Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in nlin on Tue, 11 May 21
[2105.03685] Bertin Many Manda: Nonlinear dynamics and chaos in multidimensional disordered Hamiltonian systems
[2105.03894] Can Xu, Xiaohuan Tang, Huaping Lü et al.: Collective dynamics of heterogeneously and nonlinearly coupled phase oscillators
[2105.04010] Malgorzata J. Krawczyk, Krzysztof Kulakowski, Zdzislaw Burda: Towards the Heider balance -- a cellular automaton with a global neighborhood
[2105.04081] Farzad Shafiei Dizaji, Mehrdad Shafiei Dizaji: A Novel Smart Memory Alloy Re-centering Damper for Passive Protection of Structures Subjected to Seismic Excitations Using High-Performance NiTiHfPd Material
[2105.04202] Dirk Hennig, Nikos I. Karachalios, Jesus Cuevas-Maraver: The closeness of localised structures between the Ablowitz-Ladik lattice and Discrete Nonlinear Schrödinger equations II: Generalised AL and DNL...
[2105.04412] Justin Faber, Dolores Bozovic: Chimera states and frequency clustering in systems of coupled inner-ear hair cells
[2105.04457] Nathaniel J. Fuller, Surajit Sen: Quasi-stable Localized Excitations in the β-Fermi Pasta Ulam Tsingou System
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in nlin on Tue, 11 May 21","img":""}
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