Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in cond-mat on Fri, 8 May 20
[2005.03014] M. Michael Denner, Mark H. Fischer, Titus Neupert: Active Learning a One-dimensional Density Functional Theory
[2005.03015] Darshil Doshi, Andrey Gromov: Vortices and Fractons
[2005.03029] Santanu Dey, Eric C. Andrade, Matthias Vojta: Random-bond disorder in two-dimensional non-collinear XY antiferromagnets: From quasi-long-range order to spin glass
[2005.03033] F. Nur Ünal, Adrien Bouhon, Robert-Jan Slager: Quench dynamics of topological Euler class in optical lattices
[2005.03036] Oliver Hart, Giuseppe De Tomasi, Claudio Castelnovo: The random quantum comb: from compact localized states to many-body scars
[2005.03075] Barbara Bruckner, Philipp M. Wolf, Peter Bauer et al.: Impact of the experimental approach on the observed electronic energy loss for light keV ions in thin self-supporting films
[2005.03081] Satoru Emori, Christoph Klewe, Jan-Michael Schmalhorst et al.: Sub-Nanosecond Spin-Transfer Torque in an Ensemble of Superparamagnetic-Like Nanomagnets
[2005.03097] Samir Lounis: Multiple-scattering approach for multi-spin chiral magnetic interactions: Application to the one- and two-dimensional Rashba electron gas
[2005.03104] Jonas Richter, Tjark Heitmann, Robin Steinigeweg: Quantum quench dynamics in the transverse-field Ising model: A numerical expansion in linked rectangular clusters
[2005.03111] John P. Philbin, Eran Rabani: Auger Recombination Lifetime Scaling for Type-I and Quasi-Type-II Core/Shell Quantum Dots
[2005.03112] A. Sandoval-Villalbazo, A.R. Sagaceta-Mejia: Jeans instability for an inert binary mixture: a kinetic theory approach in the Euler regime
[2005.03116] Paolo Sessi, Feng-Ren Fan, Felix Küster et al.: Direct observation of handedness-dependent quasiparticle interference in the two enantiomers of topological chiral semimetal PdGa
[2005.03127] Nayuta Takemori, Ryotaro Arita, Shiro Sakai: Physical properties of weak-coupling quasiperiodic superconductors
[2005.03131] Gianluca Lagnese, Federica Maria Surace, Márton Kormos et al.: Confinement in the spectrum of a Heisenberg-Ising spin ladder
[2005.03133] Laetitia Jubin, Anthony R. Poggioli, Alessandro Siria et al.: Dramatic pressure-sensitive ion conduction in conical nanopores
[2005.03138] Lingzhen Guo, Pengfei Liang: Condensed Matter Physics in Time Crystals
[2005.03145] Flavia B. Ramos, Mate Lencses, J. C. Xavier et al.: Confinement and bound states of bound states in a transverse-field two-leg Ising ladder
[2005.03159] Pratiti Deb, Michael C. Cao, Yimo Han et al.: Imaging Polarity in Two Dimensional Materials by Breaking Friedel's Law
[2005.03165] Asimanshu Das, Kenneth S. Breuer, Varghese Mathai: Nonlinear modeling and characterization of ultrasoft silicone elastomers
[2005.03166] Adlen Smiri, Thierry Amand, Sihem Jaziri: Optical properties of exciton in two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenide nanobubbles
[2005.03168] Satoru Hayami, Tsuyoshi Okubo, Yukitoshi Motome: Phase Shift in Skyrmion Crystals
[2005.03172] Lukas Palm, Fabian Grusdt, Philipp M. Preiss: Skyrmion Ground States of Rapidly Rotating Few-Fermion Systems
[2005.03177] Johann Gan, Kaden R. A. Hazzard: Numerical linked cluster expansions for inhomogeneous systems
[2005.03179] Achim Harzheim, Charalambos Evangeli, Oleg V. Kolosov et al.: Direct Mapping of Local Seebeck Coefficient in 2D Material Nanostructures via Scanning Thermal Gate Microscopy
[2005.03195] Heshen Wang, Runzhang Xu, Cai Liu et al.: Pressure-dependent Intermediate Magnetic Phase in Thin Fe$_3$GeTe$_2$ Flakes
