Dental research

1. What are the programs to use for analyze data?
SPSS program
Epiinfo program
Stata program
All are corrects
2. What is the advantage of using SPSS over calculating statistics by hand?
This is how most quantitative data analysis is done in "real research" nowadays
It reduces the chance of making errors in your calculations
It equips you with a useful transferable skill
All of the above
3. In SPSS, what is the "Data Viewer"?
A table summarizing the frequencies of data for one variable
A spreadsheet into which data can be entered
A dialog box that allows you to choose a statistical test
A screen in which variables can be defined and labeled
4. How is a variable name different from a variable label?
It is shorter and less detailed
It is longer and more detailed
It is abstract and unspecific
It refers to codes rather than variables
5. How would you use the drop-down menus in SPSS to generate a frequency table?
Open the Output Viewer and click: Save As; Pie Chart
Click on: Analyze; Descriptive Statistics; Frequencies
Click on: Graphs; Frequencies; Pearson
Open the Variable Viewer and recode the value labels
6. Why might you tell SPSS to represent the "slices" of a pie chart in different patterns?
Because the program tends to crash if you ask it to use color
Because the patterns form symbolic visual images of different social groups
In order to make full use of the facilities that SPSS can offer
If you do not have a color printer, it makes the differences between the slices clearer
7. When cross-tabulating two variables, it is conventional to:
Represent the independent variable in rows and the dependent variable in columns
Assign both the dependent and independent variables to columns
Represent the dependent variable in rows and the independent variable in columns
Assign both the dependent and independent variables to rows
8. In which sub-dialog box can the Chi Square test be found?
Frequencies: Percentages
Crosstabs: Statistics
Bivariate: Pearson
Gender: Female
9. To generate a Spearman's rho test, which set of instructions should you give SPSS?
Analyze; Crosstabs; Descriptive Statistics; Spearman; OK
Graphs; Frequencies; [select variables]; Spearman; OK
Analyze; Compare Means; Anova table; First layer; Spearman; OK
Analyze; Correlate; Bivariate; [select variables]; Spearman; OK
10. How would you print a bar chart that you have just produced in SPSS?
In Output Viewer, click File, Print, select the bar chart and click OK
In Variable Viewer, open bar chart, click File, Print, OK
In Chart Editor, click Descriptive Statistics, Print, OK
In Data Editor, open Graphs dialog box, click Save, OK
11. What are does DMFT stand for:
Total mean of tooth and Total prevalence of tooth
Total prevalence of tooth
Decay, Missing, Filling and teeth
Decay, Missing, Filling, Surface
Decay, Missing, Filling, Surface and Total mean of tooth
12. Which one you use icon for enter data in SPSS Statistic?
All are corrects
13. The key combinations for copying and pasting are:
Ctrl + C and Ctrl + P, respectively
Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V, respectively
Alt + C and Alt + V, respectively
Alt + C and Alt + P, respectively
14. Which of the following statements about the Means... Command is true?:
The Means command will not run at all if there is no grouping variable in the data set
The Means command requires a grouping variable in the data set in order to calculate the group means
The Means command will not run if the data are ordinal
The number of groups must not exceed two
15. What are the main points to write the literature review?
Literature review which responds to question of Who, When, What, Where
Literature review which responds to question of When, Where, Why
Literature review which responds to question of When, Why, What, How
Literature review which responds to question of Who, When, What, Why
Literature review which responds to question of When, What, Where, Why
16. What is research?
Is systematic, controlled, empirical, and critical investigation of natural phenomena guided by theory and hypotheses about the presumed relations among such phenomena
Is systematic and critical investigation of natural phenomena guided by theory and hypotheses
Is critical investigation of natural phenomena guided by theory and hypotheses about the presumed relations among such phenomena.
Is controlled and critical investigation of natural phenomena guided by theory and hypotheses about the presumed relations among such phenomena.
Is empirical and critical investigation of natural phenomena guided by theory and hypotheses about the presumed relations among such phenomena.
17. What are the Important Components of Empirical Research?
Problem statement, research questions, purposes, benefits
Theory, assumptions, background literature
Variables and hypotheses, Data analysis
Conclusions, interpretations, recommendations, Operational definitions and measurement, Research design and methodology, Instrumentation, sampling
All are corrects
18. What is sampling?
A sample is “a smaller (but hopefully representative) collection of units from a population used to determine truths about that population”
A sample is “a bigger (but hopefully representative) collection of units from a population used to determine truths about that population”
A sample is “a smaller (but hopefully representative) without collection of units from a population used to determine truths about that population”
A sample is “a bigger (but hopefully representative) without collection of units from a population used to determine truths about that population”
All are corrects
19. The sampling frame is the list from which the potential respondents are drawn?
Registrar’s office
Class rosters
Must assess sampling frame errors
Registrar’s office, Class rosters
All are corrects
20. How we determine our poplars of interest?
Administrators can help us
We decide to do everyone and go from there
We notice anecdotally or through qualitative research that a particulars subgroup of students is experiencing higher risk
All are corrects
21. How many factors those influence to sampling representativeness?
22. When might you sample the entire population?
When your population is very small, When you have extensive resources, and When you don’t expect a very high response
When your population is very big, When you have extensive resources, and When you don’t expect a very high response
When your population is very small, When you have extensive resources, and When you don’t expect a very low response
When your population is not very small, When you have extensive resources, and When you do expect a very high response
When your population is very big, When you have extensive resources, and When you don’t expect a very low response
23. The sampling process comprises several stages:?
Defining the population of concern, Specifying a sampling frame, a set of items or events possible to measure
Specifying a sampling method for selecting items or events from the frame, Determining the sample size
Implementing the sampling plan, Sampling and data collecting
Reviewing the sampling process
All are corrects
24. What is cross-sectional survey?
There is a type of observational study that involves the analysis of data collected from a population, or a representative subset, about the problem at one specific point in time
These are like surveys, but extend over time. This allows you to study changes and to establish the time-sequence in which things occur. Therefore, you can use this to study causes.
This is more practical, but suffers from other disadvantages. It is a "retrospective" study. This means that (like a detective) you begin at the end, with the disease, and then work backwards, to hunt for possible causes.
The mainstay of experimental medical studies, normally used in testing new drugs and treatments.
There is a category of studies that falls between observational and true experimental studies. In these, there is an intervention, but it is often not completely planned by the person doing the research.
25. What is cohort survey?
There are studying about the problem that the problem is that you cannot be sure which came first, so this is a very weak design for drawing conclusions about causes.
Is a form of longitudinal or but extend over time study used in medicine, nursing, social science, actuarial science, business analytics
Is a type of study design used widely, originally developed in epidemiology, although its use has also been advocated for the social sciences
The mainstay of experimental medical studies, normally used in testing new drugs and treatments.
There is a category of studies that falls between observational and true experimental studies. In these, there is an intervention,
26. What is case-control study?
There are studying about the problem that the problem is that you cannot be sure which came first, so this is a very weak design for drawing conclusions about causes.
These are like surveys, but extend over time. This allows you to study changes and to establish the time-sequence in which things occur. Therefore, you can use this to study causes.
This is more practical, but suffers from other disadvantages. it is a type of study design used widely, originally developed in epidemiology, although its use has also been advocated for the social
The mainstay of experimental medical studies, normally used in testing new drugs and treatments.
There is a category of studies that falls between observational and true experimental studies. In these, there is an intervention, but it is often not completely planned by the person doing the research.
