Equipment maintance

A modern medical equipment maintenance workshop with various ophthalmic tools and a technician working on a tonometer, bright and organized with the focus on maintenance procedures.

Equipment Maintenance Quiz

Test your knowledge on the important aspects of equipment maintenance within the ophthalmic field. This quiz contains 10 questions that will challenge your understanding of calibration, maintenance procedures, and safety protocols.

You'll explore topics such as:

  • Calibration techniques
  • Maintenance routines
  • Lubrication methods
  • Disinfection standards
10 Questions2 MinutesCreated by MaintainingEyes24
Acuity projectors must be calibrated by establishing the distance from the front wall to the position on the counter. Once the distance is established, then the size and clarity of the lettering can be determined.
Other than calibrating the acuity projector, maintenance is essentially changing out a burnt bulb. This task is as simple as removing the old bulb and replacing with a new one.
The Goldmann tonometer can only have calibration verified by the use of the weight bar.
The keratometer requires little to no maintenance other than
Changing the bulb
Cleaning the cobalt filter
Calibrating the unit with the set of steel ball calibrating shperes
All the above
Which lubricant is widely used on ophthalmic equipment
Silicone spray
WD 40
Graphite or Silicone spray
EVA systems can be internally calibrated to _____feet; although by adjusting the letter size, the distance can be brought even closer; to ______ feet.
When using the weighted bar to verify calibration on the Goldmann tonometer, you must check at 0, 20, and 50 mm of Hg.
Bulbs should only be changed when they have "burnt" out. Otherwise leave them in the machine.
A technician should always be aware of the approved method of disinfecting the tonometer tips between patients. It is not one continuous method. For confirmation of the current approved method, the technician should refer to the CDC.
The MOST costly aspect of some equipment malfunctions / breakdowns is not the cost of repair; it is the lost revenu due to the down time for the repair.
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