[2005.03200] Yan-Yan Yang, Ming-Xun Deng, Hou-Jian Duan et al.: Electrically tunable Kondo effect as a direct measurement of the chiral anomaly in disorder Weyl semimetals
[2005.03202] Tarcisio M Rocha Filho, Bruno Marcos: Classical Goldstone modes in Long-Range Interacting Systems
[2005.03207] Yonatan Abranyos, Oleg L. Berman, Godfrey Gumbs: Superfluidity of dipolar magnetoexcitons in doped double-layered $α$-${\cal T}_3$ lattice in a strong magnetic field
[2005.03224] Tanvir Hossain, Pierre Rognon: Mobility in immersed granular materials upon cyclic loading
[2005.03234] Mi-Young Choi, W. E. Pickett, K.-W. Lee: Quantum-Fluctuation-Frustrated Flat Band Instabilities in NdNiO2
[2005.03235] Krzysztof Dominik Pomorski: Description of interface between semiconductor electrostatic qubit and Josephson junction in tight binding model
[2005.03242] Takashi Yasuda, Naoyuki Sakumichi, Ung-il Chung et al.: Universal Equation of State of Osmotic Pressure in Gelation Process
[2005.03249] Jun Okabayashi, Yoshio Miura, Yohei Kota et al.: Detecting quadrupole: a hidden source of magnetic anisotropy for Manganese alloys
[2005.03262] Davide Gabrielli, D.R. Michiel Renger: Dynamical Phase Transitions for Fluxes of Mass on Finite Graphs
[2005.03278] Qinqing Zhu, Liang Li, Zhihua Yang et al.: Metamagnetic transitions and anomalous magnetoresistance in EuAg$_4$As$_2$ single crystal
[2005.03290] Joji Nasu, Makoto Naka, Sumio Ishihara: Strong enhancement of magnetic susceptibility induced by spin-nematic fluctuations in an excitonic insulating system with spin-orbit coupling
[2005.03301] Germain Rousseaux, Hamid Kellay: Classical Hydrodynamics for Analogue Spacetimes: Open Channel Flows and Thin Films
[2005.03302] F. Moisy, X. Sauvage, E. Hug: Investigation of the early stage of reactive interdiffusion in the Cu-Al system by in-situ transmission electron microscopy
[2005.03309] D. Magne, X. Sauvage, M. Couvrat: Origin of the Significant Impact of Ta on the Creep Resistance of FeCrNi Alloys
[2005.03311] Tian-Sheng Zeng, D. N. Sheng, W. Zhu: Quantum Hall effects of exciton condensate in topological flat bands
[2005.03313] M. Bonvalet, X. Sauvage, D. Blavette: Intragranular nucleation of tetrahedral precipitates and discontinuous precipitation in Cu-5wt%Ag
[2005.03327] Ladan Sheikhhosseinpour, Mehdi Hosseini, Ali Moftakharzadeh: The effect of Joule heating on the terahertz radiation in the superconductor media
[2005.03331] Xhek Turkeshi, Paola Ruggiero, Vincenzo Alba et al.: Entanglement equipartition in critical random spin chains
[2005.03363] J. Lim, K. J. A. Ooi, C. Zhang et al.: Broadband strong optical dichroism in topological Dirac semimetals with Fermi velocity anisotropy
[2005.03366] Pye Ton How, Sung-Kit Yip: Half Quantum Vortices in Nematic Superconductor
[2005.03378] Mauricio Chagas da Silva, Michael Lorke, Bálint Aradi et al.: Self-consistent potential correction for charged periodic systems
[2005.03380] M. Meléndez, A. Vázquez-Quesada, R. Delgado-Buscalioni: Load impedance of immersed layers on the quartz crystal microbalance: a comparison with colloidal suspensions of spheres
[2005.03383] Olga N. Miroshkina, Danil R. Baigutlin, Vladimir V. Sokolovskiy et al.: Exchange-correlation corrections for electronic properties of half-metallic Co$_2$FeSi and nonmagnetic semiconductor CoFeTiAl
[2005.03385] Chengkun Song, Chendong Jin, Haiyan Xia et al.: Interaction between defect and skyrmion in nanodisk
[2005.03399] Masahiko G. Yamada: Topological insulator in Kitaev spin liquids
