Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in gr-qc on Fri, 24 Dec 21
[2112.12159] Mark P. Hertzberg, Jacob A. Litterer: Bound on Quantum Fluctuations in Gravitational Waves from LIGO
[2112.12235] David Wallace: Quantum Gravity at Low Energies
[2112.12265] Barry Wardell, Adam Pound, Niels Warburton et al.: Gravitational waveforms for compact binaries from second-order self-force theory
[2112.12282] J. A.S. Lima, J. Santos: Tolman-Ehrenfest-Klein Law in non-Riemannian geometries
[2112.12293] David Matejov, Jiri Podolsky: Extremal isolated horizons with $Λ$ and the related unique type D black holes
[2112.12309] Mehdi Shokri, Jafar Sadeghi, Ramón Herrera et al.: Warm inflation with bulk viscous pressure for different solutions of an anisotropic universe
[2112.12319] Stephen L. Adler, Kyle Singh: A One-Dimensional Model for Star Formation Near a "Leaky" Black Hole
[2112.12335] Chul-Moon Yoo, Tomohiro Harada, Shin'ichi Hirano et al.: Primordial black hole formation from massless scalar isocurvature
[2112.12381] Franco Fiorini, Andronikos Paliathanasis: Role of the remnant symmetries in gravitational theories based on absolute parallelism: a 2D standpoint
[2112.12481] Juan Calderón Bustillo, Samson H.W. Leong, Koustav Chandra et al.: GW190521 as a black-hole merger coincident with the ZTF19abanrhr flare
[2112.12491] Stephen L. Adler: Mechanism by which a "leaky" black hole can catalyze galaxy formation
[2112.12504] Léo-Paul Euvé, Germain Rousseaux: Non-linear Processes and Stimulated Hawking Radiation in Hydrodynamics for Decelerating Subcritical Free Surface Flows with a Subluminal Dispersion Relation
[2112.12518] Jitendra Kumar, Puja Bharti: The classification of interior anisotropic fluid solutions
[2112.12519] O. Ruiz, E. Tuiran: Non-Perturbative Quantum Correction to the Reissner-Nordström spacetime with Running Newton's Constant
[2112.12523] Wei Xiong, Peng Liu, Cheng-Yong Zhang et al.: Quasi-normal modes of the Einstein-Maxwell-aether Black Hole
[2112.12543] Bernard Raffaelli: Hidden conformal symmetry on the black hole photon sphere
[2112.12599] Fulvio Melia: A Measurement of the Cosmic Expansion Within our Lifetime
[2112.12659] Jam Sadiq, Thomas Dent, Daniel Wysocki: Flexible and Fast Estimation of Binary Merger Population Distributions with Adaptive KDE
[2112.12677] Luca Marchetti, Daniele Oriti: Effective dynamics of scalar cosmological perturbations from quantum gravity
[2112.12701] Marco de Cesare, Edward Wilson-Ewing: Interacting dark sector from unimodular gravity: cosmological perturbations with no instability
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in gr-qc on Fri, 24 Dec 21","img":""}
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