Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in astro-ph on Fri, 11 Sep 20
[2009.04471] Massimo Meneghetti, Guido Davoli, Pietro Bergamini et al.: An excess of small-scale gravitational lenses observed in galaxy clusters
[2009.04474] Aurora Kesseli, I.A.G. Snellen, F.J. Alonso-Floriano et al.: A Search for FeH in Hot-Jupiter Atmospheres with High-Dispersion Spectroscopy
[2009.04478] Matthias J. Raives, Todd A. Thompson, Sean M. Couch: The Antesonic Condition for the Explosion of Core-Collapse Supernovae II: Rotation and Turbulence
[2009.04480] Cameron P. M. Bell, Maria-Rosa L. Cioni, A. H. Wright et al.: The intrinsic reddening of the Magellanic Clouds as traced by background galaxies -- II. The Small Magellanic Cloud
[2009.04482] Ting-Wen Lan, J. Xavier Prochaska: On the Environments of Giant Radio Galaxies
[2009.04483] Tomas Stolker, Gabriel-Dominique Marleau, Gabriele Cugno et al.: MIRACLES: atmospheric characterization of directly imaged planets and substellar companions at 4-5 μm. II. Constraints on the mass a...
[2009.04487] Guillaume F. Thomas, Jaclyn Jensen, Alan McConnachie et al.: The hidden past of M92: Detection and characterization of a newly formed 17° long stellar stream using the Canada-France Imaging Survey
[2009.04489] B. Yang, J. Hanus, M. Broz et al.: Physical and dynamical characterization of the Euphrosyne asteroid Family
[2009.04495] Jean-Baptiste Salomon, Olivier Bienaymé, Céline Reylé et al.: Kinematics and dynamics of Gaia red clump stars
[2009.04496] Zaven Arzoumanian, Paul T. Baker, Harsha Blumer et al.: The NANOGrav 12.5-year Data Set: Search For An Isotropic Stochastic Gravitational-Wave Background
[2009.04523] A. Rosaev, M. Galiazzo, E. Plávalová: List of the close asteroid pairs strongly perturbed by three body resonances
[2009.04555] Brent Belland, Evan Kirby, Michael Boylan-Kolchin et al.: NGC 6822 as a probe of dwarf galactic evolution
[2009.04565] Valentina Capalbo, Marco De Petris, Federico De Luca et al.: The Three Hundred Project: quest of clusters of galaxies morphology and dynamical state through Zernike Polynomials
[2009.04577] A. M. Melnik, A. K. Dambis: Contribution of binary stars to the velocity dispersion inside OB associations with Gaia DR2 data
[2009.04618] Laura K. McKemmish, Anna-Maree Syme, Jasmin Borsovszky et al.: An update to the MARVEL dataset and ExoMol line list for 12C2
[2009.04628] Maria S. Madjarska, Klaus Galsgaard, Duncan H. Mackay et al.: Eruptions from coronal hole bright points: observations and non-potential modelling
[2009.04633] Sandor M. Molnar, Joseph Godfrey: Empirical test for relativistic kinetic theories based on the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect
[2009.04643] Adrian T. Sutinjo, Benjamin McKinley, Leonid Belostotski et al.: Design Equations for a Closely-Spaced Two-Element Interferometer Including Internal Noise Coupling
[2009.04663] Tae-Sun Park, Kyung Joo Min, Seung-Woo Hong: Effects of transient non-thermal particles on the big bang nucleosynthesis
[2009.04676] Rubén Guerrero-Gamboa, Enrique Vázquez-Semadeni: Non-adiabatic turbulence driving during gravitational collapse
[2009.04688] Christian Wolf, Jacob Golding, Wei Jeat Hon et al.: SkyMapper colours of Seyfert galaxies and Changing-Look AGN
[2009.04691] Igor Aleinov, Michael J. Way, Christopher W. Hamilton et al.: Lunar Near-Surface Volatile Sample Return