27. What are the diseases and conditions of the oral cavity?
Dental caries, periodontal diseases, injuries, Cancer and neoplastic disease
Systemic disease with intra oral manifestations, occlusal , other pathology of teeth and mucosa
Cancer and neoplastic disease
Dental caries, periodontal diseases, full denture, oral surgery
All are corrects
28. What is the Cluster sampling?
Process of sampling complete group of units.
Method of sampling which divides the population into layers
Process of sampling incomplete group of units
Process of sampling complete group of units and Method of sampling which divides the population into layers
29. What is the convenience sampling?
Method used in order to pilot questionnaires or generate hypotheses for further study
Method used to locate data for development and challenging of hypotheses that derived from previous interviews
This is sampling of subjects for reasons of convenience for easy to recruit, near at hand, likely to respond.
This is selection by count
30. What are the elements in oral health surveys?
Planning, protocol adjustment, Conditions, Selected examiners
Sample size to be represented, epidermiology, Data collection
Equipment, instruments, materials, and Administrative issues, Data collection…
Budget, Equipment, instruments, materials.
All are corrects
31. What are the clinical findings of one tooth?
Cavitated, filled, sealed
Cavitated, filled, non cavitated lesion, sealed, sound
Cavitated, filled, non-cavitated lesion, sealed
Mising teeth,
Fracture teeth
32. Whath is an epidemiology?
The often described as the basic science of public health, and for good reason
The stusy events in specified population
The application of this study to the control of health problems
The study of the distribution and determinants of health-related states
All are correct
33. Which of the following is not a form of nonrandom sampling?
Snowball sampling
Convenience sampling
Quota sampling
Purposive sampling
They are all forms of nonrandom sampling
34. When each member of a population has an equally likely chance of being selected, this is called:?
A nonrandom sampling method
A quota sample
A snowball sample
An Equal probability selection method
35. Which of the following is not true about stratified random sampling?
It involves a random selection process from identified subgroups
Proportions of groups in the sample must always match their population proportions
Disproportional stratified random sampling is especially helpful for getting large enough subgroup samples when subgroup comparisons are to be done
Proportional stratified random sampling yields a representative sample
36. Which of the following will give a more accurate representation of the population from which a sample has been taken?
A large sample based on the convenience sampling technique
A small sample based on simple random sampling
A large sample based on simple random sampling
A small cluster sample
37. Sampling in qualitative research is similar to which type of sampling in quantitative research?
Simple random sampling
Systematic sampling
Quota sampling
Purposive sampling
38. Which of the following would generally require the largest sample size?
Cluster sampling
Simple random sampling
Systematic sampling
Proportional stratified sampling
39. People who are available, volunteer, or can be easily recruited are used in the sampling method called?
Simple random sampling
Cluster sampling
Systematic sampling
Convenience sampling
40. Which of the following is not a type of nonrandom sampling?
Cluster sampling
Convenience sampling
Quota sampling
Purposive sampling
41. Which of the following would usually require the smallest sample size because of its efficiency?
One stage cluster sampling
Simple random sampling
Two stage cluster sampling
Quota sampling
42. The process of drawing a sample from a population is known as
Survey research
None of the above
43. Which of the following sampling methods is the best way to select a group of people for a study if you are interested in making statements about the larger population?
Convenience sampling
Quota sampling
Purposive sampling
Random sampling
44. What is a set of elements taken from a larger population according to certain rules?
45. What is a research design?
A way of conducting research that is not grounded in theory
The choice between using qualitative or quantitative methods
The style in which you present your research findings, e.g. A graph
A framework for every stage of the collection and analysis of data
46. What is a cross-sectional design?
A study of one particular section of society, e.g. The middle classes
One that is devised when the researcher is in a bad mood
The collection of data from more than one case at one moment in time
A comparison of two or more variables over a long period of time
47. Cross cultural studies are an example of:?
Case study design
Comparative design
Experimental design
Longitudinal design
48. What is a sampling frame?
A summary of the various stages involved in designing a survey
An outline view of all the main clusters of units in a sample
A list of all the units in the population from which a sample will be selected
A wooden frame used to display tables of random numbers
49. A simple random sample is one in which:?
From a random starting point, every nth unit from the sampling frame is selected
A non-probability strategy is used, making the results difficult to generalize
The researcher has a certain quota of respondents to fill for various social groups
Every unit of the population has an equal chance of being selected
50. It is helpful to use a multi-stage cluster sample when:?
The population is widely dispersed geographically
You have limited time and money available for travelling
You want to use a probability sample in order to generalise the results
All are corrects
51. Which of the following is not a type of non-probability sampling?
Snowball sampling
Stratified random sampling
Quota sampling
Convenience sampling
52. Work study consists of?
Effective use of plant and equipment
Effective use of human effort
Evaluation of human work
All of the above
53. Work study examines?
duration of work
method and duration of work
None of the above
54. Work study is also recognised as?
Time study
Motion study
Time study and Motion study
None of the above
55. The following factors must be considered while selecting the work for method study?
Economic considerations
Technical considerations
Human reactions
All of the above
56. Which of the following formulae is used to determine how many people to include in the original sampling?
Desired sample size/Desired sample size + 1
Proportion likely to respond/desired sample size
Proportion likely to respond/population size
Desired sample size/Proportion likely to respond
57. Which of the following will give a more “accurate” representation of the population from which a sample has been taken?
A large sample based on the convenience sampling technique
A small sample based on simple random sampling
A large sample based on simple random sampling
A small cluster sample
58. People who are available, volunteer, or can be easily recruited are used in the sampling method called:?
Simple random sampling
Cluster sampling
Systematic sampling
Convenience sampling
59. In which of the following nonrandom sampling techniques does the researcher ask the research participants to identify other potential research participants?
60. The process of drawing a sample from a population is known as:?
Survey research
None of the above
61. Which of the following is not an example of a nonrandom sampling technique?
62. The purpose of a literature review is to:?
Help you find out what is already known about this area.
Identify any inconsistencies or gaps in the literature.
Demonstrate an awareness of the theoretical context in which the current study can be located.
Find what is already known, identify gaps demonstrate awareness.
63. Which of the following is not a feature of theoretical framework?
Making an inventory of variables
Specify the direction of relationship
Presenting findings
Making an inventory of propositions
64. Which of the following is most beneficial to read in an article?
65. Which of the following describes the nature of qualitative data interpretation?
Reflection, integrity, explanation
66. What is the reason for consulting handbooks, yearbooks, encyclopedias, or reviews in the initial stages of identifying a research topic?
They are readily available.
They provide an overview of the issues related to a topic.
They are primary sources.
They avoid reporting statistical data so one can interpret the results more easily.
67. In which of the following sampling methods People are available such as volunteer or can be easily recruited?
Simple random sampling
Cluster sampling
Systematic sampling
Convenience sampling
68. What type of the interview that is in which questions are already prepared?
Telephonic interview
Personal interview
Unstructured interview
Structured interview
69. The facts that should be collected to measure a variable, depend upon the?
Conceptual understanding
Dictionary meaning
Operational definition
All of the above
70. Which of the following is a research method that allows a researcher to get information about a large number of subjects relatively inexpensively and easily?
Naturalistic observation
Case study
Laboratory observation
71. Social research methods include all of the followin, except:?
72. A research method in which subjects respond to a series of items in a questionnaire:?
Random sample.
Taret roup.
73. Which approach says that the purpose of research is to study the creation of social meanin?
Interpretative social science
Critical social science
None of the above
74. A research method in which a researcher asks study participants several conversational style questions and does not provide a set of responses to choose from:?
