Are you an Adult

Do you cook your own meals?
I make all my meals on my own
I make some of my own meals
My parents make my meals for me
Who does the laundry?
I do my own laundry
I help my parents do the laundry from time to time
My parents do my laundry for me
Your rooms light bulb goes out, what do you do ?
Change it right away
Leave it and change it later
Call your parents to change it
Do you live on your own?
Yes I live alone
Ilive alone but my parents help me
I live with my parents
How do you do your taxes?
I do my taxes on my own or I have an accountant do them
I do my taxes on my own but ask for help from my parents
My parents take care of it for me
Do you do chores?
I make a list every day and make sure I finish them all
I will do chores if I'm asked
I don't do chores
What time do you wake up on the weekend
10 am or earlier
10am -12 pm
12 or later
You’ve made some pasta but just realized all your plates are dirty, what do you do?
I would never be in that situation
Wash a plate and eat my food
Eat out of the pan
If you had to go to a wedding tomorrow would you be able to put together an outfit?
Yes, I have a lot of nice clothes I could wear
I could probably call a friend to get anything that I don"t have
No I don't have anything nice
How often do you make your bed?
Most days, I will but some days I don't
Never/My parents make it for me
You're feeling sick, what do you do?
Go to the doctor if you think it's serious
Ignore it and hope nothing happens
Tell your parents to make you an appointment
When do you go to the dentist?
I go to my regular appointments
Only when I have a toothache
When my parents tell me to go
How often do you clean your room?
I try and keep my room clean but give it a touch up every week
I clean my room once or twice a month
I only clean when my parents tell me to
Do you pay bills?
I pay all my bills on my own
I pay most of my bills but my parents help with some
My parents pay all my bills
You are ordering coffee what do you get?
Regular coffee, maybe some cream and sugar
An Iced coffee
A frapp off the Starbucks secret menu
Are you financially independent ?
I am financially indepenedent
I am financially independent but I rely on my parents as well
I completely rely on my parents
What level of education do you have?
Bachelors Degree
Graduates degree
Are you in a committed relationship
Yes, I see myself marrying this person
In a relationship but see no future with the person
I am single
{"name":"Are you an Adult", "url":"","txt":"Do you cook your own meals?, who does the laundry?, Your rooms light bulb goes out, what do you do ?","img":""}
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