What type of Goodmaker are you?

This is a fun, quick quiz to help you determine what kind of goodmaker you are or could be.
Goodmakers Society is place where people can come to be supported in their goodmaking endeavors. If you enjoy this quiz, or want to find out more about us - we'd love to hear form you. 
There are no right or wrong answers, just make sure you read all of them then choose the one that is MOST like you.
*FYI If you are doing on a phone, turn the screen to landscape.
This is a fun, quick quiz to help you determine what kind of goodmaker you are or could be.
Goodmakers Society is place where people can come to be supported in their goodmaking endeavors. If you enjoy this quiz, or want to find out more about us - we'd love to hear form you. 
There are no right or wrong answers, just make sure you read all of them then choose the one that is MOST like you.
*FYI If you are doing on a phone, turn the screen to landscape.
I want people to...
Use their purchasing power for change
Be positively impacted by the organisation/business I work for
Channel their frustrations towards justice and change
Commit time and/or money to my cause
Commit to one another and find meaning in life
Feel good about being my customer/employee/supplier
My ideas are mostly about...
The good business can do for society
Ways to engage a community in soulwork
Projects that help those that can't help themselves
How to speak truth to power and mobilise others to do the same
How my organisation can stay impactful and relevant
Enterprise solving social/environmental problems
I need funding for my idea so I'll...
Do an online crowd funder for pre-sales
Ask my community to help with the costs
Organise a fundraising dinner/race/raffle
Create an awesome pitch-deck for potential investors
Draw up a business case and pitch it to my boss/budget holder
Convince my friends and family to pitch in because it's the right thing to do
Collaboration looks like...
Great partnerships with purpose
Persuasion, compromising and team work to get things done
Hundreds (or thousands) of people joining the cause
People joining together to meet a great need
People coming together to care for each other
Exchanging ideas with other businesses and customers
The best way to do good is...
Leverage the power of exchange (buying and selling) to impact people/environment
Work for an organisation that has a healthy budget and great reputation
Run a charity that puts as much money to a good cause as possible
Change minds, change policies and change the law
Do more good than harm while running a successful business
To not ignore your soul or sense of calling
My attitude to money is...
I'm uneasy about big profits but I need it to make good things happen
I can manage a budget but not sure how to make money
People that have it have a responsibility to do good with it
It is the root of all the worlds problems
I enjoy making money, there is no shame in that.
Um yeah, not a priority, I can find ways to do what I do without it
My partner in crime (my No. 2) needs to be...
A compassionate numbers/finance person
A resilient team player
A rally crier/gutsy protester
An excellent fundraiser
An intuitive people person
Gifted operational director
My way to make good is...
Empower people to help themselves
Helping an existing organisation maximise impact
Get people demanding change on an issue that they can't be ignored
To meet needs that governments and businesses can't
Demonstrating an alternative way of life in community with others
To provide meaningful, dignified, fairly paid work
If you raised £1m for your idea what would you do?
See it as massive affirmation that this is a good idea and I am the person to do it
Do a happy dance and hope it means a pay rise
Try to find match funding
Spend it on professional PR, social media campaigns, quality films and visuals
Set up a trust and let the community decide how to spend it
Invest the funds in the business in order to secure its future and protect jobs
Great communication looks like...
Demonstrating a clear connection between product and purpose
Keeping your boss and colleagues happy and on board with change
A viral media campaign that people can't stop talking about
A inspirational and transparent impact report
People knowing why they are committed to each other and their community
A friendly newsletter to customers that leads to an increase in sales
If I'm successful...
I'll have competitors
I'll be the CEO one day
Celebrate. Then find another cause to fight for
I will leave the world a better place than when I found it
People I know will know peace, hope and abundance
I'll start franchising
Creative use of resources means...
Leveraging, bartering and borrowing
Moving around pots of money to find a budget
Making an original award winning campaign
Every £1 spent on a fundraising leads to £50 in donations
Never feeling scarcity
Reinvesting profits in ideas for the company and the community
{"name":"What type of Goodmaker are you?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"This is a fun, quick quiz to help you determine what kind of goodmaker you are or could be.   Goodmakers Society is place where people can come to be supported in thier goodmaking endeavors. If you enjoy this quiz, or hate this quiz or want to find out more about us - we'd love to hear form you. Honestly, even if you hate it.   All the answers are good, just make sure you read all of them then choose the one that is MOST like you.   *FYI If you are doing on a phone, turn the screen to landscape., I want people to..., My ideas are mostly about...","img":"https://cdn.poll-maker.com/57-2281342/quiz-image-3-.png?sz=1200-00000010841000005300"}
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