Ahimsa and Satyagraha quiz

Create an image of a peaceful protest inspired by Mahatma Gandhi, showing people marching with signs promoting peace and non-violence, set against a natural landscape with symbolic elements like doves or olive branches.

Explore Ahimsa and Satyagraha

Test your knowledge on the principles of Ahimsa and Satyagraha, pivotal concepts in Gandhi's philosophy of non-violence and civil rights. This quiz will challenge your understanding of these important topics.

  • Multiple choice, text, and checkbox questions
  • Covering historical events, methods, and philosophies
  • Engaging and informative for all ages
8 Questions2 MinutesCreated by WalkingTruth158
To Gandhi, what was ahimsa was the belief of?
The refusal to harm others
The truth
Willingness for self-sacrifice
Why is it called the salt march?
Gandhi sprinkled salt on the path on the way to protest how Indians were restricted to only very little salt. At the end they all picked up the salt and threw it at the British
Because it was a direct action campaign of tax resistance and nonviolent protest against the British salt monopoly and during the march Gandhi broke the British Raj salt laws.
The sandwiches they ate on the way were filled with salt and butter
The Indians believed salt gave people heart attacks, heart faliure and kidney disease, so they marched to stop it being sold
The salt march sounded better than the pepper march
When did the salt march take place?
January - February 1929
March - May 1935
March - May 1930
November 2019 - Monday 2016
March - April 1956
March - September 1903
15 April 1912
March - April 1930
June - July 1999
According to Gandhi Love is the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Which of these methods do Extinction Rebellion use when protesting?
Block roads
Block bridges
Dance when arrested
Lick the police
Go floppy when arrested
Throw things
Attempt to fly when arrested
How far did the Indians march during the salt march?
1,000,000 miles
240 meters
240 miles
1,000,000, meters
As far as Gandhi would let them go
How ever far away the nearest salt mine was
How many people marched in the salt march
What language is Satyagraha in?
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