Case study
Comparative method
Quantitative study
75. The scientific method is preferred over other ways of knowing because it is more?
All of these.
76. The application of the scientific method to the study of educational problems is called?
Inductive reasoning.
Deductive reasoning.
Educational research.
Inductive reasoning and deductive reasoning.
77. Which of the following statements characterizes educational research?
It furthers our understanding of educational issues, questions, or problems.
It raises new topics for study.
It provides information that can improve teaching and learning.
All of these.
78. Which of the following steps of the scientific method is exemplified by the researcher reviewing the literature and focusing on a specific problem that has yet to be resolved?
Identify a topic.
Describe the procedures to collect information.
Analyze the collected information.
State the results of the data analysis.
79. Which of the following is a limitation of educational research?
Research cannot answer value-based problems.
Researchers have ethical and legal responsibilities that can constrain their work.
It is difficult to fully describe the depth of participants' perspectives given the complexity of human behavior.
All of these.
80. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a good research topic?
It is ethical.
It can be investigated through the collection and analysis of data.
It focuses on a philosophical or ethical issue.
It is theoretically or practically significant.
81. When there is a need to apply different data collection methods to different parts of the population, the best sampling method would be?
Double sampling
Cluster sampling
Stratified random sampling
Systematic random sampling
82. The sampling technique in which every element of the population has an equal, nonzero probability of being selected in a sample, is called?
Probability sampling
Convenience sampling
Purposive sampling
Quota sampling
83. Target population is also called?
Survey population
Population element
Population frame
84. In ___, the researcher attempts to control and/ or manipulate the variables in the study.?
Theoretical framework
Research design
85. In an experimental research study, the primary goal is to isolate and identify the effect produced by the ...?
Dependent variable
Extraneous variable
Independent variable
Confounding variable
86. The interview in which questions are already prepared is called...?
Telephonic interview
Personal interview
Unstructured interview
Structured interview
87. In…., each population element has a known and equal chance of selection.?
Purposive sampling
Quota sampling
Stratified sampling
Simple random sampling
88. . … is the evidence that the instrument, techniques, or process used to measure concept does indeed measure the intended concepts.?
89. On which of the following, scientific knowledge mostly relies?
Logical understanding
Identification of events
Prior knowledge
All of the given options
90. Which of the following refers to research supported by measurable evidence?
91. Research method is applicable in all of the following fields, EXCEPT;?
Health care
Government offices
92. All of the following are true statements about action research, EXCEPT;?
Data are systematically analyzed
Data are collected systematically
Results are generalizable
Results are used to improve practice
93. Which of the following is an ethical question that researchers undertaking a covert ethnography should ask themselves?
What form should the findings be published in
Does it ensure the principle of 'informed consent
How can the response rate be increased
All of the above.
94. A researcher conducting an overt ethnography which involves them fully experiencing the job of a call centre operator adopts which of the following roles?
Complete participant.
Complete observer.
95. Which of the following researchers is conducting a semi-structured interview?
The researcher who has a schedule of fifty questions that they need answered by the participant.
The researcher who has planned only one question in advance.
The researcher who does not wish to use a tape recorder.
The researcher who has a guide which states some specific topics to be covered.
96. A practical tip for transcribing interviews is to:?
Get the respondent to do it.
Transcribe only those sections of an interview that are important.
Invest in the latest voice recognition software.
All of the above.
97. What is the difference between a focus group and a group interview?
A focus group is used only for political research, whereas group interviews are more widely used in the social sciences.
A focus group is used at the planning stage of a research project, whereas a group interview is part of the actual data collection.
A focus group is used to discuss a wide range of issues, whereas a group interview looks at one specific topic.
A focus group is used to analyse group interaction, whereas a group interview is used as a straight forward data collection tool.
98. If a study is "reliable", this means that:?
It was conducted by a reputable researcher who can be trusted
The measures devised for concepts are stable on different occasions
The findings can be generalized to other social settings
The methods are stated clearly enough for the research to be replicated
99. Naturalism has been defined as:?
Viewing natural and social objects as belonging to the same realm
Being true to the nature of the phenomenon under investigation
Minimising the intrusion of artificial methods of data collection into the field
All of the above
100. In an experimental design, the dependent variable is:?
The one that is not manipulated and in which any changes are observed
The one that is manipulated in order to observe any effects on the other
A measure of the extent to which personal values affect research
An ambiguous concept whose meaning depends on how it is defined
101. Panel and cohort designs differ, in that:?
Cohort studies involve quantitative research, whereas panel studies are qualitative
A panel study does not need rules to handle new entrants to households
Only a cohort study will suffer from sample attrition
A panel study can distinguish between age effects and cohort effects, but a cohort design can only detect ageing effects
102. Which of the following requirements for a dissertation may depend on your institution?
Whether an abstract should be included
The format for referencing
The word limit
All of the above
103. The role of a project supervisor is to:?
Make sure you keep to your schedule and deadlines
Provide intellectual support, guidance and critical feedback
Negotiate access to the research setting on the student's behalf
Give you a reading list
104. You can manage your time and resources best, by:?
Working out a timetable
Finding out what resources are readily available to you
Calculating a budget for likely expenditure
All of the above
105. Which of the following should be included in a research proposal?
Your academic status and experience
The difficulties you encountered with your previous reading on the topic
Your choice of research methods and reasons for choosing them
All of the above
106. Which of the following should you think about when preparing your research?
Your sample frame and sampling strategy
The ethical issues that might arise
Negotiating access to the setting
All of the above
107. What can you do to ensure your physical safety during your research?
Be alert to the possibility of exposure to danger
Avoid interviewing alone in the respondent's residence
Make sure someone knows where you are and how you can contact them in an emergency
All of the above
108. What practical steps can you take before you actually start your research?
Find out exactly what your institution's requirements are for a dissertation
Make sure you are familiar with the hardware and software you plan to use
Apply for clearance of your project through an ethics committee
All of the above
109. It is helpful to use a multi-stage cluster sample when:?
The population is widely dispersed geographically
You have limited time and money available for travelling
You want to use a probability sample in order to general the results
All of the above
110. What is EndNote?
a bibliographical management software package designed
to help you to organize bibliographic references
create a bibliography
All are corrects
111. According to their website, you will be able to, so what do you get with EndNote?
Search bibliographic databases on the Internet
Organize references, images, PDFs and other files
Watch the bibliography and figure list appear as you write!
Collaborate using EndNote Web, the Web-based research and writing component of EndNote
112. On completion of this tutorial you should be able to better create and manage EndNotes libraries. You will acquiring the ability to:?
Create EndNote libraries and enter references in them by typing.
Search for and add references by connecting to remote databases through the internet.
Import references from downloaded files into EndNote.
Use EndNote with Microsoft Word to create and format citations
All are corrects
113. Bibliographical information is related to …?
Details concerning a publication
Information about library timings
Information about the number of books in a library
Details about circulation statistics
114. Adding References, there are … ways of adding references to your library:?
Type in references manually
Import bibliographic details from a PDF
Import references automatically from an online database
All are corrects
115. SPSS stands for which of the following?
Statistical Package for the Social Sciences
Statistics Problems Solved Smart
Simple Package for Science Statistics
Simple Program for Statistics and Science
116. Conducting analyses in SPSS is often more accurate than doing them by hand because _.?
Computer packages can handle more numbers than the human brain
Some analyses are only possible with computers
Errors frequently occur when computing statistics by hand
You can only compute statistics by hand on small data sets
117. SPSS will recognize which of the following mistakes?
Incorrect type of variable selected
Incorrect data entered
Incorrect statistical test selected
Incorrect form of instructions
118. You have installed SPSS on your personal computer. In which of the following places will you ALWAYS find the SPSS icon?
