Topic 15 quiz

What was the name of the economic system that developed during the Industrial Revolution?
When did the industrial revolution start
16th century
Early 17 century
Late 18th century
Late 17th century
What was a main technological advancement that contributed to the Industrial Revolution?
The Train
Printing press
Cotton Gin
The steam engine
What was the famous book Karl Marx wrote
The red book
The declaration of independance
The communist manefesto
What was the famous book written by Samuel Smiles
Hard work
Get up on your own
What was the main goal of labor unions during the Industrial Revolution?
Off on Saturdays
Better working Conditions
Free pizza wensdays
More hours
What was the impact of the Industrial Revolution on the lives of workers in factories?
It helped people get more money
Improved living conditions
Created better education
It created dangerous working conditions
What was a main factors that led to the rise of mass society during the Industrial Revolution?
High population growth
High demand for workers
More money
More rights
What was the name of the British queen who reigned during the Industrial Revolution?
Queen Elizabeth I
Queen Victoria
Queen Mary the III
Queen Victoria II
What was was a big problem during the industrial revolution
Child Labor
Working Conditions
Great Depression
{"name":"Topic 15 quiz", "url":"","txt":"What was the name of the economic system that developed during the Industrial Revolution?, When did the industrial revolution start, What was a main technological advancement that contributed to the Industrial Revolution?","img":""}
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