Which Type of Eco Community is Right For You?

A vibrant eco community, showcasing diverse living styles, community gardens, and sustainable infrastructure in a harmonious natural setting.

Discover Your Ideal Eco Community

Curious about finding the right eco community that matches your lifestyle? Take our engaging quiz to uncover the type of eco community that resonates with your values and preferences.

In just 18 questions, you'll explore:

  • Your views on urban versus rural living
  • Your feelings about community and shared spaces
  • Your willingness to embrace eco-friendly practices and technology
18 Questions4 MinutesCreated by GreenPathfinder287
How do you feel about suburban/urban living?
I love it! The city is my favourite place to be!
I can't stand it! I want to get as far from the city as possible.
It doesn't really matter where I live, as long as I have access to everything that I need!
How much does community mean to you?
Community is very important to me!
I'm kind of a lone wolf, I never worry much about getting to know my neighbors or co-workers.
Community hasn't been a big part of my life in the past, but I'm willing to give it a try!
How do you feel about the idea of sharing common areas such as laundry rooms, kitchens, or dining halls?
I wouldn't mind it!
I'd prefer to have my own spaces.
Would you be able to give up a majority of imported food to eat primarily locally and in-season?
I already do!
I could never! Imported snacks and produce are a staple in my diet.
I could make it work, as long as I still have access to a few of my favourite treats!
How important is it to you that you own your own home or land?
I don't care about owning property, as long as I have a reliable place to stay.
Owning a home and/or piece of land is very important to me.
How would you prefer to own your assets?
Communally! I believe that sharing everything is the best way to live and build community.
I need to have my own assets, I just wouldn't be comfortable with sharing everything.
I'd be willing to share some things as long as I can keep my own money, home, car, and other essentials.
Do you have any of the following skills?
Home building/renovating
Preparing meals for large groups
Experience installing solar panels, wind turbines, or micro hydropower systems
Experience in waste management
Which access to utilities sounds most ideal to you?
Full, reliable access through connection to local power grid and water systems.
Entirely off-grid, relying only on on-site well water and renewable energy.
I would be okay with a combination of on-grid and off-grid depending on availability and cost.
Would you mind having solar panels installed on your roof?
Nope, I wouldn't mind at all!
I don't really like the look of them, I'd prefer a traditional roof.
I'm not crazy about the idea, but I'd be open to it if it's necessary.
Are you comfortable using composting toilets?
Sure, why not!
Meh, I'll stick to traditional plumbing!
Would you be willing to participate in weekly “chores” such as gardening, maintenance, or community meal preparation?
I would love to! It would feel like I'm part of a strong community.
I'm not really comfortable doing something like that, I'd prefer to focus on things that benefit just myself or my family.
Would you be willing to participate regularly in a community democratic system?
Yes! I would love to play a more direct role in making decisions that impact me.
I would prefer to let those with more knowledge and experience make decisions for me.
I'd like to have a say in major decisions but appoint a council to take care of the less crucial decisions.
How important is it to you that you have the newest, fanciest technology and home appliances?
I've never cared much for having the fanciest technology, I'm fine with whatever is available!
I love having the most convenient, advanced technology in my home. I just couldn't live without!
There's a few pieces of technology that I'd like to have the newest, most advanced version of, but for the rest I'll take whatever I can get.
How do you feel about living in an unconventional-looking house designed for passive heating and made with more sustainable materials?
Sure, why not! As long as the home is comfortable and safe, the appearance doesn't matter to me!
I'd prefer to stick to traditionally built, modern-looking homes.
I wouldn't mind a home built with sustainability in mind, as long as it still looks clean, attractive, and welcoming!
Are you okay with your access to electricity or internet fluctuating depending on time of year or weather conditions?
I could definitely survive without electricity or internet from time to time!
No Netflix? No way! I need to have consistent, reliable electricity and Wi-Fi.
Would you be willing to pay an entrance fee or monthly membership fee to be part of an eco community?
Either would be fine, if it helps support the community then I don't mind paying!
That seems a bit excessive considering I would also have to help with chores.
Would you be willing to participate in hosting eco community-focused visitor and educational programs?
Yes! I would love to help educate the public and drum up support for the community.
I wouldn't feel comfortable with strangers roaming around my community all the time.
I wouldn't mind it happening, but I wouldn't want to host it myself.
If you were to live in an eco community, how would you prefer to spend most of your time?
Working my personal job (either on-site or off-site).
I have no interest in working a personal job, so I would spend most of my time working in the community doing upkeep or participating in a co-op.
I'd like to spend some of my time working a personal job and some of my time working in the community.
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