In the Programs menu
On a CD Rom
On the desktop
On a floppy disk and on your USB stick
119. You select File from the procedures across the top of the SPSS Data Editor. The three dots after Save As... Mean which of the following?
A further submenu will appear when this option is chosen
A dialogue box will open when this option is chosen
This option cannot be chosen at present
There are three further steps after selecting this option
120. What is the purpose of the toolbar in SPSS?
To list procedures not included in the procedures across the top of the Data Editor
To explain procedures more fully than in the procedures across the top of the Data Editor
To remind the researcher to perform certain procedures, e.g. Save regularly
To display all the statistical analyses available
To enable procedures to be carried out without going to the options and selecting the appropriate procedure
121. Which of the following sources can data entered in SPSS NOT come from?
Archive statistics
It can come from all of these
122. Which of the following CANNOT be included in the name of a variable in SPSS?
123. Which of the following methods would you use to enter data on gender into SPSS so you could conduct statistical analyses?
Type male or female into the appropriate column of the data view
Type M into the appropriate column for male participants and F for female participants
Enter data for male participants into SPSS first, then data for female participants second
Numerically code male and female with different numbers
124. Which of the following is the best way to deal with missing data?
Leave the cell where data is missing blank
Only enter data for cases where you have a complete data set
Use numbers not used elsewhere to represent different kinds of missing data
Remove variables where data is missing
125. How is the active cell denoted in the Data View window?
Highlighted in blue
With a flashing frame
Highlighted in red
With a bold frame
126. Which of the following aspects of a variable CANNOT be defined in the Variable View window?
Value labels
Maximum and minimum values
Number of decimal places
127. The extension given to SPSS data files is _.?
128. Which of the following is the name given to the record of procedures conducted by SPSS which appears first in the Output Viewer?
SPSS commands
Syntax commands
Command file
Analysis commands
129. When should the type of measure used be defined in SPSS?
When you intend to graph nominal variables
When you intend to graph ordinal variables
When you intend to graph interval variables
At all times
130. The data from each row in a coding schedule can be entered into a quantitative analysis computer program called:?
131. In which section of the SPSS output will you find the chi-square analysis?
Between group comparisons
Within group comparisons
Test statistics box
132. In Data View:?
The scores from each group occupy a separate column
Information about group membership is contained in the column headings
There is no information about group membership that is supplied by the user when completing dialogs for the appropriate procedures
Information about group membership is carried in a column (or columns) containing arbitrary code numbers
133. The Measure column in Variable View is used to specify?
Whether the variable is scale (or continuous), ordinal or nominal
Whether the variable is of the numeric or the string type
The name of the dependent variable
The number of places of decimals to which values are expressed in Data View
134. In Variable View, the Values column:?
Specifies the number of decimal places to which the numbers in Data View are displayed
Is used to specify the level of measurement
Specifies whether the data in Data View left, centre or right aligned
Enables meaningful labels to be attached to the different values of a grouping variable
135. The Means procedure is to be found in the?
Compare Means menu
Descriptive Statistics menu
Reports menu
Tables menu
136. For the Means procedure to run, the data in Data View:?
Need not contain a grouping variable
Must be nominal data
Must contain a grouping variable
Must be in the form of ranks
137. In Variable View, the Decimals column:?
Is operative only when scientific notation is specified
Allows the user to set the number of places of decimals to which each value in Data View will be displayed
Is inoperative when a numeric variable is specified
Allows the user to set the number of places of decimals to which each value in the output will be displayed
138. When the user is entering Value Labels (in the present case, Males and Females) in the dialog box below:?
A letter such as M must be in lower case, I.e. m
A letter such as M cannot be used in the Value panel
The first label must be the value 1
The letter M is an acceptable value for specifying a male
139. In the part of Data View shown below:?
Icon number 3 is used to find a particular value label
Icons number 1 and 2 are for displaying and magnifying value labels
Icon number 4 is for saving the data file
The display numbered 5 is the cell where control is currently located
140. In the part of Data View shown in the previous question:?
Icon number 1 is for finding a particular value label
Icon number 2 is for displaying value labels
Icon number 4 is for saving the data file
Icon number 3 is for weighting the cases
141. In the part of Data View shown above:?
Icon number 4 is for displaying value labels
Icon number 1 is for finding a particular value label
Icon number 2 is for weighting the cases
Icon number 3 is for saving the data file
142. In the part of Data View shown above:?
Icon number 1 is for displaying value labels
Icon number 2 is for finding a particular value label
Icon number 3 is for saving the data file
Icon number 4 is for weighting the cases
143. The operations known as copying and pasting:?
Can only be carried out in Variable View
Cannot be implemented in the Output Viewer
Can only be carried out in Data View
Can be carried out in both Variable View and Data View
144. The Means... Procedure for computing the mean score of each of several groups is found in:
The Reports menu
The Compare Means menu
The Tables menu
The Descriptive Statistics menu
145. Which of the following could NOT be included in a survey design?
Random sampling
Panel design
Manipulation of variables
Measurement of variables
146. Which of the following sources can data entered in SPSS NOT come from?
Archive statistics
All are correct
147. The first stage of coding qualitative data is referred to as?
Open coding
Axial coding
Selective coding
None of these
148. What will normally be the last of the following sections to be written?
Literature review
149. What should be the content of an abstract?
The topic under examination and the research question or hypothesis
The topic under examination, the research question or hypothesis, objectives, and methods of the study
The topic under examination, the research question or hypothesis, objectives and a brief résumé of the conclusions
The topic under examination, the research question or hypothesis, objectives, and methods of the study,a brief résumé of the conclusions
150. What should not be included in the introduction?
The aim of the research
A statement justifying the importance of the research
An indication of the key findings
An outline of the structure of the report
151. Statistics is used by researchers to?
Analyze the empirical data collected in a study
Make their findings sound better
Operationally define their variables
Ensure the study comes out the way it was intended
152. A literature review requires?
Good & clear writing
Lot of rewriting
All of the above
153. A literature review is based on the assumption that?
Copy from the work of others
Knowledge accumulates and learns from the work of others
Knowledge disaccumulates
None of the above option
154. Which of the following statement is not true a research proposal?
A research proposal is a document that presents a plan for a project
A research proposal shows that the researcher is capable of successfully conducting
the proposed research project
A research proposal is an unorganized and unplanned project
A research proposal is just like a research report and written before the research project
155. Preliminary data collection is a part of the research method. ?
Descriptive research
Exploratory research
Applied research
Explanatory research
156. Conducting surveys is the most common method of generating?
Primary data
Secondary data
Qualitative data
None of the above
157. After identifying the important variables and establishing the logical reasoning in theoretical framework, the next step in the research process is?
To conduct surveys
To generate the hypothesis
To focus group discussions
To use experiments in an investigation
158. The appropriate analytical technique is determined by?
The research design
Nature of the data collected
Nature of the hypothesis
The research design and nature of the data collected
159. A list of questions which is handed over to the respondent, who reads the questions and records the answers himself is known as the:?
Interview schedule
Interview guide
All of the given options
160. One of the most critical stages in the survey research process is?
Research design
Questionnaire design
Interview design
Survey design
161. What can a researcher use the literature to achieve?
They can demonstrate their competence by referring to prominent writings in the field.
