Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in astro-ph on Tue, 26 Apr 22
[2204.10859] Emma Shen, Dominic Anstey, Eloy de Lera Acedo et al.: Bayesian Data Analysis for Sky-averaged 21-cm Experiments in the Presence of Ionospheric Effects
[2204.10860] Barabanov A. L., Belotsky K. M., Esipova E. A. Et al.: On Quantum and Classical Treatments of Radiative Recombination
[2204.10863] Beryl Hovis-Afflerbach, W. Dean Pesnell: Two New Methods for Counting and Tracking the Evolution of Polar Faculae
[2204.10864] J. C. Rastinejad, B. P. Gompertz, A. J. Levan et al.: A Kilonova Following a Long-Duration Gamma-Ray Burst at 350 Mpc
[2204.10866] W. D'Arcy Kenworthy, Adam G. Riess, Daniel Scolnic et al.: Measurements of the Hubble Constant with a Two Rung Distance Ladder: Two Out of Three Ain't Bad
[2204.10867] Junkai Zhang, Stijn Wuyts, Callum Witten et al.: 3D intrinsic shapes of quiescent galaxies in observations and simulations
[2204.10870] Sebastian Heinz: On the relative importance of AGN winds for the evolution of exoplanet atmospheres
[2204.10871] Wenwen Zheng, Xuechun Chen, Guoliang Li et al.: An Improved GPU-Based Ray-Shooting Code For Gravitational Microlensing
[2204.10892] Sara Rezaei Kh., Jouni Kainulainen: 3D shape explains star formation mystery of California and Orion A
[2204.10910] S. Fijma, J. Van den Eijnden, N. Degenaar et al.: Evaluating the jet/accretion coupling of Aql X-1: probing the contribution of accretion flow spectral components
[2204.10919] Monica R. Vidaurri, Sandra T. Bastelberger, Eric T. Wolf et al.: The Outer Edge of the Venus Zone Around Main-Sequence Stars
[2204.10953] Yuanhong Qu, Pawan Kumar, Bing Zhang: Transparency of Fast Radio Burst Waves in Magnetar Magnetospheres
[2204.11009] Vishnu Varma, Bernhard Mueller, Fabian R. N. Schneider: 3D Simulations of Strongly Magnetised Non-Rotating Supernovae: Explosion Dynamics and Remnant Properties
[2204.11034] Anil Kumar, Vivek Baruah Thapa, Monika Sinha: Compact star merger events with stars composed of interacting strange quark matter
[2204.11056] Hélène Szegedi, Philip A. Charles, Pieter J. Meintjes et al.: Transient behavior of three SU UMa-type dwarf novae; AR Pic, QW Ser and V521 Peg
[2204.11059] Ya. S. Markus, B. E. Zhilyaev: Optical Flare Search on the RS CVn-type flare stars AR Lacertae
[2204.11064] Jundan Nie, Hao Tian, Jing Li et al.: Searching Extra-tidal Features around the Globular Cluster Whiting 1
[2204.11077] Kris Walker, Daniel J. Reardon, Eric Thrane et al.: Orbital dynamics and extreme scattering event properties from long-term scintillation observations of PSR J1603-7202
[2204.11086] Johanna Müller-Horn, Gabriele Pichierri, Bertram Bitsch: Emerging population of gap-opening planets around type-A stars -- Long-term evolution of the forming planets around HD 163296
[2204.11092] Zhen-Dong Zhang, Yun-Wei Yu, Liang-Duan Liu: The effects of a magnetar engine on the gamma-ray burst-associated supernovae: Application to double-peaked SN 2006aj
[2204.11103] Santiago Avila, Adrian Gutierrez Adame: Validating galaxy clustering models with Fixed & Paired and Matched-ICs simulations: application to Primordial Non-Gaussianities
[2204.11110] E. I. Podlesnyi, T. A. Dzhatdoev, V. I. Galkin: Constraints on the extragalactic magnetic field strength from blazar spectra based on 145 months of Fermi-LAT observations
[2204.11136] Aristeidis Voulgaris, Christophoros Mouratidis, Andreas Vossinakis et al.: Renumbering of the Antikythera Mechanism Saros cells, resulting from the Saros spiral mechanical apokatastasis
[2204.11160] Leya Bai, Jing Zhong, Li Chen et al.: Discovery of extended structure around open cluster COIN-Gaia 13 based on Gaia EDR3
[2204.11215] Z. L. Wen, J. L. Han: Clusters of galaxies up to z=1.5 identified from photometric data of the Dark Energy Survey and unWISE
[2204.11222] Ling-Da Kong, Shu Zhang, Long Ji et al.: Phase dependent evolution within large luminosity range of 1A 0535+262 observed by Insight-HXMT during 2020 giant outburst
[2204.11268] Jounghun Lee, Jun-Sung Moon: Merger Effects on the Spin and Shape Alignments of Galaxy Stellar, Cold and Hot Gas, and Dark Matter Components
[2204.11281] N. Carrasco, J. Bourgalais, L. Vettier et al.: A missing link in the nitrogen-rich organic chain on Titan
[2204.11358] Andreia Carrillo, Melissa K. Ness, Keith Hawkins et al.: The relationship between age, metallicity, and abundances for disk stars in a simulated Milky Way galaxy
[2204.11378] Cheongho Han, Andrew Gould, Doeon Kim et al.: KMT-2021-BLG-1898: Planetary microlensing event involved with binary source stars