[2005.03406] Riki Toshio, Kazuaki Takasan, Norio Kawakami: Anomalous Hydrodynamic Transport in Interacting Noncentrosymmetric Metals
[2005.03410] Volodymyr A. Yartys, Marcello Baricco, Jose Bellosta von Colbe et al.: Materials for hydrogen-based energy storage: Past, recent progress and future outlook
[2005.03416] Gabriel D. Chaves-O'Flynn, Daniel L. Stein: Thermal Activation Barriers for Creation and Annihilation of Magnetic Droplet Solitons in the Presence of Spin Transfer Torque
[2005.03422] Timour Ichmoukhamedov, Jacques Tempere: Vortices in Fermi gases with spin-dependent rotation potentials
[2005.03424] Xian-Yong Ding, Chao Zhang, Dong-Qi Wang et al.: A potential superhard carbon allotrope: T5-carbon
[2005.03427] Jiangfan Wang, Yung-Yeh Chang, Chung-Hou Chung: Strange metal in paramagnetic heavy-fermion Kondo lattice: Dynamical large-N fermionic multi-channel approach
[2005.03473] Björn Stenqvist, Emma Sparr: Tortuosity in the Brick and Mortar Model Based on Chemical Conduction
[2005.03478] Zhen Wang, Weicheng Fu, Yong Zhang et al.: Universal Time Scale for Thermalization in Two-dimensional Systems
[2005.03493] Saeedeh Mokarian Zanjani, Mehmet C. Onbaşlı: Ultrafast All Optical Magnetization Control for Broadband Terahertz Spin Wave Generation
[2005.03514] Soumyajyoti Biswas, David F. Castellanos, Michael Zaiser: Prediction of creep failure time using machine learning
[2005.03522] P. Kapuściński, D. Vaclavkova, M. Grzeszczyk et al.: Valley polarization of singlet and triplet trions in WS$_2$ monolayer in magnetic fields
[2005.03527] M. Balasubrahmaniyam, C. Genet, T. Schwartz: Coupling and Decoupling of Polaritonic States in Multimode Cavities
[2005.03528] Manisha Srivastava, Guru Dutt Gupt, Priyanka Nehla et al.: Structural and magnetic behavior of Cr$_2$Co$_{(1-x)}$Cr$_x$Al inverse Heusler alloys
[2005.03532] Nitesh Jaiswal, Mamta Gautam, Tapobrata Sarkar: Complexity and information geometry in spin chains
[2005.03539] Balázs Hetényi: Interaction driven polarization shift in the $t-V-V'$ lattice fermion model at half filling: emergent Haldane phase
[2005.03541] S. T. Chui, Ning Wang, Chun Yu Wan: Exciton solid in bilayer two dimensional electron-hole systems
[2005.03543] Xiaochao Zhou, Nicolas Vernier, Guillaume Agnus et al.: Highly anisotropic magnetic domain wall behavior in-plane magnetic films
[2005.03561] Tian Liu, Julian Peiro, Dennis K. de Wal et al.: Spin caloritronics in a CrBr$_3$-based magnetic van der Waals heterostructure
[2005.03563] Sushree Ipsita, Prasanta Kumar Mahapatra, Pradipta Panchadhyayee: Simulation of Optimum values of device parameters to attain Peak to Valley current Ratio (PVCR) in Resonant tunneling diodes (RTD)
[2005.03583] Baeckkyoung Sung, Rik Wensink, Eric Grelet: Depletion-driven Morphological Transitions in Hexagonal Crystallites of Virus Rods
[2005.03603] Xianxin Wu, Rui-Xing Zhang, Gang Xu et al.: In the Pursuit of Majorana Modes in Iron-based High-$T_c$ Superconductors
[2005.03605] S. Liu, E. Martínez, J. LLorca: Prediction of the Al-rich part of the Al-Cu phase diagram using cluster expansion and statistical mechanics
[2005.03643] Moritz Binder, Thomas Barthel: The low-energy physics of isotropic spin-1 chains in the critical and Haldane phases
[2005.03649] Albert Du, Zachary Pendergrast, Salvador Barraza-Lopez: Tuning energy barriers by doping 2D group-IV monochalcogenides
[2005.03655] J.-N. Fuchs, S. Patil, J. Vidal: Parity of Chern numbers in the Kitaev honeycomb model and the sixteen-fold way
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in cond-mat on Fri, 8 May 20","img":""}
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