They develop their version of the literature in such a way as to show and to lead up to the contribution they will be making in their own project or article.
They can identify a gap or problem in the literature that corresponds to the research questions.
All of the above.
162. A systematic literature review is:?
One which generates a literature review using a treasure hunt system.
A replicable, scientific, and transparent process.
One which gives equal attention to the principal contributors to the area.
A manufactured system for generating literature reviews tailored to your subject.
163. Which of the follow is a benefit of a systematic review?
It reduces researcher bias and demands the researcher is comprehensive of their approach.
It is really quick to complete.
It is cost effective as an approach.
It provides internal validity to the study.
164. How can you tell if your research questions are really good?
If they guide your literature search
If they are linked together to help you construct a coherent argument
If they force you to narrow the scope of your research
All of the above
165. Which one of the following is not a characteristic of scientific method?
166. The theoretical framework discusses the interrelationships among the..?
167. ..research is based on naturalism.?
Field research
Descriptive research
Basic research
Applied research
168. Which of the following is characteristic of action research?
Variables are tightly controlled
Results are generalizable
Data are usually qualitative
Results demonstrate cause-and-effect relationships
169. If a researcher is studying the effect of using laptops in his classroom to ascertain their merit and worth; he is likely conducting which of the following types of research?
170. Which of the following is not the source for getting information for exploratory research?
Content analysis
Case study
Pilot study
171. Which of the following is the main quality of a good theory?
A theory that has survived attempts at falsification
A theory that is proven to be right
A theory that has been disproved
A theory that has been falsified
172. Which type of review compares how different theories address an issue?
Context review
Integrated review
Theoretical review
Methodological review
173. After you locate a source, you should write down all details of the reference, EXCEPT?
Full names of the authors
174. __research is based on naturalism.?
Field research
Descriptive research
Basic research
Applied research
175. How many times the students appear in the research class is the example of___.?
176. A measure is reliable if it provides consistent ___.?
177. The interview in which questions are already prepared is called __.?
Telephonic interview
Personal interview
Unstructured interview
Structured interview
178. In which one of the following stage researcher consult the literature?
Operation test
Response analysis survey
Document design analysis
Pretest interviews
179. Why do you need to review the existing literature?
To make sure you have a long list of references
Because without it, you could never reach the required word-count
To find out what is already known about your area of interest
To help in your general studying
180. Which of the following is NOT a function of referencing?
To demonstrate breadth of reading
To attribute a quotation
To ensure a sufficiently long reference list
To justify your approach
181. Which of the following is a discipline?
Social facilitation
182. Which of the following is a field?
Sport tourism
All of these
183. Identifying someone's gender is an example of?
Nominal measurement
Ordinal measurement
Interval measurement
Ratio measurement
184. Identifying someones age is an example of?
Nominal measurement
Ordinal measurement
Interval measurement
Ratio measurement
185. When interviewing children, you should try to?
Avoid being seen as an authority figure
Take them out of the classroom if interviewing them at school
Not be overly concerned with ethical issues
All of these
186. What is the smallest sample size you should consider when interviewing?
187. Which of the following is not a descriptive statistic?
188. Which one of the following sampling type is used in operations test to select the units?
Simple random sampling
Cluster sampling
Quota sampling
Judgment sampling
189. A sampling frame is:?
A summary of the various stages involved in designing a survey
An outline view of all the main clusters of units in a sample
A list of all the units in the population from which a sample will be selected
A wooden frame used to display tables of random numbers
190. In _____, each population element has a known and equal chance of selection.?
Purposive sampling
Quota sampling
Stratified sampling
Simple random sampling
191. Experimental design is the only appropriate design where___ relationship can be established.?
Cause and Effect
192. What is the primary focus of establishment surveys in this case study?
Collect the data through past studies
Analyze the literature review
Using of quantitative techniques
Data collection through mail and Interview
193. Which of the following method of data collection is not discussed in the case study?
Mail survey
194. Which of the following sampling technique is used for Employee Turnover and Job Openings survey?
Simple random sampling
Cluster sampling
Stratified sampling
Convenience sampling
195. Which one of the following is the limitation of establishment survey in this case study?
Limited data
Unskilled interviewer
Small sample size
196. Which of the following method of data collection is not used in the case study?
Focus groups
Correlational method
Secondary data
197. Which of the following is the basic purpose of pretest interview in this case study?
To identified the potential problem
To know the sample size
To develop the questionnaire
To use agency representative
198. Select all of the following statements which you believe to be true. An ordinal variable is one for which:
The data are discrete and can take one of many values.
The data are continuous and follow an ordered sequence.
The data are categorical.
The categories of response are ordered.
There can only be two categories of response.
199. Select all of the following statements which you believe to be true:
A sample statistic is a point estimate of a population parameter.
Random sampling implies a haphazard approach to the data analysis.
For a given data set, the standard deviation is always greater than the standard error of the mean.
The inferential process involves drawing conclusions about the sample.
All are corrects
200. A total 5000 patients of glaucoma are identified and surveyed by patient interviews regarding family history of glaucoma. Such a study design is called:
Case series report
Case-control study
Clinical Trial
Cohort study
201. The analytical study where population is the unit of study is:
Cross sectional
202. System Study involves:
Study of an existing system
Documenting the existing system.
Identifying current deficiencies and establishing new goals
All of the above
203. The primary tool used in structured design is a:
Structure chart
Data-flow diagram
Program flowchart
204. The step-by-step instructions that solve a problem are called :
An algorithm
A list
A plan
A sequential structure
205. Which of the following is not a factor in the failure of the systems developments projects:
Size of the company
Inadequate user involvement
Failure of systems integration
Continuation of a project that should have been cancelled
206. A problem's _____ will answer the question, "What information will the computer need to know in order to either print or display the output times?:
207. In order to save time and money, psychologists collect their data by?
The use of censuses
The use of prevalence
Using poorly paid student helpers
Stopping people in the street
The use of samples
208. The specific statistical methods that can be used to summarize or to describe a collection of data is called?
Analytical statistics
Experimental study
Inferential statistics
Descriptive statistics
All of the above
209. Non-sampling errors are introduced due to technically faulty observations or during the………………of data?
210. Data is simply the numerical results of any scientific……………?
211. The……………….process would be required to ensure that the data is complete and as required?
All of the above
212. A sample is a portion of the………..population that is considered for study and analysis?
213. Both the sampling as well as the non-sampling errors must be reduced to a minimum in order to get representative a sample of the………as possible?
214. A variable is any characteristic which can assume…………value?
215. The basic objective of a sample is to draw………….about the population from which such sample is drawn?
216. What is the defining characteristic of experimental research?
Resistance to manipulation
Manipulation of the independent variable
The use of open-ended questions
Focuses only on local problems
All are not correct
217. Which of the following includes examples of quantitative variables?
Age, temperature, income, height
Grade point average, anxiety level
Gender, religion, ethnic group
Age, temperature, income, height, Grade point average, anxiety level
218. Which of the following can best be described as a categorical variable?
Grade point average
Annual income
219. What is the opposite of a variable?
A constant
An extraneous variable
A dependent variable
A data set
All are correct
220. The strongest evidence for causality comes from which of the following research methods?
All are correct
221. A numerical value used as a summary measure for a sample, such as sample mean, is known as a ?
population parameter
sample parameter
sample statistic
population mean
None of the above answers is correct.
