Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in hep-ph on Fri, 8 Apr 22
[2204.02987] Samuel Abreu, Jonathan R. Gaunt, Pier Francesco Monni et al.: The analytic two-loop soft function for leading-jet $p_T$
[2204.03001] Aaron Held, Jan Kwapisz, Lohan Sartore: Grand unification and the Planck scale: An $\mathit{SO}(10)$ example of radiative symmetry breaking
[2204.03011] Pilar Coloma, M.C. Gonzalez-Garcia, Michele Maltoni et al.: Constraining New Physics with Borexino Phase-II spectral data
[2204.03026] Hao-yu Liu, Kexin Xie, Zhongbo Kang et al.: Single Inclusive Jet Production in $pA$ Collisions at NLO in the small-$x$ regime
[2204.03050] H. Mutuk, K. Azizi: Investigation of $Δ^0Δ^0$ Dibaryon in QCD
[2204.03085] Surjeet Rajendran: New Directions in the Search for Dark Matter
[2204.03149] Hai-Yang Cheng, Fanrong Xu: Heavy-Flavor-Conserving Hadronic Weak Decays of Charmed and Bottom Baryons
[2204.03183] Yuichiro Nakai, Ryosuke Sato, Yoshihiro Shigekami: Muon Electric Dipole Moment as a Probe of Flavor-Diagonal CP Violation
[2204.03190] Bo Feng, Jianyu Gong, Tingfei Li: Universal Treatment of Reduction for One-Loop Integrals in Projective Space
[2204.03258] Simon Plätzer, Malin Sjodahl: Amplitude Factorization in the Electroweak Standard Model
[2204.03309] Zihang Wang, Lijing Shao: Dark radiation as a probe for phase transition in the early universe
[2204.03370] M. Kishan Singh, S. Robertson Singh, N. Nimai Singh: Active-Sterile neutrino masses and mixings in $A_4$ minimal extended seesaw mechanism
[2204.03430] Amr Abd Al-Rahman Youssef, Gaber Faisel, Hakan Akyildirim: Thermodynamic and cosmological parameters of early stages of the Universe
[2204.03435] Prudhvi N. Bhattiprolu, James D. Wells: The depleted Higgs boson: searches for universal coupling suppression, invisible decays, and mixed-in scalars
[2204.03448] Anshika Bansal, Namit Mahajan: Light Cone Sum Rules and Form Factors for $p\rightarrow e^+ γ$
[2204.03466] Manoj K. Mandal, Pierpaolo Mastrolia, Jonathan Ronca et al.: Two-loop scattering amplitude for heavy-quark pair production through light-quark annihilation in QCD
[2204.03468] P. D. Bolton, S. T. Petcov: Measurements of $μ\to 3e$ Decay with Polarised Muons as a Probe of New Physics
[2204.03510] Alexander Belyaev, Aldo Deandrea, Stefano Moretti et al.: A Fermionic Portal to Vector Dark Matter from a New Gauge Sector
[2204.03599] Felix Kling, Pablo Quílez: Axion Searches at the LHC: FASER as a Light Shining through Walls Experiment
[2204.03608] Jing-Hui Huang, Xiang-Yun Hu, Qi Wang et al.: Influence of light quark loops on the Wigner phase with Dyson-Schwinger equations approach
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in hep-ph on Fri, 8 Apr 22","img":""}
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