Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in astro-ph on Mon, 6 Jul 20
[2007.01301] Liang Dai: Statistical Microlensing Toward Magnified High-Redshift Star Clusters
[2007.01302] Carmelo Evoli, Pasquale Blasi, Elena Amato et al.: The signature of energy losses on the cosmic ray electron spectrum
[2007.01306] A. Richard-Laferrière, J. Hlavacek-Larrondo, R. S. Nemmen et al.: On the relation between mini-halos and AGN feedback in clusters of galaxies
[2007.01308] Daniel Gilman, Simon Birrer, Tommaso Treu: TDCOSMO III: Dark matter substructure meets dark energy -- the effects of (sub)halos on strong-lensing measurements of $H_0$
[2007.01310] B. C. Lemaux, S. Fuller, M. Bradač et al.: The Size and Pervasiveness of Ly$α$-UV Spatial Offsets in Star-Forming Galaxies at $z\sim6$
[2007.01312] Nicholas J. Fantin, Patrick Côté, Alan McConnachie: White Dwarfs in the Era of the LSST and its Synergies with Space-Based Missions
[2007.01313] Jessica K. Rigley, Mark C. Wyatt: Dust size and spatial distributions in debris discs: predictions for exozodiacal dust dragged in from an exo-Kuiper belt
[2007.01314] Ariel Werle, Roberto Cid Fernandes, Natalia Vale Asari et al.: Clues on the history of early-type galaxies from SDSS spectra and GALEX photometry
[2007.01316] Matteo Nori, Marco Baldi: Scaling relations of Fuzzy Dark Matter haloes I: individual systems in their cosmological environment
[2007.01317] M. Arabsalmani, F. Renaud, S. Roychowdhury et al.: Local starburst conditions and formation of GRB 980425 / SN 1998bw within a collisional ring
[2007.01319] M. T. Valdivia-Mena, M. Rubio, A. D. Bolatto et al.: ALMA resolves molecular clouds in the metal poor Magellanic Bridge A
[2007.01320] Justin Khoury, Mark Trodden, Sam S. C. Wong: Existence and Instability of Novel Hairy Black Holes in Shift-symmetric Horndeski Theories
[2007.01322] B. Ribeiro, O. Le Fèvre, A. Paulino-Afonso et al.: The VIMOS Ultra-Deep Survey: the Ly$α$ emission line morphology at $2 < z < 6$
[2007.01331] Sara Rezaei Kh., Coryn A.L. Bailer-Jones, Juan D. Soler et al.: Detailed 3D structure of OrionA in dust with Gaia DR2
[2007.01342] Bradford Snios, Aneta Siemiginowska, Małgosia Sobolewska et al.: X-ray Properties of Young Radio Quasars at z > 4.5
[2007.01353] Deaglan J. Bartlett, Harry Desmond, Julien Devriendt et al.: Spatially offset black holes in the Horizon-AGN simulation and comparison to observations
[2007.01365] V. Hocdé, N. Nardetto, S. Borgniet et al.: Pulsating chromosphere of classical Cepheids. Calcium infrared triplet and H$α$ profile variations
[2007.01368] Quanzhi Ye, Tony L. Farnham, Matthew M. Knight et al.: Recovery of Returning Halley-Type Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks With the Lowell Discovery Telescope
[2007.01371] Avrajit Bandyopadhyay, Thirupathi Sivarani, Timothy C. Beers: Abundance Analysis of New $r$-Process-Enhanced Stars from the HESP-GOMPA Survey
[2007.01372] Reed Essick, Philipe Landry: Discriminating between Neutron Stars and Black Holes with Imperfect Knowledge of the Maximum Neutron Star Mass
[2007.01415] Knox S. Long, William P. Blair, P. Frank Winkler et al.: The Supernova Remnant Population of NGC6946 as Observed in [Fe II] 1.644 $μ$m with HST
[2007.01432] Jason Jackiewicz: Probabilistic Inversions for Time-Distance Helioseismology
[2007.01438] Harshitha K. Bhat, Susmita Chakravorty, Dhrubojyoti Sengupta et al.: Hyper-massive Black Holes have Faint Broad and Narrow Emission Lines
[2007.01440] Aritra Basu, Jishnu Goswami, Dominik J. Schwarz et al.: Searching for axion-like particles under strong gravitational lenses
[2007.01446] John B. Biersteker, Hilke E. Schlichting: Losing Oceans: The Effects of Composition on the Thermal Component of Impact-driven Atmospheric Loss
[2007.01487] Armen Tokadjian, Anthony L. Piro: Impact of Tides on the Potential for Exoplanets to Host Exomoons
[2007.01518] Alexis Lavail, Oleg Kochukhov, Gaitee Hussain et al.: The large-scale magnetic field of the eccentric pre-main-sequence binary system V1878 Ori