222. Since the population size is always larger than the sample size, then the sample statistic?
can never be larger than the population parameter
can never be equal to the population parameter
can never be zero
can never be smaller than the population parameter
All are not correct
223. The sum of the percent frequencies for all classes will always equal?
the number of classes
the number of items in the study
None of the answers is correct.
224. Since the mode is the most frequently occurring data value, it ?
can never be larger than the mean
is always larger than the median
is always larger than the mean
must have a value of at least two
All are not correct.
225. Mu is an example of a?
population parameter
sample statistic
population variance
All are not correct
226. The mean of a sample is?
always equal to the mean of the population
always smaller than the mean of the population
computed by summing the data values and dividing the sum by (n - 1)
computed by summing all the data values and dividing the sum by the number of items
All are not correct
227. The difference between the largest and the smallest data values is the?
interquartile range
coefficient of variation
All are not correct
228. Which of the following is not a measure of central location?
All are not correct.
229. If a data set has an even number of observations, the median?
cannot be determined
is the average value of the two middle items
must be equal to the mean
is the average value of the two middle items when all items are arranged in ascending order
All are not correct.
230. The sum of deviations of the individual data elements from their mean is?
always greater than zero
always less than zero
sometimes greater than and sometimes less than zero, depending on the data elements
always equal to zero
All are not correct.
231. The value that has half of the observations above it and half the observations below it is called the?
All are not correct.
232. The most frequently occurring value of a data set is called the?
All are not correct.
233. A tabular summary of a set of data showing the fraction of the total number of items in several classes is a?
frequency distribution
relative frequency distribution
cumulative frequency distribution
All are not correct.
234. The standard deviation of a sample of 100 observations equals 64. The variance of the sample equals?
All are not correct.
235. The variance of a sample of 81 observations equals 64. The standard deviation of the sample equals?
All are not correct.
236. Refer to Exhibit 3-2. The median is?
All are not correct.
237. Refer to Exhibit 3-2. The mode is?
All are not correct.
238. Refer to Exhibit 3-2. The mean is?
All are not correct
239. Refer to Exhibit 3-3. The range is?
All are not correct
240. Refer to Exhibit 3-4. The mean is?
All are not correct.
241. Which of the following is not a measure of dispersion?
the range
the variance
the standard deviation
All are correct
242. The measure of dispersion that is influenced most by extreme values is?
the variance
the standard deviation
the range
the interquartile range
All are not correct.
243. When should measures of location and dispersion be computed from grouped data rather than from individual data values?
as much as possible since computations are easier
only when individual data values are unavailable
whenever computer packages for descriptive statistics are unavailable
only when the data are from a population
All are not correct.
244. The descriptive measure of dispersion that is based on the concept of a deviation about the mean is?
the range
the interquartile range
the standard deviation
All are not correct.
245. On matters of academics (knowledge) a researcher should consider himself as?
Entirely dependent on the teacher
Open minded and radical
Fairly knowledgeable
A status quo maintainer
All are not correct
246. Given the N values in a series, the geometric mean is ?
The third root of the product of N values.
The square root of the product of N values
The fourth root of the product of N values
The Nth root of the product of N values
All are not correct
247. Which of the measures given here are based on every item of the series?
Standard deviation
Quartile deviation
All of them
248. A researcher selects a probability sample of 100 out of the total population. It is ?
A cluster sample
A random sample
A systematic sample
A stratified sample
A multistage sampling
249. If x is 4 and the distribution is 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, the sum of squared deviations from the x will be?
250. Generalized conclusion on the basis of a sample is technically known as ?
Statistical inference of external validity of the research
Parameter inference
Data analysis and interpretation
All are correct
251. A statistical measure based upon the entire population is called parameter while measure based upon a sample is known as ?
Sample parameter
Standard deviation
All are correct
252. If x is 48, Median is 47, Mode value will be ?
253. Since the population size is always larger than the sample size, then the sample statistic?
can never be larger than the population parameter
can never be equal to the population parameter
can never be zero
can never be smaller than the population parameter
All are correct
254.  is an example of a?
population parameter
sample statistic
population variance
All are not correct
255. The stages of a malignant disease (cancer) is recorded using the symbols 0, I, II, III, IV. We say that the scale used is ?
256. The fundamental statistical indicators are ?
Mean and D. Standard deviation
257. If the average of a series of values is 10 and their variance is 4, then the coefficient of variation (= the ratio standard deviation / average) is?
258. The median of a series of numerical values is?
Equal to the average
A graph or hart
A number
A frequency table
A distribution table
259. The median of a series of numerical values is?
A value for which half of the values are higher and half of the values are lower
The value located exactly midway between the minimum and maximum of the series
The most commonly encountered values among the series
A measure of the eccentricity of the series
A measure of central tendency
260. Relative risk?
Shows the relationship between a factor assumed to influence the occurrence of disease, and the disease
is the ratio of the risk of disease for those exposed and those not exposed to that risk factor
Cannot be greater than 1
is expressed as a percentage
is proportion
261. If on a group of 457 patients, for a risk factor we calculated a Relative Risk RR= 12.74, the possibility of developing the disease being investigated is?
very high when exposed to the factor
very small when exposed to the factor
the same in the case of exposure in the case of non-exposure
lower in the exposed than in the unexposed, RR being less than 100
Equal in the exposed
262. The result of a statistical test, denoted p, shall be interpreted as follows?
the null hypothesis H0 is rejected if p <0.05
the null hypothesis H0 is rejected if p> 0.05
the alternate hypothesis H1 is rejected if p> 0.05
the null hypothesis H0 is accepted if p <0.05
None of the above answers is correct.
