De Groote Maandag Middag Quiz - Soviet Engineering Achievements

A retro-style collage showcasing Soviet engineering achievements, including the T-34 tank, Sputnik, and the Chernobyl reactor with a backdrop of the Soviet Union flag.

Soviet Engineering Achievements Quiz

Test your knowledge of the incredible engineering feats achieved by the Soviet Union during its existence! This quiz covers a range of topics from military technology to space exploration, highlighting the innovative spirit of Soviet engineers and scientists.

  • Explore significant milestones in Soviet engineering.
  • Challenge yourself with questions about critical inventions and their impact.
  • Learn interesting facts about the Soviet space race and military technology.
13 Questions3 MinutesCreated by InnovatingEngineer42
What name shall I put on the list Comrade?
The Soviet style of engineering, of achieving more with less, began during the struggle of WW2. For example the T-34 was both the most effective and cost effective tank of the war. How many of this machine did the Soviet Union manage to build in 5 years?
Mikhail Kalashnikov invented the most lethal weapon in history in 1947. He later said he would have prefered to invent farm machinery. Which word is missing from this quote; "Things that are complex are not ______, things that are _____ are simple".
When the Soviet Union launched Sputnik in 1957 the Space race with the USA began. Everyone knows the USA put the first man on the moon, but who achieved these space firsts?
USSR or USA? - First man in space?
USSR - Juri Gagarin
USA - Alan Shephard
USSR or USA? First woman in space.
USSR - Valentina Tereshkova
USA - Sally Ride
USSR or USA? First succesful landing on another planet? (Venus)
USSR - Venera 7
USA - Mariner 5
USSR or USA? First images from the surface of Mars?
USSR - Mars 3
USA - Viking 1
USSR or USA? First space station?
USSR - Salyut 1
USA - Skylab
As the Cold War intensified the CIA where puzzled by photos of this invention. What is it?
A jet aircraft
A transport ship
A hovercraft
All of these things
The Cold War stayed non-nuclear because of the delicate balance between Soviet and American power.
In 2018 President Trump withdrew from the INF Treaty which was signed in 1982 stating "Let it be an arms race, we will out match them". Former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev described this as "Not the work of a great mind".
The combined US and Russian stockpiles are now 'only' 13000 nuclear weapons, but how many did they own between them at the peak of the Cold War?
Sadly the centrally planned Soviet economy was a disaster, especially for agriculture leading to the deaths of 10 million people. Which body of water has almost completely dissapeared as a result of Soviet irrigation projects?
Aral Sea
Lake Baikal
Lake Balkash
Caspian Sea
Soviet engineering reached a low point with the Chernobyl Disaster. Gorbachev thought that this was the main event that ended belief in the soviet system and started the break up of the USSR. The disaster area has been closed ever since. How many years will it take before the town of Pripiyat can be safely inhabited again?
After the collapse of the Soviet Union many of its scientists and engineers left for Europe or the USA and many of their ideas continue in other fields of research.
Which proposed project by astronomer and founder of SETI, Nikolai Kardeshev, is now being planned by NASA?
An elevator to space
A radio telescope on the moon
Bringing asteroids to earth orbit with solar sails
Changing the climate on Mars
{"name":"De Groote Maandag Middag Quiz - Soviet Engineering Achievements", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge of the incredible engineering feats achieved by the Soviet Union during its existence! This quiz covers a range of topics from military technology to space exploration, highlighting the innovative spirit of Soviet engineers and scientists.Explore significant milestones in Soviet engineering.Challenge yourself with questions about critical inventions and their impact.Learn interesting facts about the Soviet space race and military technology.","img":"https:/images/course8.png"}
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