According to Heckhausen’s General Model of Motivated Behavior, which expectancy does NOT influence someone’s behavior
The situation-outcome expectancy, if the action-outcome expectancy is high
The action-outcome expectancy, if the situation–outcome expectancy is high
The outcome-consequence expectancy, if the situation-outcome expectancy is low
The outcome-consequence expectancy, if the action-outcome expectancy is high
The situation-outcome expectancy, if the action-outcome expectancy is low
Among Nico Frijda’s Laws of Emotion, the Law of Hedonic Asymmetry implies that…
Emotional responses to pleasure and displeasure are asymmetrical
Pleasure is always contingent upon change
Displeasure (pain) may persist as long as adverse conditions persist
Individuals are motivated to act soon after experiencing pleasure, because it does not persist
All of the above
In flow experience the major motivational incentive is…
Extrinsic consequence-related
Intrinsic incentives are NOT based on
The external consequences of an action
The enjoyment of the activity itself
The dreading of the activity itself
The direct outcome of the activity
Internal consequences of self-evaluation
Research investigating how people adapt to divorce and widowhood, shows that those who respond strongly when the event first happens, ________ after several years, whereas those who initially react little, show _________later in life
Totally recover, crisis
Still are negatively affected, no symptoms
Get better, decline
Attain levels better than pre-loss, attain levels worse than pre-loss
Are clinically depressed, post-traumatic stress disorder
What are the three phases of coping with a stressful life event which researchers of coping with life events study?
Crisis Phase, Struggle Phase, and Recovery Phase
Primary Control Phase, Secondary Control Phase, Tertiary Control Phase
Baseline Phase, Reaction Phase, Adaptation Phase
Primary Appraisal Phase, Secondary Appraisal Phase, Tertiary Appraisal Phase
Despair Phase, Coping Phase, Social Support Phase
What is the relationship between drive states, homeostasis, and set point.
Homeostasis in a physiological system is maintained by drive states kicking in when the set point is reached.
If the current level for a physiological system is significantly departing from its set point, homeostasis is no longer maintained and a drive state is generated.
Drive states motivate homeostasis in a physiological system to aim for a given set point.
Set points in a physiological system are avoided by drive states in order to maintain homeostasis.
Drives states have the following effect on attention.
They broaden attention to the social context of goals.
They disengage attention from what was relevant immediately before.
They narrow down attention toward information relevant for the drive.
They engage attention to alternative paths of action and goals.
Which two major factors make people commit to a goal? The sense that...
the goal is worthwhile and others will appreciate you for attaining it.
The goal is challenging and intrinsically satisfying.
The goal is beneficial to the community and to yourself.
The goal is valuable and can be attained.
Self-regulation of goal choice and goal pursuit is done in two sequential phases.
Deliberative phase, implemental phase
Implemental phase, deliberative phase
Actional phase, post-actional phase
Pre-decisional, post-actional phase
Which self-regulatory capacity predicts long-term outcomes in people's lives?
Delay of goal pursuit
Persistence in goal pursuit
Delay of gratification
Pursuit of gratification
Which is NOT one of the interpersonal (self-regulatory) functions of emotion?
To facilitate quick action with little conscious awareness
To convince others that we mean what we say
To prepare the body for immediate action
To motivate future behavior
How are emotional expressions involved in social referencing?
Tell you how to address your superiors
let others know what you don't want
Look for another person's emotional expression to clarify a situation
Look for another person's emotional expression to see their current state
Personality traits reflect
Inherent bimodal characteristics of the individual
Continuous distributions of characteristics among individuals
Distinct personality types
Qualitative maxima of personal uniqueness
The three criteria for distinguishing personality traits from other psychological characteristics are:
Invariable, normative, alleostatic
identifiable, variable, expressive
Corresponsive, homogeneity, multi-facetted
Individual differences, stability, consistency
The person-situation debate suggested that
People's behavior differs across situations
Behavior is driven by specific combinations of situations and social-cognitive processes
Cross-situational consistency of behavior is based on individual differences in social-cognitive processes
All of the options given here are correct.
