Procrastination Quiz

Read the following statements carefully and respond as to how much you can relate to them. There are no right or wrong answers so answer as truthfully as possible.
Very Often
I find myself performing tasks that I had planned days before.
I find myself doing my work at the last minute of the deadline.
I make delays in making decisions.
I wait to begin a task until I am in the right mood
I start a task and then lose my motivation
I find myself saying “I will do it tomorrow” and then forgetting about doing it
I put off tasks that require me to step outside my comfort zone
I spend more time making detailed plans and schedules than actually working on tasks
I come up with excuses for not starting or completing tasks
Sometimes i put off doing tasks because I find them difficult to do
{"name":"Procrastination Quiz", "url":"","txt":"Hey there! Welcome to this course on procrastination. Take this small quiz to identify how much you procrastinate!!, Read the following statements carefully and respond as to how much you can relate to them. There are no right or wrong answers so answer as truthfully as possible.","img":""}
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