Jesus' Life to Resurrection Bible Quiz

Create an image depicting a serene scene of Jesus Christ teaching his disciples, with elements of nature around them, such as trees and flowers, conveying a sense of peace and enlightenment.

Jesus' Life to Resurrection Quiz

Test your knowledge about the life of Jesus Christ leading up to his resurrection with our engaging quiz! This quiz is designed for everyone, whether you're a biblical scholar or simply curious about the events that shaped Christian history.

Answer questions about key events, figures, and teachings related to Jesus' final days, including:

  • Significant moments from the Last Supper
  • Jesus' arrest and trial
  • Crucifixion and resurrection
27 Questions7 MinutesCreated by DiscoverTruth721
During the last supper, WHO among Jesus' disciples was absent?
  1. Judas Iscariot
  2. None. All were present.
  3. Simon (Peter)
WHO among the following was not a disciple of Jesus?
  1. Simon (Peter)
  2. Andrew (Brother of Simon)
  3. Simon of Cyrene
  4. Philip
  5. Thomas
WHICH one of the following events never took place during the last supper?
  1. Jesus washed the feet of his disciples
  2. Jesus told his disciples that one of them would betray him
  3. Jesus told Peter that he would deny him three times before dawn
  4. Jesus told his disciples that he wasn't ready for the cross
WHERE was Jesus arrested?
  1. In the Garden of Gethsemane, on the western slopes of Mount Olives
  2. In the Garden of Eden 
  3. In River Jordan 
WHICH sign did Judas use to identify Jesus in order to have him arrested?
  1. He pointed at him
  2. He shouted out his name 
  3. He went close to him and kissed him 
WHO's ear was chopped off by one of Jesus' disciples during his arrest?
  1. Meshack
  2. Bartholomew
  3. Malchus 
WHERE was Jesus taken immediately after he was arrested?
  1. Before the Sanhedrin 
  2. Before Pontius Pilate 
  3. Before the Herod Antipas
WHAT's the name of the High Priest who plotted to have Jesus arrested, and equally actively lobbied to have him killed?
  1. Herod Antipas
  2. Joseph Caiaphas 
HOW did Judas spend the 30 pieces of silver coins he was paid to hand over Jesus Christ to Priests and Elders?
  1. He purchased a parcel of land with them
  2. He eventually returned the coins to the chief priests, but they refused to accept them, so he threw the coins in the temple and he went away in grief and guilt because he had betrayed Jesus 
  3. He bought some candy 
WHO said "Before the cock crowed, I had denied my master three times?
  1. Judas
  2. Peter
  3. Thomas
WHICH ruler gave the final orders for Jesus' crucifixion?
  1. Pontius Pilate
  2. Herod Antipas
  3. The Sanhedrin
  4. The High Priest 
WHO was the name of the notorious robber that was freed in place of Jesus Christ?
  1. Abimalech
  2. Malchus
  3. Solomon
  4. Barabbas
After Jesus had been arrested, WHICH one of the following events never took place?
  1. He was accused of claiming to be the Messiah
  2. He was flogged with several strokes of the cane
  3. He was forgiven and set free
  4. He was forced to carry his own cross to mount Golgotha
  5. He was eventually crucified on the cross
WHAT's the name of the Roman Emperor whose rule witnessed Jesus Christ sentenced to death?
  1. Tiberius 
  2. Augustus
  3. Pontius Pilate
WHICH one below best describes the order of Christ's movement during his trial?
  1. He was first taken before the Sanhedrin, then to Pontius Pilate, and then to Herod Antipas, and finally back to Pontius Pilate.
  2. He was first taken before the Sanhedrin, then to Herod Antipas, and then to Pontius Pilate. 
  3. He was taken before Pilate, then to the Sanhedrin, and then to Herod Antipas.
HOW best did early Christians describe Herod Antipas?
  1. He was the man who ordered for the beheading of John the Baptist.
  2. He truly loved Christians.
True of False, the trial of Jesus Christ helped Herod Antipas, and Pontius Pilate to become friends, given that they had lived as sworn enemies?
  1. TRUE
  2. FALSE 
WHAT was the position of Pontius Pilate during the trial of Jesus?
  1. He was a Roman Governor (the fifth one), who was serving under Emperor Tiberius.
  2. He was a Chief Priest. 
As Jesus embarked on the journey to Golgotha, the Roman Soldiers met a man who was coming from the country side and forced him to carry Jesus' cross. WHAT's the name of that man?
  1. Joseph of Arimathae
  2. Simon of Cyrene
The man who was forced to carry the cross of Jesus had two children. WHAT were the names of his two children?
  1. Thomas and Milka
  2. Alexandria and Rufus 
Jesus was crucified...thieves? WHAT goes between the blanks.
  1. between two
  2. together with four
  3. together with three
  4. in the midst of five
WHICH one of the below events NEVER took place immediately: Jesus Christ surrendered his spirit to God at the cross?
  1. The curtain at the temple was split into two, from top to bottom
  2. There was an earth tremor
  3. Tombs broke open
  4. The centurion, who was in charge of his crucifixion eventually admitted that Jesus Christ was truly the son of God
  5. There was no earth tremor
WHAT was the name of the man who requested to have the body of Jesus lowered in the evening of Friday in honor of the next day; The Holy Sabbath?
  1. James
  2. Simon Peter
  3. Joseph of Arimathae
WHICH one of the below doesn't describe the man who requested to have the body of Jesus Christ lowered from the cross to enable him burry the body at his own Tomb?
  1. He was a secret disciple of Jesus who was waiting for the Kingdom of God.
  2. He was a rich man
  3. He was a respected member of the council 
  4. He was a poor man 
WHO was the first person to see the resurrected Christ?
  1. Mary Magdalene
  2. Simon (Peter)
  3. Thomas
Jesus Ascended to heaven...His disciples. WHAT goes in the space.
  1. In the presence of
  2. Together with 
  3. In the absence of 
When Jesus was finally ascending to heaven, WHO among his disciples was absent?
  1. Peter
  2. Judas
  3. Thomas 
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