Absolute stability is consistency of the__________of a personality attribute over time, differential (or relative) stability is consistency of the __________of a personality attribute over time.
Grouping, level
Rank-ordering, grouping
Level, rank-ordering
neither of the options given here are correct
Which of the sets of mechanisms addressed in the acronym ASTMA coined by Brent Roberts for the mechanisms producing personality stability and change refer to stability only?
Attraction (A), Selection (S), Transformation (T)
Attrition (A), Manipulation (M), Transformation (T)
Attraction (A), Selection (S), Manipulation (M), Attrition (A)
Transformation (T), Attraction (A), Attrition (A), Manipulation (M)
The Developmental Intergroup Theory of gender role development states that
Adults' strong focus on gender differences enhances children's attention to gender
Intergroup differences in gender lead children to stereotyped beliefs about gender
Adults' focus on intergroup differences makes children reactant to gender beliefs
Children's experience of gender group differences leads them to focus on gender
Benevolent sexism supports the notion that
Women are more valuable then men
Women need protection from men
Men are more valuable then women
Men deserve respect from women
How do projective tests of personality work?
The reality is projected into the test items.
People systematically interpret pictures according to the projected visual field.
The person’s personality is projected into his/her responses to pictures.
Stories project an ideal self that can be interpreted by the researcher.
Individuals respond to test questions that project on personality variables.
Motives are
Unconscious and guide behavior
Conscious and guide behavior
Unconscious and determine the self concept
Conscious and determine the self concept
Both A and C are correct.
What are the three most researched motives?
Achievement, altruism, aggression
Power, affiliation, dominance
Affiliation, achievement, power
altruism, affiliation, achievement
Aggression, power, affiliation
What is the core incentive for the power motive?
Being better than others
Dominating and suppressing others
Being a successful bully
Having an impact on others’ behavior
Getting money by using power
What is the “lexical approach” in personality psychology?
Taking advantage of the wisdom contained in language terms.
Using the sedimentation lexicon to identify personalities.
It is based on a few hundred words in the English language that refer to personality.
It is a few thousand words that were generated out of 16 personality factors.
It uses behavioral as well as physical appearance terms.
Which three personality traits are part of the Big Five?
Openness to experience, consciousness, neuroticisms
Extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness
Agreeableness, neuroticism, consciousness
Neuroticism, extraversion, altruism
Altruism, openness, extraversion
By knowing someone’s position on a question of basic political and moral values, one can predict
Whether that person would make a good politician
That person’s personality
That person’s motives
That person’s position on other political/moral values.
that person’s overall popularity
Social stereotypes have a bad reputation. Which of the following statements about social stereotypes is NOT TRUE.
Using social stereotypes makes someone a bad judge of other people
Stereotypes are useful to quickly classify people
Stereotypes are based on interrelations between personal attributes
Using stereotypes can be helpful for informed guesses about someone we know little about
Stereotypes are often simplified and more extreme than reality
What can be said about the political values of liberals and conservatives?
Liberals have more diverse values than conservatives.
Conservatives have more diverse values than liberals.
Conservatives do not care much about fairness and protecting people from harm
Liberals value fairness and protecting people from harm above all other concerns.
Both B and D are correct.
What makes social stereotypes useful in everyday interactions with others
Social stereotypes help to avoid conflicts between groups
Social stereotypes help us organize our experience with people we do not usually encounter
Social stereotypes are based on the associations between different characteristics of people
Social stereotypes increase inter-group aggression
Both B and C are correct.
When asking people about their own and others’ political views, the views offered are
Pretty close to the actual views of the person’s ingroup
Pretty close to the actual view of the person’s outgroup
Somewhat exaggerated for the own ingroup
Somewhat exaggerated for the own outgroup.
All of the above.
Which of the following is a moral taboo violating the value of purity
Saying something bad about your nation (which you don't believe to be true) while calling in, anonymously, to a talk-radio show in a foreign nation.
Making a disrespectful hand gesture to your boss, teacher, or professor
Make cruel remarks to an overweight person about his or her appearance.
