Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in hep-th on Thu, 14 Apr 22
[2204.06009] Xin Gao, Arthur Hebecker, Simon Schreyer et al.: Loops, Local Corrections and Warping in the LVS and other Type IIB Models
[2204.06015] Jaydeep Kumar Basak, Debarshi Basu, Vinay Malvimat et al.: Reflected Entropy and Entanglement Negativity for Holographic Moving Mirrors
[2204.06018] Jorge G. Russo: Phantoms and strange attractors in cosmology
[2204.06057] R. R. S. Oliveira, G. Alencar, R. R. Landim: The noncommutative quantum Hall effect with anomalous magnetic moment in three different relativistic scenarios
[2204.06073] J. Fernando Barbero G., Bogar Díaz, Juan Margalef-Bentabol et al.: Edge observables of the Maxwell-Chern-Simons theory
[2204.06194] Jarah Evslin: Form Factors for Meson-Kink Scattering
[2204.06342] Jean-François Vaduret: On the holographic domain-wall/cosmology correspondence and scalar one-point functions
[2204.06366] Pak Hang Chris Lau, Chen-Te Ma: Emergence of Time from Unitary Equivalence
[2204.06391] Osamu Fukushima, Kentaroh Yoshida: Chaotic instability in the BFSS matrix model
[2204.06424] So Matsuura, Kazutoshi Ohta: Kazakov-Migdal model on the Graph and Ihara Zeta Function
[2204.06448] Marija Dimitrijević Ćirić, Nikola Konjik, Voja Radovanović et al.: $L_\infty$-algebra of braided electrodynamics
[2204.06462] Abhijit Gadde, Trakshu Sharma: A Scattering Amplitude for Massive Particles in AdS
[2204.06472] Vaibhav Gautam, Masanori Hanada, Antal Jevicki et al.: Matrix Entanglement
[2204.06495] Michele Del Zotto, Iñaki García Etxebarria: Global Structures from the Infrared
[2204.06506] Kilian Bönisch, Mohamed Elmi, Amir-Kian Kashani-Poor et al.: Time reversal and $\boldsymbol{CP}$ invariance in Calabi-Yau compactifications
[2204.06547] Tim Adamo, John Joseph M. Carrasco, Mariana Carrillo-González et al.: Snowmass White Paper: the Double Copy and its Applications
[2204.06554] Gleb A. Kotousov, Sylvain Lacroix, Jörg Teschner: Integrable sigma models at RG fixed points: quantisation as affine Gaudin models
[2204.06556] Stavros Mougiakakos, Massimiliano Maria Riva, Filippo Vernizzi: Gravitational Bremsstrahlung with tidal effects in the post-Minkowskian expansion
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in hep-th on Thu, 14 Apr 22","img":""}
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