[2009.04696] R. Lobato, O. Lourenço, P. H. R. S. Moraes et al.: Neutron stars in $f(\mathcal{R,T})$ gravity using realistic equations of state in the light of massive pulsars and GW170817
[2009.04731] V. De Luca, V. Desjacques, G. Franciolini et al.: The Clustering Evolution of Primordial Black Holes
[2009.04735] Jia Ren, Da-Bin Lin, Lu-lu Zhang et al.: Constraining the Jet Launching Time of GRB 170817A by Utilizing the Baryon Loading
[2009.04741] Dong Li, Alexander Warmuth, Lei Lu et al.: An investigation of flare emissions at multiple wavelengths
[2009.04751] Juan Casado: New Open Clusters Found by Manual Mining of Data in Gaia DR2
[2009.04768] S. Spezzano, P. Caselli, J. E. Pineda et al.: Distribution of methanol and cyclopropenylidene around starless cores
[2009.04771] Isobel M. Romero-Shaw, Paul D. Lasky, Eric Thrane et al.: GW190521: orbital eccentricity and signatures of dynamical formation in a binary black hole merger signal
[2009.04775] Clément Surville, Lucio Mayer, Yann Alibert: Concurrent effects of gas drag and planet migration on pebble accretion
[2009.04784] K. Zwintz, C. Neiner, O. Kochukhov et al.: beta Cas: the first delta Scuti star with a dynamo magnetic field
[2009.04788] M.J. West, C. Kintziger, M. Haberreiter et al.: LUCI onboard Lagrange, the Next Generation of EUV Space Weather Monitoring
[2009.04819] Matteo Biagetti, Alex Cole, Gary Shiu: The Persistence of Large Scale Structures I: Primordial non-Gaussianity
[2009.04820] Philippe Lamy, Hugo Gilardy, Antoine Llebaria et al.: Coronal Photopolarimetry with the LASCO-C3 Coronagraph over 24 Years [1996-2019] -- Application to the K/F Separation and to the Determination ...
[2009.04838] K. I. Caputi, G. B. Caminha, S. Fujimoto et al.: ALMA Lensing Cluster Survey: an ALMA galaxy signposting a MUSE galaxy group at z=4.3 behind 'El Gordo'
[2009.04849] Helmer H. Koppelman, Jorrit H. J. Hagen, Amina Helmi: Frequencies, chaos and resonances: a study of orbital parameters of nearby thick disc and halo stars
[2009.04871] Merlin Kole, Nicolas De Angelis, Francesco Berlato et al.: The POLAR Gamma-Ray Burst Polarization Catalog
[2009.04880] A. Vourlidas, S. Gibson, D. Hassler et al.: The Science Case for the $4π$ Perspective: A Polar/Global View for Studying the Evolution & Propagation of the Solar Wind and Solar Transients
[2009.04883] Paolo Desiati, Juan Carlos Díaz Vélez, Nikolai Pogorelov et al.: Snowmass 2021 LoI: Determination of cosmic ray properties in the local interstellar medium with all-sky anisotropy observations
[2009.04914] Maria Chira, Manolis Plionis, Shankar Agarwal: Dependence of the dynamical properties of light-cone simulation dark matter halos on their environment
[2009.04948] Daria Kubyshkina, Aline A. Vidotto, Luca Fossati et al.: Coupling thermal evolution of planets and hydrodynamic atmospheric escape in MESA
[2009.04952] A. A. Kozhberov, D. G. Yakovlev: Deformed crystals and torsional oscillations of neutron star crust
[2009.04958] Mark L. A. Richardson, Laurence Routledge, Niranjan Thatte et al.: Simulating gas kinematic studies of high-redshift galaxies with the HARMONI Integral Field Spectrograph
[2009.05002] Brynna G. Downey, Francis Nimmo, Isamu Matsuyama: Inclination damping on Callisto
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