Throwing out a box of ballots, during an election, to help your favored candidate win
Having an incestuous or romantic relationship with a sibling.
The concept of Social Dominance Orientation (SDO) describes a belief that
Members of one's in-group deserve dominance in society
Groups in society are not equal because some groups are better than others
One needs to comply with people in power because they are the leaders
leadership is critical to everyone's benefit
The Implicit Association Test (IAT) combines sorting words into good and bad categories along with sorting them into categories of people. This test allows researchers to
Uncover personality characteristics
Speed up people's fluid intelligence capacities
Identify blatant prejudice against other groups
Predict feelings and behavior toward other groups
Social identity theory proposes that people
classify everyone they see into social categories
identify with the dominant group in society
Cannot help but classify themselves as a member of a social group
Favor their own group over other groups
Fiske's Stereotype Content Model uses the following two dimensions to map how groups relate to each other in society:
Dominance, agreeableness
Warmth, competence
prejudice, aversion
Sympathy, mastery
The availability heuristic is based on
People who are more available are liked less
people who are more available are liked more
Events which easily come to mind are more frequent
Events which easily come to mind are less frequent
Affective forecasting of one's own emotional responses is
Almost always accurate
Accurate about positivity versus negativity of feelings
Accurate about degree or strength of feelings
Accurate about precursors of feelings
Hot cognitions refer to cognitions
About sex
About embarrassment and shame
influenced by feelings and desire
Influenced by warm weather
In Seligman et al.’s experiment about learned helplessness, what was the most adaptive aspect of the dogs’ behavior in the helplessness condition.
The dogs tried to avoid the shock even when it was unavoidable.
The dogs that never experienced escapable shocks stopped trying to avoid it.
The dogs that experienced escapable shocks learned to avoid it.
The dogs that never experienced the shock stayed cheerful.
The dogs that experienced some shocks adjusted their mood to it.
In the study by Wrosch and Miller on disengagement and depression in adolescents
Youth who engaged with goals more were found to be least depressed later
Youth who were depressed earlier were more engaged with goals later
Youth who increased in disengagement capacity were less depressed later
Youth who were ore depressed earlier were more capable of disengaging later
both C and D are correct
In what way can depression be an adaptation?
By working through depressive moods one can avoid a major clinical depression later on.
The low mood that comes with depression can help to disengage from futile goals.
The panic that comes with depression can help to avoid dangerous situations.
The pessimism that comes with depression can help to avoid excessive challenges.
Both B and D are correct.
The meta-analyses by Smith, Glass et al. About the effectiveness of various psychotherapies, showed that
Most psychotherapies are largely ineffective
Only the long-term psychotherapies such as psychoanalyses are effective
Only the short-term focused psychotherapies such as behavioral therapy are effective
Most psychotherapy approaches are somewhat effective
Psychotherapy is only effective if coupled with psycho-pharmacological treatment.
What are the disadvantages of randomized clinical trials for evaluating the effectiveness of therapies?
The control over how the intervention is to be done is not rigorous enough.
The assignment of subjects to different therapy conditions is haphazard.
Patients are seen at varying intervals and different numbers of sessions.
The patients are randomly assigned to treatment and control conditions irrespective of their need.
The patients included usually have multiple disorders.
Which statement about depression is wrong?
It is relatively rare, only 3 to 7% of the population get it.
It is relatively common; between 13 and 20% of the population get it.
More common among women than men
More adolescents and young adults get it than children or middle-aged and older adults
Is often triggered by negative life events.
Symptoms of clinical depression
Always include sadness
May include anhedonia
Last for one or two weeks
Do not impair everyday functioning
What are criteria of Persistent Depressive Disorder (PDD)?
Last at least two years
No history of manic disorder
All of the options given here are correct
Which age period is the highest risk for developing a bipolar or unipolar mood disorder?
