Luigi’s flaccid penis is based on some simple math. What’s Mario’s taller lengthier brother packin’ downstairs in inches?","img":""}