What’s my dosha?

Hello! Thank you for your interest in YOKE! While taking our quiz please select the answer that best describes your current state.
My body type is...
Tall, thin, protruding joints, hard to gain weight
Medium, weight distributed equally, athletic build
Large, thick, curvy, hard to lose weight
My hair is...
Dry, whispy, breaks easy, curly
Fine, early gray, red, straight
Thick and oily, lots of it
Skin temperature
Always cold, cold extremities (hands and feet)
Adaptable, clammy palms and soles
Usually warm or hot
My skin tends to be...
Dry, chapped lips, cool
Warm, acne prone, freckles
Thick, oily, smooth
My teeth are...
Smaller, crooked
Medium, yellow
Large, white
My sleep patterns tend to be...
Light sleeper, insomnia
Medium, sound sleeper
Heavy sleeper, prolonged slumbers, frequent naps
My joints are..
Knobby, crack easily, not flexible
Flexible, double jointed
Thick, padded
My nails are...
Brittle, break easily, split
Flexible, pink beds
Thick, shiny, strong
Reaction to stress...
Tends towards anxiety and worrying
Tends towards anger
Tends to be passive and calm
People would describe you as...
Creative, dreamer, shy
Decisive, quick witted and outwardly confident
Generous, nurturing, grounded
I often experience...
Insomnia, anxiety, stress easily, constipation or gas
Anger, jealousy, inflammation on skin or acidic stomach issues
Stagnation, lethargy/depression, mucus, allergies, congestion
Easily forget things.
Eh, it's pretty good.
It takes me awhile to remember but once it becomes routine I commit it to memory.
Learning ability...
Easy to pick up new tasks and easy to forget them.
Moderate, if it's interesting to me I will learn more readily.
Hard to pick up new tasks but once learned they are mastered!
My thoughts are...
Always changing and random
Logical, quick and sharp
Slow and concise.
I usually forget to eat and my appetite fluctuates
HUGE! If I don't eat the day cannot go on.
I tend to eat several small meals throughout the day.
The whites of my eyes are...
Blue or brownish, dull
Yellow or reddish
White and moist
My eye size is...
Small, thin lashes, dark eyes
Medium, light eyes
Large, thick lashes
Usually constipated, dry and hard stools
Moist, very regular and multiple times a day
Slow and often feeling incomplete
Weight gain
It is hard for me to gain weight
If I gain weight I can usually loose it pretty quickly
Once I gain weight it is hard for me to loose it, water retention
I am enthusiastic and like change
I am very convincing and intense
I am pretty easy going and supportive
I work better...
Under supervision, I ask a lot of questions.
With others, I like being a part of a team!
Dry, cracking, small
Medium, pink to red
Large, moist
I tend to spend my money...
As soon as I have it, usually on travel.
I save but I usually spend in large amounts at once.
Spends rarely, I am great at saving.
Physical Activity
Hyperactive, fast moving yoga and running
Moderate, usually competitive and recrational sports. 
Slow and steady, walking or swimming.
Goal orientation
Easily distracted, procrastination, frequently changes direction.
Very focused and driven, always have my eye on the prize.
I'll reach my goal but I take my time.
In my friendships and romantic relationships I tend to be...
Unreliable, flighty and very casual
Passionate, controlling and jealous
Loyal, faithful and long lasting
{"name":"What’s my dosha?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Body build, Your hair is..., Skin temperature","img":"https://cdn.poll-maker.com/42-1399728/yoke-transparent-2-.png?sz=1200"}
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