How to Holy Paladin

A vibrant and dynamic illustration of a Holy Paladin casting spells in a fantasy setting, surrounded by magical lights and healing effects, embodying the essence of a healer in an epic battle scene.

Holy Paladin Mastery Quiz

Test your knowledge and skills as a Holy Paladin with this engaging quiz! Whether you're a seasoned veteran or just starting out, see how well you understand the complexities of healing and supporting your team in battle.

Key Topics Covered:

  • Seal and Judgement Selection
  • Cooldown Management
  • Beacon of Light Strategies
  • Raid Healing Techniques
  • Threat Management
14 Questions4 MinutesCreated by HealingLight42
What Seal do you use?
Seal of Wisdom because I like mana
Seal of Light because I like health
Seal of the Vengeance because I rather be DPS
What Aura do you use (with no other Paladins)?
Retribution Aura because I want Tanks to parse
Devotion Aura because the Tanks are soft
Concentration Aura because I wished I had that in school
Crusader Aura because I like horses
What Judgement do you use (with more than 1 Paladin)?
Judgement of Wisdom because I like to give people mana
Judgement of Light because it looks nice on details
Judgement of Justice because I don't want the boss to run in fear
The one the other Paladin isn't using because I know they don't stack
On who do I put Beacon of Light?
The Tank because he takes the most damage
Myself because I like to stand in the fire
The top DPS because we are nothing without him/ her
Zarp because she takes the most damage
If the Tank (with Beacon) and another target are both taking damage who do you heal first?
The Tank because he is my priority
The other target because my Beacon will heal the Tank
They have healthstones, they can figure it out themselves
Let them both die because they need to GIT GUD
Ask them to First Aid on Discord
A DPS is about to take threat from the Tank, what cooldown do you use?
Bubble and Hearthstone, cya
Hand of Protection because no way Tanks have threat meters
Hand of Salvation and hope the DPS has a threat meter
I Taunt the Boss myself and die an hero
Okay Hand of Salvation didn't work and now the DPS has aggro, what do you use?
Now it's time to use Hand of Protection
Nothing and blame him/ her for overaggroing
Just spam heal and hope they can take more than 1 hit
BOP the tank so they think it's your fault
The Tank is taking a lot of damage and you don't think you can heal through it, what do you use?
Hand of Sacrifice, while watching my own health (I bubble if it's too much)
Hand of Sacrifice and spam heal the Tank
Hand of Protection, he can't die if the boss doesn't attack him
Hand of Salvation, hopes he loses threat so a DPS will take the damage
The Raid is taking a lot of damage and I have to spam heal to top them, what spell can help you?
Divine Illumination, I like to keep some mana after it
Aura Mastery, this makes the raid take less damage
Wings for bigger heals!
Divine Sacrifice so a lot of damage is taken by you instead
Oh shit you don't have any mana, what do you do?
Use a mana potion
Sit around and wait with till you can target 1 Flash of Light and repeat
Go smack the boss with your Seal of Wisdom and Judgement of Wisdom
Say to Davo that it's your Innervate not his
I Lay on Hands myself because I have the glyph
I Lay on Hands myself but I don't have the glyph
Holy Shock was shit in TBC, is it shit now?
No, it's awesome! It buffs my Holy Light and gives me instant Flash of Lights
It's still shit and not worth the mana
I only use it for damage anyway
What is Holy Shock?
Should you even use Judgements with more than two Paladins? They got Light and Wisdom already
No, you will only overwrite their buff
Yes because you want the 15% haste buff from Judgement of the Pure
No, I'm not a DPS
Davo just casted Starfall, should you panic?
Yes, give him Hand of Protection
Are you ready to heal some Salaks?
No, those Salaks keep suprising you with new shit
{"name":"How to Holy Paladin", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge and skills as a Holy Paladin with this engaging quiz! Whether you're a seasoned veteran or just starting out, see how well you understand the complexities of healing and supporting your team in battle.Key Topics Covered:Seal and Judgement SelectionCooldown ManagementBeacon of Light StrategiesRaid Healing TechniquesThreat Management","img":"https:/images/course2.png"}
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