[2105.06521] Noa Zilberman, Amos Ori: Quantum fluxes at the inner horizon of a near-extremal spherical charged black hole
[2105.06636] Indrani Banerjee, Sumanta Chakraborty, Soumitra SenGupta: Looking for extra dimensions in the observed quasi-periodic oscillations of black holes
[2105.06650] Aden Jowsey, Matt Visser: Reconsidering maximum luminosity
[2105.06670] Bing-Yu Su, Nan Li: Hawking--Page phase transitions of the black holes in different extended phase spaces
[2105.06789] M. Hameeda, B. Pourhassan, M.C.Rocca et al.: Two approaches that prove divergence free nature of non-local gravity
[2105.06793] Guillaume Boileau, Astrid Lamberts, Nelson Christensen et al.: Spectral separation of the stochastic gravitational-wave background for LISA: galactic, cosmological and astrophysical backgrounds
[2105.06870] Flavio Bombacigno, Simon Boudet, Gonzalo J. Olmo et al.: Big-bounce and future time singularity resolution in Bianchi I: the projective invariant Nieh-Yan case
[2105.06876] Farshid Soltani, Carlo Rovelli, Pierre Martin-Dussaud: The End of a Black Hole's Evaporation - Part II
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