[2204.11383] Cheongho Han, Doeon Kim, Hongjing Yang et al.: KMT-2021-BLG-0240: Microlensing event with a deformed planetary signal
[2204.11392] H. Shim, D. Lee, Y. Kim et al.: Multi-wavelength properties of 850-$μ$m selected sources from the North Ecliptic Pole SCUBA-2 survey
[2204.11413] Boquan Chen, Michael R. Hayden, Sanjib Sharma et al.: Chemical Evolution with Radial Mixing Redux: Extending beyond the Solar Neighborhood
[2204.11414] Min-Young Lee, Friedrich Wyrowski, Karl Menten et al.: ATLASGAL-selected massive clumps in the inner Galaxy. X. Observations of atomic carbon at 492 GHz
[2204.11474] Y. Ichinohe, S. Yamada, R. Hayakawa et al.: Application of deep learning to the evaluation of goodness in the waveform processing of transition-edge sensor calorimeters
[2204.11486] Mathieu Servillat: Provenance of astronomical data
[2204.11507] Sveva Castello, Nastassia Grimm, Camille Bonvin: Rescuing constraints on modified gravity through relativistic distortions in large-scale structure
[2204.11530] Maryam Torki, Mahdieh Navabi, Atefeh Javadi et al.: From evolved Long-Period-Variable stars to the evolution of M31
[2204.11539] Thibaut Paumard, Anna Ciurlo, Mark R. Morris et al.: Regularized 3D spectroscopy with CubeFit: method and application to the Galactic Center Circumnuclear disk
[2204.11555] Madelyn Broome, Oliver Shorttle, Mihkel Kama et al.: Iceline Variations Driven by Protoplanetary Disc Gaps
[2204.11579] Marvin Blank, Andrea V. Macciò, Xi Kang et al.: NIHAO XXVII: Crossing the green valley
[2204.11608] Enrique Gaztanaga: How the Big Bang Ends up Inside a Black Hole
[2204.11614] Vera Dobos, András Haris, Inga E. E. Kamp et al.: A target list for searching for habitable exomoons
[2204.11637] Andrzej A. Zdziarski, Lukasz Stawarz, Marek Sikora et al.: A simple analytical model of magnetic jets
[2204.11648] Y-B. Wang, Z-G. Wen, R. Yuen et al.: The Multiple Images of the Plasma Lensing FRB
[2204.11663] Almog Yalinewich, Ue-Li Pen: The Moving Mirror model for Fast Radio Bursts
[2204.11684] Joel C. Allred, Graham S. Kerr, A. Gordon Emslie: Solar Flare Heating with Turbulent Suppression of Thermal Conduction
[2204.11685] P. Schöfer, S. V. Jeffers, A. Reiners et al.: The CARMENES search for exoplanets around M dwarfs. Rotational variation in activity indicators of Ross 318, YZ CMi, TYC 3529-1437-1, and EV Lac
[2204.11687] Agata Karska, Maciej Koprowski, Aleksandra Solarz et al.: A census of young stellar objects in two line-of-sight star forming regions toward IRAS 22147+5948 in the outer Galaxy
[2204.11703] Oleg Malkov, Dana Kovaleva, Aleksandr Zhukov et al.: Theoretical Mass-Luminosity Relations in Gaia G-Band
[2204.11704] Georgios Tsirvoulis, Mikael Granvik, Athanasia Toliou: SHINeS: Space and High-Irradiance Near-Sun Simulator
[2204.11715] R. H. Leike, G. Edenhofer, J. Knollmüller et al.: The Galactic 3D large-scale dust distribution via Gaussian process regression on spherical coordinates
[2204.11722] Yu Xu, Hui Tian, Zhenyong Hou et al.: Sun-as-a-star spectroscopic observations of the line-of-sight velocity of a solar eruption on October 28, 2021
[2204.11729] Quentin Changeat, Billy Edwards, Ahmed F. Al-Refaie et al.: Five key exoplanet questions answered via the analysis of 25 hot Jupiter atmospheres in eclipse
[2204.11730] K.Belczynski, Z.Doctor, M.Zevin et al.: Black hole - black hole total merger mass and the origin of LIGO/Virgo sources
[2204.11746] M. I. Jones, J. Milli, I. Blanchard et al.: SPHERE adaptive optics performance for faint targets
[2204.11759] Katie A. Crotts, Zachary H. Draper, Brenda C. Matthews et al.: A Multi-Wavelength Study of the Highly Asymmetrical Debris Disk Around HD 111520
[2204.11767] Alshaimaa Hassanin, Bernhard Kliem, Norbert Seehafer et al.: A Model of Homologous Confined and Ejective Eruptions Involving Kink Instability and Flux Cancellation
[2204.11803] Abel L. Peirson, Ioannis Liodakis, Roger W. Romani: Testing High-Energy Emission Models for Blazars with X-ray Polarimetry
[2204.11821] K. Meinke, D.M. Stam, P.M. Visser: Exoplanet Cartography using Convolutional Neural Networks
[2204.11825] Kateryna Frantseva, David Nesvorn{ý}, Michael Mueller et al.: Exogenous delivery of water to Mercury
[2204.11831] Sven Heydenreich, Benjamin Brück, Pierre Burger et al.: Persistent homology in cosmic shear II: A tomographic analysis of DES-Y1
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in astro-ph on Tue, 26 Apr 22","img":""}
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