[2007.01537] Eran O. Ofek, Maayane Soumagnac, Guy Nir et al.: A catalog of over ten million variable source candidates in ZTF data release 1
[2007.01553] James A. G. Jackman, Peter J. Wheatley, Jack S. Acton et al.: NGTS clusters survey -- II. White-light flares from the youngest stars in Orion
[2007.01564] I. Kontogiannis, E. Dineva, A. Diercke et al.: High-resolution spectroscopy of an erupting minifilament and its impact on the nearby chromosphere
[2007.01589] Man Ho Chan, Chak Man Lee: Constraining the spin-independent elastic scattering cross section of dark matter using the Moon as a detection target and the background neutrino data
[2007.01590] Magdalena Kunert-Bajraszewska, Aleksandra Wolowska, Kunal Mooley et al.: Caltech-NRAO Stripe 82 Survey (CNSS). IV. The Birth of Radio-loud Quasar 013815+00
[2007.01603] Francisco Prada, Robert Content, Ariel Goobar et al.: White Paper on MAAT@GTC
[2007.01616] Denis Nikolaevich Sob'yanin: Periodic fast radio bursts from forcedly precessing neutron stars, anomalous torque, and internal magnetic field for FRB 180916.J0158+65 and FRB 121102
[2007.01622] Antón Baleato Lizancos, Anthony Challinor, Julien Carron: Impact of internal-delensing biases on searches for primordial B-modes of CMB polarisation
[2007.01650] Massimiliano Lattanzi, Martina Gerbino, Katherine Freese et al.: Cornering (quasi) degenerate neutrinos with cosmology
[2007.01655] Kushagra Upadhyay, Bhuwan Joshi, Prabir K. Mitra et al.: Solar Radio Observation Using CALLISTO at the USO/PRL, Udaipur
[2007.01664] Nicolas Chamel, Anthea Francesca Fantina, Julian-Leszek Zdunik et al.: Experimental constraints on shallow heating in accreting neutron-star crusts
[2007.01670] Lorenzo Zaninetti: Energy Conservation in the thin layer approximation: II. The asymmetric classic case for supernovae remnants
[2007.01679] Yi-Kuan Chiang, Ryu Makiya, Eiichiro Komatsu et al.: The thermal and gravitational energy densities in the large-scale structure of the Universe
[2007.01689] Geoff Beck: Radio-Frequency Searches for Dark Matter in Dwarf Galaxies
[2007.01697] M. Holler, J.-P. Lenain, M. de Naurois et al.: A Run-Wise Simulation and Analysis Framework for Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescope Arrays
[2007.01747] Miguel Angel Sanchez Conde, Michele Doro: Overlay of the Special Issue 'The Role of Halo Substructure in Gamma-Ray Dark Matter Searches'
[2007.01756] E. De Beck, H. Olofsson: The surprisingly carbon-rich environment of the S-type star W Aql
[2007.01767] Yichao Li, Mario G. Santos, Keith Grainge et al.: HI intensity mapping with MeerKAT: 1/f noise analysis
[2007.01768] Qiang Yuan, Bing-Qiang Qiao, Yi-Qing Guo et al.: Nearby source interpretation of differences among light and medium composition spectra in cosmic rays
[2007.01783] J. V. Seidel, D. Ehrenreich, V. Bourrier et al.: Hot Exoplanet Atmospheres Resolved with Transit Spectroscopy (HEARTS) V. Detection of sodium on the bloated super-Neptune WASP-166b
[2007.01802] Mike Shengbo Wang, Florian Beutler, David Bacon: Impact of Relativistic Effects on the Primordial Non-Gaussianity Signature in the Large-Scale Clustering of Quasars
[2007.01812] S. Yahia-Cherif, A. Blanchard, S. Camera et al.: Validating the Fisher approach for stage IV spectroscopic surveys
[2007.01840] Valeria Amaro, Stefano Cavuoti, Massimo Brescia et al.: Rejection criteria based on outliers in the KiDS photometric redshifts and PDF distributions derived by machine learning
[2007.01844] B. Joachimi, C.-A. Lin, M. Asgari et al.: KiDS-1000 Methodology: Modelling and inference for joint weak gravitational lensing and spectroscopic galaxy clustering analysis
[2007.01845] Benjamin Giblin, Catherine Heymans, Marika Asgari et al.: KiDS-1000 catalogue: weak gravitational lensing shear measurements
[2007.01846] J. L. Van den Busch, H. Hildebrandt, A. H. Wright et al.: Testing KiDS cross-correlation redshifts with simulations
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in astro-ph on Mon, 6 Jul 20","img":""}
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