Old age
Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) refers to
A whole community being affected by irrational fears
Anxiety being generalized from one event to the next
Someone worrying about each and all of his loved ones
Excessive worries about small and big issues most of the time
For Posttraumatic Stess Disorder (PTSD) to be diagnosed the patient must have experienced the following:
been directly exposed to a threatening event
Witnessed the threatening event happen to someone else
Find out that the event happened to a close relative or friend
All of the options given here are correct.
A major tool of psychoanalysis is _______________, and of person-centered therapy is _____________.
Conditional positive regard, free association
Guided association, unconditional positive regard
free association, unconditional positive regard
Unconditional positive regard, guided association
Mindfulness-based therapy uses______________to____________.
Physio-mental therapy; reduce stress
Meditation and yoga; reduce stress
Physio-mental therapy; enhance happiness
Meditation and yoga; enhance happiness
According to the Motivational Theory of Lifespan Development, it is best if people select goals to pursue when goal controllability is ____________, and to disengage from goals when goal controllability is ___________.
High, high
Low, low
High, low
Low, high
Intermediate, intermediate
Acute and chronic health problems respond to individuals’ attempts to control them.
Chronic problems require primary control striving to get better.
Acute problems require primary control striving to get better
Acute and chronic problems require primary control striving
Acute and chronic problems require secondary control striving
Neither strategy helps with either acute or chronic health problems.
Amelie has been told by her physician that she has breast cancer. She (1) reads up on the diagnosis and possible treatments and (2) rejects the idea that the cancer is due to her poor life style choices. What are (1) and (2) examples of?
Disengagement, self-protection
Self-protection, disengagement
Secondary control, primary control
primary control, secondary control
Disengagement, engagement
In research about social inequality and health, which factors play a role in the social inequalities in health? Different social classes differ in
Health-related behavior
Access to health care
Environmental factors (e.g., neighborhoods, discrimination)
Psychological factors (e.g., negative affect, lack of control)
all of the above.
In the Motivational Theory of Lifespan Development, primary control strategies are directed at_____________________, and secondary control strategies are aimed at ________________________.
Expanding the control over the physical environment, maximizing the control over the social environment
Expanding the control over the environment, maximizing the control over the self
The line of first defense, the second line of defense
What one notices first in a challenging situation, what one notices only after some reflection
both B and D are correct.
What is a Gini Coefficient?
The likelihood that people in a given country can climb the social ladder
The percentage of the Gross National Product which is owned by the people with the highest income
A measure of social inequality in a country
The risk of a ghost escaping from a bottle
The mortality of people at the lowest rung of the social ladder
Causes of subjective well-being are
Mostly internal
Mostly external
Internal and external
Neither internal nor external
Different countries differ a lot in the mean happiness of their people. Which societal or geographical factors predict low happiness?
Cold climate
Lack of religious faith
High conflict
Short lifespan
When Ed Diener says that money has diminishing returns for happiness, what does he refer to?
Money has no relationship to happiness.
Among poor people, money has little effect on happiness.
Among rich people, money has much effect on happiness.
Money affects happiness less and less the more money one has.
The Biopsychosocial Model of Health states that in the developmental of disease
Social and psychological factors are less important than biomedical factors
Social and psychological factors are more important than biomedical factors
Social and psychological factors are as important than biomedical factors
Psychological factors are mediating between social and biological factors
Feeling stressed and overwhelmed most of the time can make you
More susceptible to develop a cold
More susceptible to develop a heart attack
More susceptible to changes in hormonal levels
All of the options given here are correct
Which of the following is not one of the five factors contributing to resilience against stress?
Social relationships
For college students an important strategy to avoid getting sick is to focus on
good grades and social life
Social life and getting enough sleep
Getting enough sleep and good grades
Getting enough sleep during finals
{"name":"According to Heckhausen’s General Model of Motivated Behavior, which expectancy does NOT influence someone’s behavior", "url":"","txt":"According to Heckhausen’s General Model of Motivated Behavior, which expectancy does NOT influence someone’s behavior, Among Nico Frijda’s Laws of Emotion, the Law of Hedonic Asymmetry implies that…, In flow experience the major motivational incentive is…","img":""}
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