263. If, after performing a Student test for comparison of means, we obtain p = 0.0256, then?
We reject H0 and accept H1
We accept H0
We reject H1
We cannot decide
We can decide
264. Which of the following are goals of vaccination?
Prevent infection
Prevent disease
Prevent transmission
All are correct
265. A “benefit” of research may accrue?
To the participant
To his/her family
To society
All are correct
266. The most important element of ethical research on human subjects is?
A methodologically sound study design
Informed consent
267. Surveillance data must be?
Rapidly collected
Use simple case definitions
Provide very precise estimates
All are correct
Rapidly collected and Use simple case definitions
268. The requirements for an effective surveillance system include?
A diagnostic algorithm
Staff members
A sampling frame
All are correct
269. A good surveillance system should provide information about?
Who is being infected
Where the infected individuals are
How rapidly infection is spreading
All are correct
270. Most surveillance systems use which of the following study designs?
Serial cross-sectional
271. Results of surveillance should be distributed to?
Decision makers
The public
The data collectors
All are correct
272. The most important goal of a behavioral intervention is?
Change in behavior
Comprehensive coverage
Effective use of behavioral theory
Sustained behavior change
Change in belief
273. The stages of a malignant (cancer) is recorded using the symbols 0, I, II, III, IV. We say that the scale used is:
274. The fundamental statistical indicators are:
Mode and Median
Mean and standard deviation
275. The average of series of numerical values is:
The Sum of the values divided by their number
Lower than the minimum value in the series
Lower than the average value in the series
An indicator of measurement of the values of the series
276. Standard deviation:
Is measured using the unit of sample
Is measured using the squared unit of the variable
Is values generally comparable with mode value
Is the square root of variance
277. The median of a series of numerical values is:
Equal to the average
A number
A graph or chart
A frequency table
278. The median of a series of numerical values is:
A measure of centricity
Half of the values are higher and half of the values are lower
The most commonly encountered values among the series
The value located exactly between minimum and maximum of series
279. The result of a statistical test, denoted p , shall be interpreted as follows:
The null hypothesis H0 is rejected if p > 0.05
The null hypothesis H0is accepted if p < 0.05
The alternate hypothesis H1 is rejected p > 0.05
The null hypothesis H0 is rejected if p < 0.05
280. If, after performing a student test for comparison of means, we obtain p=0.0250, then:
We reject Ho and accept H1
We accept H0
We reject H1
We cannot decide
281. A study was Conducted in Cambodia to find out the proportion of blacks and white Cambodian in Cambodia. This variable chosen is:
Discreet numerical
282. The median of the following data, is: 1,2,4,6,8,10,11,13:
283. A household survey of two families was conducted by students of 4th year DDs. In her collected data, the ages of heads of families were: 32,34,35,36,36,42,44,46,48 and 52. The mean age of heads of families is:
284. For a survey, a village is divided into 5 lanes, each lane is sampled randomly. It is an example of:
Simple random Sampling
Standard random Sampling
Systematic random Sampling
Cluster random Sampling
Quasi random sampling
285. Tools of measurement in Epidemiology are:
Rates and Ratios
Rates, Ratios and proportions
Rates and proportions
Ratios and proportion
286. If there had been 3,000 new cases of dental caries in population of 30,000 in a year, then the incidence rate would be:
50 per 1,000 per year
100 per 1,000
100 per 1,000 per year
50 per 1,000
287. Observing the distribution of disease or health _ related characteristics in human population with respect to time, place and person is known as:
Analytical epidemiology
Descriptive epidemiology
Experimental epidemiology
Intervention studies
288. Cross _ sectional study is also known as:
Longitudinal study
Incidence study
Prevalence study
Follow _ up study
289. The epidemiology method which provide background data for planning, organizing and evaluating preventive and curative services is:
Analytical epidemiology
Experimental epidemiology
Descriptive epidemiology
Ecological studies
290. Case control studies are often called as:
Prospective studies
Retrospective studies
Follow _ up studies
Ecological studies
291. Which one of the following is correct about case control method?
The study is expensive
Long follow _ up period is often needed
Yields incidence rates and attributable risk
It uses a control or comparison group
292. The process by which the controls are selected in such a way the they are similar to case with regard to certain pertinent selected variables is known as:
293. The components of epidemiology are:
Disease frequency
Distribution of disease
Determinants of disease
Frequency, distribution and determinants of disease
294. Cohort study is also known as:
Longitudinal study
Prospective study
Incidence study
Prevalence study
295. Which one of the following is correct about cohort study?
Identified prior to the appearance of disease under investigation
The study proceeds backwards form effect to cause
It uses a control or comparison group
Both exposure and outcome have occurred prior to the study
296. The basic approach in cohort studies is to work from:
Causes to effect
Effect to cause
Cause to effect and effect to cause are correct
Exposed to non-exposed
297. Which one of the following is correct about cohort study:
Starts with the disease
Involves fewer number of subjects
Yields incidence rate
Relatively in expensive
298. Pilot study is done to:
Find the feasibility in conducting study
Determine the sample size
Find the unknown effect
Find the all of those
299. The “unusual” occurrence of disease in a community clearly in excess of “Expected occurrence” is known as:
300. The level of resistance of a community or group of people to a particular disease is known as:
Active immunity
Passive immunity
Herd immunity
Combination of Active and passive
301. Experimental studies are:
Cohort and case _ control studies
Prevalence and incidence studies
Randomized controlled Trials and Non-Randomized Trials
Cohort and prevalence studies
302. Matching is done to:
Eliminate bias in sampling
Eliminate confounding factors
Stratified sampling
Quota sampling
303. Picking every 5th or 10th unit at regular intervals is:
Random sampling
Systemic sampling
Stratified Sampling
Quota Sampling
304. Hypothesis is:
a theory
an Experiment
a report
a supposition from an observation
305. Risk factors related to dental caries are:
Bacteria, host susceptibility, food and time
Bacteria, periodontal disease, food
Host, time and gingival disease
Environment and oral hygiene
306. Mean and standard deviation come be worked out only if data is on?
Interval or Ratio scale
Dichotomous scale
Nominal scale
Ordinal scale
307. If we reject Null Hypothesis, when actually it is true, it is known as?
Type I error
Type II Error
308. Find the mode in the following data set (11,12,13,14,14)
309. Which of the following is not a measure of central tendency?
310. Standard deviation is the square of:
Standard error
311. A circle divided into sector proportional to the frequency of items shown is called:
Bar chart
Pie chart
Frequency polygon
312. Correlation coefficient is a number between:
+1 and +2
0 and +1
-1 and 0
-1 and +1
313. In biostatistics, group of individuals taken for study is called as:
314. Variables whose values can be expressed numerically are called:
Quantitative variable
Qualitative variable
Absolute variable
Continuous variable
315. Flower color is a:
Quantitative variable
Qualitative variable
Absolute variable
Continuous variable
316. Quantitative Variables that has only fixed or finite values are called:
Quantitative variable
Discrete variable
Absolute variable
Continuous variable
317. Height of students in a class is a:
Qualitative variable
Discrete variable
Absolute variable
Continuous variable
318. In inferential statistics, we study:
The method to make decisions about population based on sample results
How to make decisions about mean, Median or mode
How a sample is obtained from a population
How to make decisions about range and standard deviations
319. In descriptive statistics, we study:
The description of decision making process
The methods for organizing, displaying and describing data
How to describe the probability distribution
How to describe the non-probability distribution
320. When data are collected in a statistical study only a portion or subset of all elements of interest we are using:
A Sample
A Parameter
A Population
A Parameter and A population
321. In Statistic, a sample means:
A portion of the sample
A portion of the population
all the items under investigation
all the items under analysis
322. The height of a student is 1.65m. This is example of…….:
Qualitative data
Categorical data
Continuous data
Discrete data
323. Data in the population Census Report is:
Grouped data
Ungrouped data
Secondary data
Primary data
324. Statistics is a numerical quantify, which is calculated from:
325. Which one of the following measurement dose not divide a set of observations into equal parts?
Standard Deviations
326. You ask five of your classmates about their height, on the basis of this information, you stated that the average height of all students in your faculty is 1.65m. This is example of:
Descriptive statistics
Inferential statistics
327. In statistics, a population consists of:
All people living in a country
All people living in the area under study
All subjects or objects whose characteristics are being studied
All people are investigated
328. Which one is the not measure of dispersion:
The range
50th Percentile
Inter – quartile Range
329. Mu is an example of a:
population parameter
Sample Statistic
Population variance
Standard population
330. The difference between the largest and the smallest data values is the:
Interquartile range
Coefficient of variation
331. The Sum of the percent frequencies for all classes will always equal:
The number of classes
The number of items in the study
332. In a five-number summary, which of the following is not used for data summarization?
The Smallest value
The largest value
The median
The 25th Percentile
333. Our rural masses are facing multiple health problems. The best approach to deal with their problems is to provide:?
Basic health services
Health education
Safe water supply and sanitation
Free medical care
Primary health care.
334. Which one of the following is not included in the elements of Primary Health Care?
Immunization services
Family planning services
Specialized services
Health education regarding water and sanitation
Provision of essential drugs
335. Which one of the following gives the strength of association between the cause and the disease?
Prevalence rate.
Case fatality rate.
Adjusted rate.
Incidence rate.
Disease index.
336. Which one of the following is not included in analyticalepidemiological studies?
Historical cohort studies
Cohort studies
Case control
Case repor
Experimental studies
337. Killing power of a disease is best expressed by:?
Attack Rate.
Secondary Attack rate.
Case fatality rate.
Survival index.
Proportionate mortality rate.
338. All of the following are true of odds ratio except: ?
It is an estimate of relative risk
It is the only measure of risk that can be obtained directly form a case-control study
It tends to be biased towards 1 (neither risk or protection at high rates of disease
It is the ratio of incidence in exposed divided by incidence in non exposed
It can be calculated without data on rates (as in a case-control study
339. A longitudinal or prospective study is also referred to as ?
ecological study
cross-sectional study
cohort study
observational study
340. The key factor in conducting ethical research is: ?
Informed consent
Respect for persons
341. Precise measurement of exposure is important in epidemiologic research. Namely, when the exposure is not precisely measured the association between exposure and effect is likely to be...?
342. Types of toothbrushes would be an example of what:?
343. Classifications of dental disease is an example of what:?
344. Within 3 standard deviations, the mean picks up how much of the scores?
345. Has categorical variables and bars are separate, but equal distances apart:?
Bar Graph
Frequency Polygon
Pie graph
346. Has continuous variables, bars touch and you can always find a third value:?
Bar Graph
Frequency Polygon
Pie graph
347. Within 1 standard deviation, the mean picks up over how many of the values?
348. The students t-test measures what:?
Test the difference between 2 means
Test for differences between 3 or more means
Differences between two frequency distributions
Whether two distributions are independent or dependent
349. The Scientific Method is:?
Qualitatitive Research
Quantitative Research
350. As income level declines, tooth decay increases. This is an example of what:?
Positive correlation
Negative correlation
Internal Validity
External Validity
351. Randomly selecting a proportionate amount from subgroups is an example of what:?
Random Sampling
Stratified Sampling
Systematic Sampling
Convenience Sampling
352. The degree to which the study accurately reflects events that would occur in a real situation is what:?
Internal Validity
External Validity
353. Retrospective and Prospective are what types of Epidemiological Studies?
354. Twins (same group on two or more occasions) would be an example of what kind of epidemiological study?
355. Within 2 standard deviations, the mean picks up about how many of the values?
356. No relationship existing between variables is an example of what:?
Negative Correlation
Null Hypothesis
Empirical Consequence
Research Protocol
357. Empirical Consequences are:?
Statements that reflect a research question
Verification of Results
Observable or relying on experiences
Orderly, controlled plans
358. What type of epidemiological study is designed to determine the relationship between a condition and a characteristic shared by some members of a group?
359. Each member in the population has an equal chance of being selected:?
Random Sampling
Stratified Sampling
Systematic Sampling
Convenience Sampling
360. The number of new cases of a specific disease within a defined population over a period of time is what:?
361. Which is the effect or result of an experiment?
Independent variable
Dependent variable
Discrete variable
Nominal variable
362. Before and after studies for preventive measures are what:?
Clinical trials
Field trials
Demonstration studies
Analysis studies
363. Systemic water fluoridation will reduce caries in school children by 30%. What is the independent variable?
Systemic water fluoridation
School children
364. Discrete data is qualitative in nature. Continuous data is quantitative in nature.?
Both statements are true
Both statements are false
The first statement is true, the second is false
The first statement is false, the second is true
365. Females and males are examples of what kind of data?
366. Height and weight are an example of what kind of data:?
367. What type of sample has the least bias?
368. What is the most powerful type of data?
369. Characteristic or condition that changes or has different values for different people?
370. Variable with infinite number of values, only limited by measurement tool?
Interquartile range
Continuous variable
Frequency table
Quantitative variable
371. Uses NUMBERS to describe phenomenon. Output is discrete or continuous?
Inferencial statistics
Qualitative variable
Continuous variable
Quantitative variable
372. Outcome or response observed?
Discrete variable
Standard deviation
Independent variable
Dependent variable
373. The most frequently occurring number is a set of values called the:?
374. What is the range for following dataset? (14, 23, 9, 12. 21, 18, 8)?
375. Which of the following constitutes discrete variables?
Student’s top typing speed.
An athlete’s body temperature after exercise.
Favourite animal among children.
Number of reported crimes in one week
376. A Type II error occurs when the researcher:?
Fail to reject the null hypothesis when it is false.
Fail to reject the null hypothesis when it is true.
Reject the null hypothesis when it is false.
Reject the null hypothesis when it is true.
377. Hypothesis refers to?
The outcome of an experiment
A conclusion drawn from an experiment
A form of bias in which the subject tries to outguess the experimenter
A tentative statement about the relationship
378. Statistics is used by researchers to?
Analyze the empirical data collected in a study
Make their findings sound better
Operationally define their variables
Ensure the study comes out the way it was intended
379. A literature review requires?
Good & clear writing
Lot of rewriting
All of the above
380. A literature review is based on the assumption that?
Copy from the work of others
Knowledge accumulates and learns from the work of others
Knowledge disaccumulates
None of the above option
381. Which of the following statement is not true?
A research proposal is a document that presents a plan for a project
A research proposal shows that the researcher is capable of successfully conducting the proposed research project
A research proposal is an unorganized and unplanned project
A research proposal is just like a research report and written before the research project
382. Preliminary data collection is a part of the?
Descriptive research
Exploratory research
Applied research
Explanatory research
383. Conducting surveys is the most common method of generating?
Primary data
Secondary data
Qualitative data
None of the above
384. After identifying the important variables and establishing the logical reasoning in theoretical framework, the next step in the research process is?
To conduct surveys
To generate the hypothesis
To focus group discussions
To use experiments in an investigation
385. The appropriate analytical technique is determined by?
The research design
Nature of the data collected
Nature of the hypothesis
The research design and Nature of the data collected
386. Personal interviews conducted in shopping malls are known as:?
Mall interviews
Mall intercept interviews
Brief interviews
None of the given options
387. A list of questions which is handed over to the respondent, who reads the questions and records the answers himself is known as the:?
Interview schedule
Interview guide
All of the given options
388. The number of questionnaires returned or completed divided by the total number of eligible people who were contacted or asked to participate in the survey is called the:?
Response rate
Participation rate
Inflation rate
None of the given options
389. A small scale trial run of a particular component is known as:?
Pilot testing
Lab experiments
Pilot testing and Pre-testing
390. Field testing of the questionnaire shows that:?
Respondents are willing to co-operate
Respondents are not willing to co-operate
Respondents do not like any participation
All of the given options
391. Which one of the following sets is the measure of central tendency?
Mean, standard deviation, mode
Mean, median, standard deviation
Arithmetic mean, median, mode
Standard deviation, internal validity, mode
392. Internal validity refers to ?
Researcher’s degree of confidence.
All of the above
393. How many times the students appear in the research class is the example of ………….?
394. Discrete variable is also called……….?
Categorical variable
Discontinuous variable
Categorical variable and Discontinuous variable
None of the above
395. Officers in my organization have higher than average level of commitment ” Such a hypothesis is an example of……….?
Descriptive Hypothesis
Directional Hypothesis
Relational Hypothesis
All of the above
396. Which one of the following is not a characteristic of scientific method?
397. The theoretical framework discusses the interrelationships among the……….?
398. ………research is based on naturalism.?
Field research
Descriptive research
Basic research
Applied research
{"name":"Dental research", "url":"","txt":"1. What are the programs to use for analyze data?, 2. What is the advantage of using SPSS over calculating statistics by hand?","img":""}
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